How many degrees does the baking mode in a multicooker: is it possible to adjust

Surely almost every self-respecting housewife in the kitchen has such a device as a crock-pot, which greatly facilitates the cooking process. Thanks to modern technologies and their achievements, the presented devices are equipped with many different functions. And one of them will be discussed in this article.

How many degrees is the baking mode of multicookers of various brands

The content of the article

  • How many degrees is the baking mode of multicookers of various brands
  • Is it possible to adjust the temperature?
  • What is the baking mode for?

How many degrees is the baking mode of multicookersWhat is the temperature in the multicooker in baking mode? The mode ensures that the device provides temperatures from 116 degrees to 125. Of course, the scale will vary depending on the model of the unit. The smallest possible indicator for the device can be one hundred degrees. In this case, the food will be cooked for about 50 to 60 minutes.

Using this mode, you can cook a lot of product variations, ranging from pizza, cakes and ending with pies, biscuits, muffins and charlotte.

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As for individual brands of sellers-manufacturers, it is:

  1. REDMOND. The considered parameter in the model is from 118 ′ to 122 ′.
  2. POLARIS. Works at 122 ′. It is calculated for 50 minutes.
  3. VITESSE. Used at one hundred degrees.
  4. LUMME. Heats up to 170 ′.

Is it possible to adjust the temperature?

Multicooker temperature controlUnfortunately, regulation of this aspect of the device in question is not provided by manufacturers. Only if you click the "cancel" button to complete the process of the unit. This is due to the fact that the program is set by the mode itself, which cannot be changed in the process of making dishes.

Therefore, the following situation is obtained: the owner of the multicooker is not able to indicate the desired level of heat flow. Naturally, you can change the time yourself. By default, the settings usually cost one hour to cook. However, with an interval of 5 minutes, you can change the time interval from 30 minutes to four hours, which compensates for the inconvenience in adjusting the temperature.

What is the baking mode for?

What is the baking mode in a multicooker for?The named function is necessary for the manufacture of many varieties of baking or casseroles. You can also bake meat products and even potatoes. In addition, there is the opportunity to "tinker" with a product from yeast dough, but it takes a lot more effort.

If you are planning to bake bread, it is worth remembering that you need to keep it, both on the one hand and on the other, so that the product bakes evenly. Moreover, it is permissible to prepare the frying for borsch, make juicy chops. And also fry the ingredients together, as a result of which they will be suitable for further stewing.

The next morning it’s very convenient to put the omelet prepared as breakfast, which will be done in minutes. You can also bake vegetables, so they will not lose the optimal amount of vitamins and are great for lunch or dinner.

The usual indicator in the multicooker is quite consistent with the standard indicator of the stove, equal to 180 degrees. However, it happens that the hostess is used to working with the oven. In this case, for complete readiness on such an apparatus, the time should be set several times longer than it would be in the oven, since the temperature is not so high.

If you use a multicooker for not quite a standard purpose, then there is the possibility experiment: replace the "baking" mode with the built-in "frying" program, and you will get the result wonderful meal.

ATTENTION! Since the aforementioned regime there is a possibility of a sharp change in temperature parameters, the preparation can be carried out either too quickly or slowly.

In any case, when buying a device, instructions and a book are attached, where you will find many recipes for various dishes that can be cooked in the purchased model.

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