A full-size oven can have a volume of from 56 to 74 liters, while in the category of compact fit kids with a capacity of 27 to 42 liters. Drawing an analogy with refrigerators, one could say that "the more, the better." take up more space, analogs by reducing the time of cooking.
Dimensions of the oven is built
The content of the article
Dimensions of the oven is built
- standard dimensions
- custom cabinets
- Narrow and wide
- depth dimensions
When selecting cooking equipment, attention is drawn to the culinary preferences and family size. In second place is the size of the kitchen. This order is due to limited functionality ovens depending on their size.
IMPORTANT! At the same external dimensions are often more profitable to stop the choice on the built-in electric oven. The reason is that the gas version, even if it is proportionate to the cost, has fewer features, which is usually limited to 5-6 modes.
standard dimensions
Classical, time-tested, is a closet, the height and width of the front part of which equals 60 cm and depth - 55 cm. This size of the outside of the oven. Inside, depending on the number of built-in options, it can be much less. Internal "useful" height of the oven rarely exceeds 56 cm. The same goes for the other parameters.
custom cabinets
Often there oven, one of the size parameters are changed in the upward or downward. The most notable are the kind of model with extra oven, two bathroom raznogabaritnyh compartment where the main working chamber adjacent to the smaller size subsidiary. More common vertical layout, because of which cases reach a height of 90 cm.
For non-standard also includes almost all ovens with microwave. In usual width they differ small height, oscillating in the range of 36 to 55 cm.
Narrow and wide
Wide oven height may range from 48 to 60 cm.
For a large, loving, baking, family, limited space better to choose a wide oven. Such an option would allow a greater number of portions to prepare in less time.
This option also affects the producer features: the built-in electric oven 90 cm can be provided up to 12 modes. But such a furnace taken placed at the bottom of a cooking surface that is not always convenient.
A more comfortable location - on the slab at or slightly above. By locating at a height more easily control the degree of readiness of dishes, or clean the oven. But the pencil under the built-in equipment such width will take up too much space. Manufacturers have considered this point and issued a narrow, 45 cm, height of the standard model. The only drawback of such variants - if necessary, prepare a large amount of baking it often has to be placed in several tiers. This affects the speed and quality of propekaniya.
If baking rare guest on the table, the small width of the oven will not bring significant discomfort due to the small number of portions or increased duration of cooking.
depth dimensions
The standard depth of the kitchen working surface, by which generally is embedded and the oven is 60 cm. This option is not accidental and is the result of numerous studies showing that such table allows the cook to freely place for cooking the ingredients and cooking instruments. Therefore, and with a depth of oven manufacturers are experimenting very rarely. Compact model with a depth of 45 cm, designed for installation "on high" exist. But they are not so in demand and impractical that in seeking such ovens have to visit more than one point of sale.