Thermo or electric - which is better and more economical than that? differences

Termpo against teapotElectric is known to people for a long time, but termopot- fairly new invention. This is a useful and sometimes indispensable tool for home and office.

It is needed if there is a constant need to have hot water on hand for the beverage, food, or any other functions.

This appliance is the modern equivalent of an electric kettle, it saves time and energy in the rapid pace of life. It is not surprising that he was quietly replacing the familiar to us from the electric market, winning every year more and more popular.

Thermo or electric - which is better?

The content of the article

  • Thermo or electric - which is better?
    • Comparative table devices
  • Functional features Thermo
    • disadvantages Thermo
  • Thermo or electric - that economical

You do not know which of these electrical devices more practical and economical to purchase? Let's look at their comparative characteristics and find out.

Comparative table devices

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Characteristics Thermo Electric kettle
functions boils water and maintains a predetermined temperature regime water boils
Heating element spiral or disk spiral or disk
volume 3-10 liters 0.5-3 liters (1.7 L medium)
Power not exceeding 800 W 700 Bm 3kW
cost of 800-4000 rubles 350-2000 rubles
boiling time 13 minutes or more 6 minutes

As you can see from the table, kettle purchase will cost you less. The volume of water in it much smaller, so the boiling time short. But it does not have the permanent water heating and so after a few hours she was in it to cool down.

Thermo or kettleHeating elements for devices are similar, and energy are composed of a variety of factors.

How to quickly cool down the water it depends on the material from which the device is made. Often Thermo plastic housing is used and placed inside a metal or glass bulb. Electric kettles are made of ceramic, plastic, metal and glass.

Important! Choosing any electrical appliance prefer to answer a few questions: how much hot water you need, what temperature, how often and in what conditions you operate it.

Functional features Thermo

You are thinking whether you or Thermo also use the old fashioned kettle needed? Let's look at what you can do with the newest appliances. Thermo combines the functions of an electric kettle and thermos. Not only did he boils the water, but does not allow to cool for a long time, maintaining the desired temperature (60-80 degrees). usually it has 3 - 4 modes thermostat.

Thermo to boiling water takes a long time, but for re-heating needed only about a minute. It allows you to boil more water, which is good when it is used by the company. Children and the elderly to use it a lot safer than a kettle, as there is no danger of dropping it when pouring or burned.

Tea PartyThe device makes it possible to obtain optimal water temperature for you, which is especially important for children and people who do not like hot drinks. It is very convenient to breed baby food. You do not have to wait for the cooling of water or diluted too much hot water. Some models have a water tank 2, allowing to have water of different temperatures.

For the pouring of water in a kettle-thermos apply manual or electric pump (sometimes both simultaneously). The housing is heated only to 40 degrees, which is an advantage for security. Useful features of the device may be the filters of the scum and water blocking filling during operation.

disadvantages Thermo

  • to device cons include its essential dimensions in comparison with an electric and considerable weight;
  • compact kettle can be used anywhere and even take along on trips. Thermo completely immobile, is stationary appliances;
  • disadvantage of this appliance is a high cost (2-10 thousand. rubles).
  • cheap models in water is heated to boiling point;
  • device requires a permanent connection to the power to perform the heating function.

As you can see, Thermo, as well as tea, has its advantages and disadvantages, we recommend that you focus on those that really matter to you.

Important! Thermo needs you if you have a large family or a small child. You often drink tea several times a day dilute baby formula or cereal. This is a handy device for offices with a large team.

Thermo or electric - that economical

Many buyers to purchase are also concerned about the question: "How much energy consumes each of these devices?"

economyBy purchasing tea or Thermo, keep in mind that the energy consumption depends on how many times a day, where they will be used. In the case of home use kettle family of 4 people, no more than 5 times a day, buy Thermo very disadvantageous: energy at the same time will be consumed 2-3 times more.

But if the device will use ten or more people, with several times a day, in this situation Thermo simply irreplaceable. Indeed, it is much more water boils at a time of about 10 hours, and its temperature is not lower than 70 °, thus very little power is consumed (30 to 100 W). There are models without heating function, they do not require constant power, but the temperature is kept just like a normal thermos.

Attention! Thermo not economical if they use only, and you are only a couple of times a day, it is also not relevant for a small family. In this case, more profitable to buy an ordinary kettle.

Before buying an electric appliance: kettle or Thermo, consider whether you need hot water, or required from time to time, where you will enjoy this device and other individual moments. For each of these devices would be ideal in certain situations. And to the question: "Which is better?" Everyone should answer yourself. If you choose the right appliances, it will become your indispensable assistant in daily life. On sale you can find many different models in color and design without difficulty.

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