How to scan an x-ray on a conventional scanner: instructions

Sometimes you need to scan an x-ray. For example, for remote consultation of a doctor or for the preparation of medical documents. Such images will be easy to send to a medical institution for remote diagnosis, or post them on a medical forum.

The best solution would be to contact centers specializing in the provision of specialized services. However, the prices for it may “bite”, and such centers in your city may simply not appear. Then the only solution is to do everything yourself.

Instructions for scanning an x-ray on a conventional scanner

The content of the article

  • Instructions for scanning an x-ray on a conventional scanner
  • Which scanners are best suited for the process?
How to scan an x-ray using a conventional scanner
  1. First you need to clean the glass of the device with the help of special napkins for office equipment. This must be done very carefully so that there are no extraneous points and spots on the final photo that make it difficult to read.
  2. Put the picture in the device. Do not close the cover.
  3. Provide the brightest light in the room.
  4. instagram viewer
  5. Go to the settings (on the computer or the device itself). Set the expansion value to the maximum (from 600 and above).

If the manipulations did not bring the desired result, try another way:

  1. Place the picture on glass and cover with polyethylene on top. One layer will be enough.
  2. There should be no patterns on polyethylene, and its density should be average.
  3. Install a lamp one meter above the device.
  4. Scan also at the highest resolution possible.

Which scanners are best suited for the process?

How to scan an x-ray using a conventional scannerConventional scanners will not work here. The picture will be illuminated and the doctor will not be able to read it. For such an operation, scanners are suitable:

  1. Included with a special prefix for digitizing negatives. Devices are equipped with a second lamp, which shines through the picture. On such scanners there is a special mode function.
  2. Devices where the internal lamp can be turned off. In this case, scanning is performed with the lid open, and the backlight comes from a conventional lamp located at a distance of about a meter.
  3. Having increased photosensitivity.

Most modern medical centers give their customers a digital copy of it along with an x-ray. If, for some reason, you do not have such a copy, then you can try to make it yourself.

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