Hacking apartment doors usually occurs at the expense of the jack lifting the entire structure and removes the door from its hinges. Attackers are thus trying to drill a hole and open the way to the apartment, take valuables. Therefore, each owner wants to protect your apartment from thieves penetration.
Lock crack by violating the integrity of the device or eliminate it. This requires some skill, but the shut-off equipment models with built-in automatic bollard resist cracking even after the elimination of the cylinder.
In the form of protected items you can pick up the establishment of cross-bars and the anti-pins that will prevent the retraction of the loops. In the closing position they tightly enough will capture the doorway at the top and bottom. The number of loops is often 3-4. They are able to be open and hidden. Another installation system surveillance video, in addition to the classic eye serves as a new protected dwellings.

Bending vestibule prevent possible if the doorway is in contact with the duct is not as close as it should be. For this door trim or scald perimeter of steel 6 mm and a door device is recessed type.
It is also important to note that the cracking and ejection of drilling a flat actually prevent the installation plate ferromanganese, stainless material mortise armored laths. Each force effect on the structure generates a lot of noise.
Pads for locks perform essential protection functionality. They can be cut-and patch. More correct would mortise, as they are joined to the housing latch mechanism. Overhead quite simply lend themselves to mechanical influences.

In addition, using different types of installation of the lock, which operates independently from the main mechanism. The current locks due to selection of the key to open almost unreal. Whereas previously a key fits a few doors, at the moment manufacturers are concerned about the constant release of new models, the number of which reaches 2.3 million. A similar number of options helps to ensure the safety of your own apartment.
Types breakings dwelling entrance door may be different, but by comparing the plurality of protection can prevent occurrence unwanted guests to soothe their own households, discouraging thieves have to spend time on the opening of the input unit.