A crock-pot is a household appliance that functions as a mini-stove, pressure cooker, etc. Using it, the consumer will be able to cook a variety of products. At the same time, all dishes will be useful, because in the cooking process you will practically not need to use oils, and all components will retain their useful properties.
Each housewife has such a device in her kitchen, and below we will talk about the features of using this device and the dishes that can be prepared with it.
Features of cooking in a slow cooker
The content of the article
- Features of cooking in a slow cooker
- What can be quickly cooked in a slow cooker
- What can I bake in a slow cooker
- What can be cooked in a slow cooker
- The best recipes
- Product Safety
Most multicookers have several cooking modes at once. The consumer needs to set the right one, starting from the selected recipe. Among the available modes, one can distinguish such as:
- Cooking;
- Frying;
- Quenching;
- Steaming;
- Baking, etc.
In addition, for each dish you will need to set the cooking time. As a rule, about 20 minutes are enough for vegetables provided they are sliced correctly. Cooking cereals takes from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the cereal chosen. Well, cooking meat will take about 1-2 hours. Everything will depend on its variety and age.
Almost any recipe can be adapted to a slow cooker, but the main thing is to cook the products correctly. So, the meat will need to be freed from fat. Otherwise, the capacity of the device will simply be filled with fatty sauce, which will take away the taste of your dish. And you will need to salt the meat before laying it in the device, while not just sprinkling it with spice, but rubbing it well on all sides.
But the side dishes are better prepared separately from meat dishes, due to the fact that the time of their preparation will vary significantly. It is best to cook meat, and then place the porridge in the remaining liquid in the container and make a delicious side dish. True, there were some exceptions. For example, chicken and rice can be cooked at the same time. The same goes for potatoes.
There is also a useful secret when cooking baking with this appliance. Most housewives have difficulty at the time of removal of the cooked cake from the mold. But, breaks in the culinary masterpiece can be avoided.
All that is needed is to leave a delicious pie for 10-15 minutes and let it cool. And then we take a large dish, and turn the thicket on it. Baking will jump to the tank without any problems. But this will happen only if you have not forgotten to grease the walls of the baking container with oil.
In addition, most multicookers have a time delay function. It is especially relevant for those who need to cook porridge for breakfast for children or prepare dinner for the arrival of the household from work, and there is absolutely no time for this. Also, multicookers also have a heating function, which allows you to leave the dish hot until it is removed from the device.
Before cooking, a little lubrication of the containers with vegetable or butter is necessary. This contributes to the creation of an economical effect of languishing products, which is why all vitamins and other beneficial properties are preserved in the products.
What can be quickly cooked in a slow cooker
Perhaps each of us was faced with a situation where sudden guests should come. And, of course, they need to be treated with delicious dishes. Or maybe you just don’t want to bother, and want to cook a yummy quickie. In this situation, quick recipes for a slow cooker will help you.
Navy pasta.
We will need:
- -250 grams of minced meat;
- 350 grams of pasta;
- Bulb;
- Spices to taste.
For cooking, we send the minced meat to the multicooker capacity, send the onion there and fry for 10 minutes, setting the “frying” mode. Then we fall asleep pasta, send spices to them, pour them with boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Mix the ingredients and the dish is ready to eat.
Potatoes with ham.
We prepare such products:
- 0.5 kg of potatoes;
- 200 gr ham;
- Bulb;
- Some tomatoes;
- 1 chili pepper
- 3 garlic cloves;
- Spices to taste.
Cut the onion in half rings, set the mode to “frying” and fry for 5 minutes. Then add the ham, diced, to the onion, and after a few minutes we add the same sliced potatoes. We fry for 10 minutes, and then remove the container, wipe it, set the “double boiler” mode to 150 degrees and cook for a quarter of an hour. Add chopped tomatoes (4-6 pieces, depending on size), chili pepper and crushed garlic, and prepare the dish before turning off the slow cooker.
What can I bake in a slow cooker
In the slow cooker you can bake a lot of delicious cakes, bread, rolls, etc. And below we decided to introduce two delicious and quick to cook pies.
Condensed milk pie.
