Dimensions Phillips screwdrivers: Phillips Screwdriver Features

If you need something to fix, and act as a fastener screws, self-tapping screws or screws that have the support of a screwdriver. Screwdrivers and cordless screwdriver has not everyone, but it was all the usual flat or Crosspoint tip screwdrivers are available for each "real man." The most common screwdriver - just a flat or Phillips tip. But this is not all varieties.

Features Phillips screwdrivers

The content of the article

  • Features Phillips screwdrivers
  • What are the sizes of Phillips screwdrivers

Screwdriver Phillips tip is more popular than all the other species. It is useful when you want to unwind or, conversely, to spin something in most of the devices. Disassembly of any modern mechanism without a screwdriver of this type can not start.

Its main feature lies in the particular form of the tip, which is a cross. If somewhere found this "orthodox" slot, then twist it need such a device. Phillips screwdriver.

Reference. Tool handles use a variety of materials. In her hand she does not slide, it is easy and comfortable to hold, there are no discomfort after prolonged use.

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It is logical to assume that a screwdriver handle is designed to transmit torque forces on her workspace. Handles can have different shapes, sizes, made of different materials.

It's not only in the designer's idea, but the fact that each person has a different body structure. The hands of one person have broad hands and short fingers and the palm of the other, on the contrary, is narrow and long fingers. That is why the pen should be different.

For them, using a different material. Here the choice is purely personal. The main thing is that the tool is convenient to lay in his hand. The front part should not rub your hands with a permanent job.

Many pens are circular in shape, and they deliberately some faces worn down. So screwdriver best kept on planes at an angle. Holes that can be seen at the ends of the handles, are used for the suspension. For it is possible to pick up and hang up the instrument.

Most often the handle made of plastic. But even here there are options. Plastic can be molded or powder. In the first case, the handle will be hard, but it can not be hit - will break very quickly. Molded plastic is more elastic, but not so hard, and the appearance they differ. Very often handle make combined.

First, Phillips screwdriver had a more complex shape than its present form. Furthermore cross form in the center was done recess in the form of a cylinder. The diameter was about two millimeters and a depth of approximately three millimeters.

But in practice it turned out that the use of this guide is completely unjustified. The result is the present form. What is so remarkable in the cross way? Yes, everything is simple. Screwdriver securely fixed inside the screw, will not slide off. If you use it correctly, then the probability of fixing the damage is almost zero.

Due cruciform shape is doubled contact area. Phillips screwdriver called Philips, can be found abbreviated version of the name - PH.

Reference. Philips screwdriver type are not relevant to the well-known manufacturers of electronic equipment. They are so named for the inventor names.

What are the sizes of Phillips screwdrivers

Screwdriver tips differ in size. They all have certain numbers that you can judge the size of the entire instrument as a whole. The smallest size Phillips screwdriver is designated as 000 (this corresponds to 1.5 millimeters). This size has been successfully used in the repair of devices or mobile cameras.Dimensions Phillips Screwdriver.

Next, you can list these numbers:

  • 00 (1.5 to 1.9 millimeter);
  • 0 (2 millimeters);
  • 1 (from 2.1 to 3 millimeters);
  • 2 (3.1 to 5 millimeters);
  • 3 (from 5.1 to 7 millimeters);
  • 4 (from 7.1 millimeters).

More often demand model number two, equipped with a magnetized tip. Larger than all, of course, the fourth number, and it is used when working with cars.

Marking tells us not only about the size of the tip, but also on the diameter of the rod. Accordingly, the higher labeling figure, the larger diameter.

Oh and the length is selected depending on the task. If the space is small, it is best to use a screwdriver with short handles. Long screwdriver allows to reach hard-to-something.

To further facilitate the use of the tool, you should pay careful attention to the size of the selection. Not to buy each time a new screwdriver for different needs, it is better to buy a set of different size tools. Then, without a doubt, any fixture surrender at discretion.

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