To the natural stone installation on liquid nails it was made correctly in the first place professional should have sufficient awareness about the basic aspects of the same technology. Due to its composition similar to fastener material it is more practical compared to traditional nails, which over time can easily become loose and does not ensure the sustainability of initial position.
Liquid nails are applied only once. Where will produce basic compounds necessary to allocate 2 drops of this building component. With this step all the fortifications are sufficient rigidity and maximum durability.
It should be noted that at low temperatures the air drying process liquid nails somewhat stretched in time. In this case the porous base wall which is processed by this method, better absorb into its structure the starting material.

Liquid glue is best to lubricate the back side of the natural stone. In this case a thicker composition, intended for the setting of reliability, is applied directly to the wall.
To properly mount a stone and not spoil the design, it is recommended to deal with its laying on small plots. The composition of the future finishing must be pre-planned and carefully laid out. The only way to achieve the desired results on the quality of installation of wall paintings are of great aesthetic pleasure from one only of its appearance.
Each element of natural stone must first be numbered, for thereby more easily engage his specialist installation. Otherwise, even the most experienced master could at a certain moment, confused and not be scheduled before the finish of the walls.

The most recent stage of practical actions on laying the same material in liquid nails is all grout joints. Thus, we achieve the desired aesthetic effect done by a finishing operation. And even despite the fact that a similar process requires large financial investments, as well as decent physical costs wall decoration or ceiling natural stone is fully justified in practice because of the durability of its foundation, as well as the practicality and sophistication.