Telescopic slides for ovens: what and how to install them

telescopic slidesModern kitchen is difficult to imagine without the presence of her oven. It greatly facilitates the process of preparation of hot meals and desserts. Home appliances market offers a wide range of equipment. The most popular are ovens with telescopic slides.


The content of the article

  • Functionality
  • variety of equipment
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Manual assembly
  • conclusion

Ease of use during cooking guideThe main function is to guide the telescopic extension of the pan from the oven. Such metal runners make cooking process as comfortable as possible. Stops equipped on the front and rear walls, control the movement of the pan to prevent it from slipping on the surface or a sudden drop.

This feature will help the hostess to check the readiness or cool the dish. After opening the door, baking easily advance, since the guides glide smoothly over the surface. This will prevent burns and injuries.

variety of equipment

Among modern telescopic rails are three kinds of runners. The main difference is the level of advancement.

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  • Partial. It provided partial extension of the pan. More often than not equipped with an inexpensive budget and kitchen appliances;
  • The combination of full and partial. Such a process differs fully extended one level. two nominated by the remaining part;
  • Three-level. The best among the available species. When using a three-level full extension runners performed on all three platforms.

Such a diversity of species will allow every woman to choose the most suitable and best option.

Advantages and disadvantages

Telescopic guides are widely used not only because of its mobility. They differ in a number of advantages that will quickly win the trust of consumers.

Key features:

  1. Preparation burns during cooking is minimized. Telescopic rails contribute to easy and smooth advancement of the pan. This ensures full control of food during cooking, eliminating the possibility of getting burned;
  2. Minimal efforts at promotion through unhurried slip;
  3. Front and rear stoppers control layout grids, reducing the possibility of it falling;
  4. Stability will allow the owner to remove the sample slowly or cool the dish to the desired temperature. It's enough to push the bars located on it from the baking oven;
  5. Supports protect inner housing art from occurrence of scratches, chipping and damage when moving the pan and grilles;
  6. The possibility of self-assembly.

The disadvantage is the occurrence of difficulties in caring for household appliances. During the preparation of food particles and fat drops hit the frame and runners clogged the holes in the abutments, forming fatty plaque. For the full cleansing framework is disassembled and thoroughly washed separately from the inner housing.

Also ovens equipped with telescopic directions are a few thousand more.

Important! Components guides do not lubricate as well as dishwasher safe. Purification surfaces is best done by using hot water, a detergent for cleaning the oven and sponges manually.

Manual assembly

A distinctive feature of the guide is the possibility of the installation of installation yourself. The build process is different ease and does not take much time. Guides can be purchased in stores or salons, specializing in the sale of household appliances and its components. Install guide can be at three levels of the oven without touching the fourth.

Installing guide at three levels

Metal rails are equipped with special attachments. That they support the necessary installation guides.

The installation process of the runners is recommended to start with the rear end of the frame. Insert the fixture in the hole and turn right to the starting position. The direction of the stops must be upstairs. Gently promote skids to the rear wall, until it stops.

Upon reaching the rear body should be lightly press the guide. Should hand a click. This testifies to the successful installation of the runners. Similar actions are carried out and fastening the second component. After complete installation location is required to ensure telescopic rails at the same level.

The build process takes a few minutes of free time, and requires a minimum of ongoing efforts.

Important! Installation must be carried out when the oven is switched off.


Using the oven much easier cooking process and allows you to experiment with cooking. Oven with telescopic slides can help reduce the number of worries and become loyal assistant for each family.

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