How to make a whistle for a teapot with your own hands: from metal, cork or a children's toy; fix a broken whistle

WhistleIn this article you will learn about an interesting and for some reason forgotten accessory for dummies: a whistle, why it is needed, how to use it and how it can be made at home. A whistle is needed in order to know when the water has boiled. Everyone should evaluate the function of the whistle, which allows all people who use electric kettles to find out when the water begins to boil. But it so happens that there is no whistle on the new kettle, or it is broken.

Do-it-yourself whistle for a kettle

The content of the article

  • Do-it-yourself whistle for a kettle
    • Metal whistle
    • Cork
    • From a toy whistle
  • How to fix a whistle if it breaks

There are many ways to make a whistle for dummies at home. For this, a little free time, materials and, of course, desire are enough. Let's analyze the most interesting ways.

Metal whistle

Bird whistleIn form, it will resemble a short cylinder. The upper part can take a different design. First of all, metal without signs of corrosion should be taken. After that, you can proceed to the following actions:

instagram viewer
  1. Cut two circles and a rectangle for the cylinder;
  2. Combine these details into a whole.
Sectional whistle diagramDisassembled whistle


You can also make an excellent whistle for the teapot with your own hands, using only ordinary corks, with which you close the bottles of lemonade or water daily. To do this, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Take two plugs and connect them into one;
  2. Cut a hole with a diameter of 3 mm.

Be careful when using this method, you need to make an extensive cylinder of metal, which is located between the corks.

From a toy whistle

Toy whistleThe option of a children's whistle is suitable for dummies with thin noses. It is located on it, covering the entire surface. And if the teapot has a wide nose, then a metal cup is better for him, in which you will need to drill a hole using a conventional drill.

First of all, you need to pay attention to metal. A whistle made of high-quality metal will serve you for a very long time and great efficiency.

Never use aluminum or plastic material to whistle! These materials are unstable to high temperatures.

How to fix a whistle if it breaks

If you bought a low-quality device, then you can fix it by following these steps:

  • You need to take the shell in which the whistle is located, and use a screwdriver to get it.
  • The next step is to remove the spring and prepare the surface for further work. To prepare the surface you need to clean it.
  • When you go to the soldering you will need soldering acid. After the surface is prepared, you can proceed to soldering, and then clean the parts from dirt adhering to them.
  • The final step in this process is neutralization. You need to use alkali. In addition to alkali, you can use alcohol, but remember that this procedure must be carried out outdoors. This should be done carefully so as not to harm your health. To neutralize the craft, put it in a glass and pour alcohol into it, about 10 or 25%.

Following these rules, you can easily fix the whistle or make a new one!

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