How to assemble the table-transformer: a body hoist, countertop, podstole

If we talk about the different versions of tables, the transformer has a fairly long history. Even in Soviet times was well known-table book. He still has successfully produced many furniture factories of the country. And user reviews, in many cases, is an indispensable piece of furniture. Let's see what actually is a subcategory of Transformers.

Therefore, as mentioned above, the book belongs to a group of transformers, and which tables still belong to this group? Any type of tables that can flick of the wrist to change its geometry, can be attributed to the group Transformers. For a better understanding it is worth noting that the standard seating table of the same Soviet times, which is also is expanded with the addition of part of the table top can not be called a transformer, since it has no mechanism disclosure.

Most of these models are used in small apartments or rooms area, which is limited. Such a table can be folded to a minimum size and not occupy too much space, and turn to the desired sizes if necessary.

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Where are most often used such a product? Feedback from users of transformers, most often living rooms, a little less, canteens. Very popular transformer today is the coffee option.

For the manufacture of this group is most often used furniture chipboard. Transparent materials are used much less frequently, since it is necessary to hide the mechanism of deployment transformer.

Important to remember! What type of furniture that is subjected to constant mechanical stress, it requires a high-quality materials, or eventually become loose connection nodes and a table will fail.

To build this type of furniture requires a standard tool provided by the manufacturer. If the furniture is made by myself, it will require an additional screwdriver with different nozzles, konfirmatnoe drill, hammer, screwdrivers and pliers.

How to collect the body of the table-transformer

The content of the article

  • How to collect the body of the table-transformer
  • Terms of installation of the lifting mechanism
  • Installing countertops
  • How to put podstole

table-transformer housingtable assembly begins with a thorough study of drawings of the manufacturer or of its own, if he made with his own hands. The first step is to understand yourself prioritization subassemblies. The housing is collected in the first place.

All parts are held together by konfirmatnyh compounds. It is important to see to it that kept angles when assembling parts. It is also important to remember details such as heel cushions that prevent scratching the floor legs, and shock absorbers that reduce run-out table top edge of the body when folding furniture.

Terms of installation of the lifting mechanism

Lifting device Transforming tablesThe lifting mechanism is set before the countertop is attached in a specially prepared space for it. And in the assembly factory holes of the table under the mechanism are made in advance. With self-manufacturing will have to drill in place. The springs are mounted in such a mechanism once already fastened the rest of the mechanism.

Installing countertops

Installing countertops Transforming tablesInstalling the countertop, on the one hand, the simplest operation in the assembly table. But, on the other hand, if improperly installing it violated transformer geometry and cracks will appear, which will spoil its appearance.

How to put podstole

podstole Transforming tablesAfter assembling the table top you can go to the assembly podstolya. As the name suggests, these components are hidden under the sink in the assembled state table. Therefore, it will be convenient to assemble podstolya in the unfolded state of the article. It is necessary to collect all of its components separately and then attach them to the body.

After assembly is complete, it is important to carry out a final check of its performance, so you do not embarrass the demonstration of furniture. All mechanisms should work without strain and soft enough.

When assembling it is important to remember safety. Especially when working with sharp drills, as well as checking the opening and closing mechanism. Since the hands can easily get into the space of the mechanism itself.

If you purchased a transformer, carefully review the instructions for its assembly. It is no big deal. And you be sure to get an attractive furniture item.

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