Teletext on TV what it is, how it works and how to manage

Teletext clock supply entertainment and reference information. All this information is displayed on the TV screen using the decoder. Decoder - it is a prefix that is called More tuner. With them, you can in addition program guide, view content on topics ranging from finance and news to weather forecasts.

general concept

The content of the article

  • general concept
    • control principle

Teletext provides a reproduction of text and graphic components of the information stream using a television network outputting it on the TV monitor, taking place in the allotted line. Displays on the TV connected to the decoder:

  • data are displayed in the twenty-four lines. Each of which accommodates forty characters in the form of letters and numbers;
  • graphic design content;
  • backgrounds painted in seven colors;
  • signs that have adjustable brightness;
  • hidden characters;
  • news urgent messages during playback channels are displayed on the screen in an automatic manner;
  • the possibility of sorting the linked pages.
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Displays data in the form of a variety of catalogs, their number reaches eight. They put up a hundred pages, each of which is a 24-line. The text is reproduced using black-and-white or color format. The range of colors includes base colors (8 colors). They can be configured in a flicker mode or sync with the channel signal. The magnitude of the transmission rate is equal to forty characters per telestroku.

What is Teletext

page display period entirely when opening the two rows will be 0.26 seconds. That is to download all of the data, we need only about 3.5 minutes. Since the 800 pages infrequent, processing time is even less. For example, teletext QPT processed completely in just 30 seconds. It also provides the opportunity to integrate into the movie subtitles. These dynamic fields is small and they appear out of order in order to prevent de-synchronization of the film with text.

control principle

teletext control

To carry out the movement Teletext pages, there are different modes:

  • List
  • Fast
  • Top
  • Flof

List.navigation view at which to perform the steps indicated on the screen. This way of viewing appears increasingly rare, due to the inconvenience that it brings to users.

Fast and FLOF. A more convenient way to move between pages. Convenient because it gives the user a variety of options for navigation, thus, can only be one button to select the desired page.

The system is designed to:

  • ease of use;
  • easy access to relevant information;
  • to-date products for today;
  • High-speed transmission;
  • compatibility with decoders.

The remote control button should be green, yellow, white. They are tied to a specific menu.

teletext control

Thor. It is simple and easy to gain access to the pages. All information is spaced from catalogs. Each directory is dedicated to a particular topic. To find a specific subject using the page where the page addresses are displayed. Its advantages are:

  • simple interface
  • a quick search of the necessary topics
  • minimum download waiting time
  • direct access to the management page
  • compatibility with decoders that have the ability to process and store an infinite number of pages
  • It contains in itself the advanced features that provide ease of use of this mode

Important! This mode is not compatible with the level of tuners 1 and 1.5 in connection with a small memory capacity and limitations in use.

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