For cooking, take:
- 100 g of wheat flour;
- 2 eggs;
- 1/3 cup sugar;
- 100 ml of milk;
- 100 grams of condensed milk;
- A handful of raisins;
- A pinch of vanillin and baking powder.
At the first stage, beat eggs with sugar until fluffy, and then add milk to the bowl and mix well. Add the boiled condensed milk and put the mixer in motion. Then we fill in vanillin and baking powder, add flour and mix. The output should be a mass similar to orange sour cream. Add raisins and bake a cake for 40 minutes.
Yogurt cupcake.
For cooking you will need:
- 150 ml of yogurt;
- 50 grams of cottage cheese;
- 2 tbsp. l oatmeal;
- Egg;
- 3 tablespoons of sugar;
- Banana;
- A pinch of baking powder;
- Flour 100 gr.;
- A bit of butter and vegetable oil.
Mix yogurt with cereal, after 10 minutes add sugar, egg and beat until smooth. After adding the cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, mix thoroughly and pour the baking powder with sifted flour. Mix thoroughly, add the banana and send to the form oiled with butter. Bake for an hour.
What can be cooked in a slow cooker
The presented household appliance combines many functions, which allows you to cook not only second courses and desserts, but also first courses. With the help of a slow cooker you can cook a delicious and rich soup, a variety of soups, etc. The recipe will be the same as when cooking on a gas stove. The only thing is that you need to set the desired mode, and then enjoy the incredible taste of the cooked dish.
The best recipes
Boiled pork.
Cooking time 2.5 hours. We will need:
- 1 kg of pork;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- Pepper, salt and other spices to taste.
Important! To prepare this dish, you don’t need to make excessive efforts, and the result is a tasty meat that can be eaten not only hot but also cold.
First, prepare the marinade. Rub garlic on a fine grater, add olive oil and spices to it, and then let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Then we rub the meat with the marinade, put it in a container, cover with a film and place in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
After this time, we take out the meat, rub it with a little salt, tie it with twine, wrap it with foil and send it to the slow cooker for 2 hours, setting the “baking” mode. Everything, delicious meat from the multicooker is ready to serve.
The cooking time is 1 hour, and for it we will need:
- 500 grams of chicken;
- 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
- 1 large onion;
- Sunflower oil;
- Spices and herbs to taste.
We cut the chicken into pieces of 1 cm, send it to the capacity of the multicooker and add a little oil. Then cut the onions into cubes and send to the chicken, sprinkling it with red pepper. In the “baking” mode, fry the dish for 10 minutes, add tomato paste and a little water, after which we turn on the “stewing” mode for 45 minutes. Everything, the dish is ready, bon appetit!
Steam Chinese Buns.
It will take no more than an hour to cook, and as for the ingredients, we need to prepare:
- 230 grams of flour;
- 15 grams of corn starch;
- 50 grams of sugar;
- A pinch of dry yeast;
- A glass of milk;
- Cocoa - 8 grams.
In the first step, mix the flour with starch, then pour the warm milk and mix well. Add vegetable oil - 15 ml, and knead sticky dough. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Add flour to one (1 tbsp. l.) and thoroughly knead. Let the dough rest for about 8 minutes.
In the second part, add cocoa, and knead until a uniform color. Roll both dough into a thin layer, and put the brown dough inside the white, and then spin the roll. We cut it into identical buns, and send it to the slow cooker for 25 minutes, activating the “steamed” mode. All buns are ready, and you can please the kids and other household members with a delicious dessert!
Product Safety
First of all, you must be guided by the instructions attached to the device, as well as the following safety measures.
- The appliance must be installed at least a meter from the stove.
- Direct sunlight is not recommended.
- Make sure that the heating element is not wet. If moisture gets on it, the entire device may fail.
- Do not try to use foreign containers that are not included in the kit for cooking.
- It is strictly forbidden to include an empty slow cooker.
- Do not overload the bowl.
- It is not recommended to stir the dishes during cooking with metal spoons and spatulas. For these purposes, you need to use silicone devices.
Only following the indicated rules, you can enjoy the stable operation of the multicooker for a long time and delight the household with delicious dishes!