How to use multivarka: launching device, function, temperature regulation

Multivarka - a universal helper real breadwinner family. It is not necessary to replenish the ranks of housewives who have this appliance collecting dust in the closet, or is only used for the preparation of 1-2 dishes. Look carefully at their multivarka - surely it can do more than cook porridge and steamed vegetables.

How to carry out the launch of the device

The content of the article

  • How to carry out the launch of the device
  • What are the functions and programs have Multivarki
  • Working with devices from different manufacturers
  • How to cook different dishes properly
    • The nuances of cooking porridge
    • How to cook soup
    • Features of the frying
  • How to adjust the temperature of the device

How to be launched MultivarkiTo the instrument began to work for the hostess (which at this time can do other things) it should include and lay into the required products. This process is universal for all devices, regardless of manufacturer and model.

Multivarki consist of:

  • Housings, designated with hinged lid and a control panel;
  • instagram viewer
  • power cord;
  • Deep tanks for cooking soups and side dishes in a large volume;
  • Removable flat bowl with holes for the steam treatment of product;
  • Additional accessories to facilitate cooking (measuring cup, scoop, povaroshku of materials that are safe for Multivarki bowl).

Important! Recipe book - another nice bonus, which the manufacturer often doukomplektovyvaet device.

The first thing to be done mistress - to determine the course and method of heat treatment. For meatballs or vegetables for a couple not need a deep container, and a special bowl. All other culinary delights are prepared mainly capacious pot. He is suitable for both cereals and soups, as well as for baking.

Then you need to:

  • Place the device on a flat surface;
  • Lay the food in a bowl with a prescription;
  • Power cord plug into the hole at the first multivarka, then into the socket;
  • Enable device button on the instrument panel;
  • Select the desired cooking function, set the time.

After these manipulations need to close the lid tightly.

Important: if you want to prevent the contents of the report or ingredients, the lid should be opened carefully, as there is a risk of getting burned by steam.

What are the functions and programs have Multivarki

What are the functions and programs have MultivarkiThe device is not for nothing has the name root "Multi", he is able to cook, put out, bake and bake a variety of dishes from the everyday and festive menu.

cooking mode (extinguish) - universal. It is found in all models from any manufacturer of household appliances. It allows you to prepare:

  • Soup,
  • stew
  • Potato tubers,
  • for garnish vegetables.

Cereals - a traditional dish on our tables not only for breakfast. Indulge and seven crumbly buckwheat, rice dairy or dietary porridge possible without wasting time and painful process of agitation. Most multivarok have a separate regime for dishes from cereals.

Baking - inalienable complement any meal. In the bowl of the device can cook bread, cake, biscuits, cake. Important: if your model does not provide the function of baking, it can replace the cooking mode porridge.

Steaming - a simple way to properly and fully fed. The special containers are equally well-received:

  • Meat and fish cutlets, chops or tenderloin;
  • Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, green beans;
  • Pumpkin, carrots and other vegetables for self-supply or subsequent grinding in a blender.

Cheese, vegetable and meat casserole in multivarka obtained 5+ even for inexperienced housewives. In some models there is a setting for special pilaf and a side dish of rice. Lovers of fresh and natural products prepared homemade yogurt, too, with the help of this device.

Working with devices from different manufacturers

Working with different manufacturers multivarkaMain multivarok useful functions: porridge, soup, baking, steaming found in all models. Nearly all devices require an opportunity not only to cook but also to heat the food. Of additional useful features is to provide:

  • Delayed start;
  • Automatic program preparation of different products (chicken, vegetables, meat, fish) and dishes (aspic, stew, casserole, baking);
  • pressure cooker mode.

It is worth to pay extra for bonus programs, if you will often prepare a variety of dishes from a rich set of products. For daily menu (first and garnish) device with enough simple and clear functions.

Polaris - the company manufacturing household appliances and technology at an affordable price. Multivarki this brand cope with stewed, cooking porridge and soups. Is controlled by buttons: start, program selection and timer. The device is activated after a short retention button "Start".

