When you come into the house or apartment, the first thing that catches your eye - this is the ceiling. If the surface of the ceiling is flat and neat, and the further perception of the room would be. It is understood that the work of the ceiling is quite complicated and requires special knowledge and skills, but in this case, the desired result can be achieved.
In what way to align the ceiling
Today there are many different options for leveling ceilings. Among the most common - is the installation of false or tension structures. Unfortunately, not in all the rooms, you can use these technologies, especially where the walls are very small. For these apartments the best solution to the issue would be to use the alignment of the ceiling plaster.
Working with plaster, in fact, not difficult, but on the condition that all properly prepared and used high-quality materials. The slightest discrepancy in the work could lead to negative consequences. In order to make perfectly smooth ceiling with the help of plaster have to carry out a number of actions that can be left to professionals or do it yourself.

Step by step advice on alignment of the ceiling plaster
- First of all before starting to prepare the surface. From the ceiling, you need to clean off the remains of the old flaking whitewash and other defects.
- When cleaning is done, it becomes clear where there are cracks, chips and other problems. If there are cracks, they definitely need repaired. If the deep slot, an additional cost to use reinforced tape, which does not give a fracture occur again.
- After surface preparation ceiling is primed with a special compound, which will not only improve tenacity, but also prevent the formation of mold or mildew.
- Fits masking grid, which give the surface strength.
- Apply the plaster can be in several layers, most importantly, to remove all irregularities. After application of the first layer should be given to dry surface, since due to the large weight of all can be omitted.
- Apply plaster to be complete alignment surface. when the ceiling level and checked with a level surface is necessary to allow to dry before proceeding to further finishing.
Using a mixture of plaster - this is one of the most economical options for finishing the ceiling. Despite the complexity of the process of the total cost of costs lower than the installation of a suspension or a tension structure. If you do not have construction experience, to make the job better left to professionals who do everything, not only fast, but also qualitatively.