Advanced modification offer:

  • Pizza mode;
  • Possibility to acidify the milk to yogurt;
  • Suitable extraction cup with a special handle;
  • Safety lock;
  • 3D heating.

But even laconic models allow to cook the first side dish and dessert at one time.

Phillips - a brand for those who prefer the technique improved with full functionality. Such Multivarki not limited to three - four modes, and allow you to select a separate algorithm for different dishes. The device is convenient to use and easy to care for them, there are:

  • Strong carrying handle,
  • Prostoochischayuschiysya valve for discharging vapor,
  • Possibility of washing bowls in the dishwasher,
  • Touchpad with buttons, touch-sensitive.

Among the lineup multivarok Phillips found devices with a pressure cooker features.

The brand produces Scarlett technique with a roomy 4-liter bowl, which is convenient to cook a big family. Six ready-made programs designed for simple and hearty, and their recipes can be found in the book, which comes bundled with the device.

Available, but trouble-free brands multivarok include:

  • vitek,
  • Moulinex,
  • Martha,
  • Supra.

Important: No matter what model you use, before first use, always rinse thoroughly with basic and additional capacity, all related items for cooking. Before starting a long operation just boil the water in a large bowl, setting it on the tab for steaming.

How to cook different dishes properly

How to fry in multivarka? Sometimes you just need to download the ingredients into the container, and select the algorithm. But will have to perform a series of simple manipulations for a truly delicious dishes.

The nuances of cooking porridge

The nuances of cooking porridge in multivarkaIf you have multivarka how to cook the porridge it? This is perhaps the most simple dish of Multivarki. It should measure the correct ratio of cereals and liquid (water or milk), put the ingredients into a deep bowl and press "porridge".

This is one of the automatic programs that does not require installation time. After the buzzer notify end of the process, carefully open the cover, and serves a table. In the finished dish, you can add any fruit, nuts, jam, honey or butter. Bon Appetit!

How to cook soup

How to cook soups multivarkaDepending on what you plan to cook soup, calculate the cooking time yourself. First courses are made up of many ingredients that reach the readiness with different intervals. Therefore leave multivarku one will not work.

  1. If you do perezharku, first cook it, and then place on a separate plate to release the bowl.
  2. Now turn cooking meat or fish broth.
  3. When the broth is ready, you can upload and download other components, and closing the lid, bring to readiness.

Diet vegetable soup cooking easier. All components are placed in a bowl filled with water, seasoned with spices and cooked the set time. If the menu thick soup - do not be lazy to stir it from time to time, especially if you are using a device or a recipe for the first time.

Features of the frying

Features of the frying multivarkaIf the model does not provide for a special regime of frying, it can be replaced by the function "Baking." In the meat, fish or vegetables will turn light golden brown.

Important: In this phase should be added to a drop of oil to get the desired result.

If the plans for the hostess to please loved ones a delicious and hearty meal, first laid out in the capacity of any meat cut into cubes (to your liking). Sauté it until tender crisp, then add the carrots and onions. Thereafter overfill cut potatoes and cook under cover until the end of the roast.

How to adjust the temperature of the device

How to regulate the temperature MultivarkiTemperature mode when the automatic programs (porridge, rice, stew and so on. D.) The instrument is set automatically. That's why advanced models have an expanded menu. The highest temperature - on frying. When extinguishing maintained at about 100 C °, for porridge is lower.

Important: dairy porridges on the display should be a separate key, otherwise the dish will run away and burnt.

How to cook in multivarka? If you want to control the cooking process by an independent temperature settings, select the device with special functions. They have different names:

  • Mastershef in Redmond;
  • About Chef at Marta;
  • Multipovar at Polaris.

Instructions and step by step photos, how to cook in multivarka usually supplied in a special booklet to the device. Can carry out the adjustment during cooking or in advance, but as a result of the device capabilities expand. He becomes able to prepare punches, jam, cheese dishes of varying complexity.

It may be used for sterilization and pasteurization, baking in foil; Food products with crackers and crispy crust; manufacture yogurts; meringue baking; smoking. Ability to adjust the temperature Multivarki significantly expands horizons Housewives in the hearty, tasty and not-consuming cooking time for every day and for special occasion.

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