Without any tools is not to lay carpet


  • 1 Without any tools is not to lay carpet?
  • 2 Knife
  • 3 Roller for rolling
  • 4 spatulas

Carpet as a floor covering in recent years has become very popular because it allows you to quickly and without significant financial costs to update the appearance of the floor and fill the room comfort. In addition, the carpet provides additional sound insulation floor and walk on it barefoot, even pleasant. To lay carpet on their own do not present great difficulty, provided the right training and the availability of gender required tools.

Without any tools is not to lay carpet?

In order to select the right tools, you need to pay attention to what kind of carpet is selected, and the method of installation.

The main devices, that are indispensable for laying the coating, are:

  • knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • roller for rolling;
  • spatulas.


For the installation of carpet is best suited for a special knife carpet. If there is none, you can use an ordinary knife construction.

Roller for rolling

Such rollers are very similar to paint rollers, but different in width and material of the coating roll. Many beginners mistakenly believe that an ordinary roller suited for rolling out the carpet, but you need to bear in mind that such a roller difficult to align the carpet, and soft coating particles of such a tool can be hammered into the pile and spoil the appearance of the floor coverage.

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Spatulas are used for adhesive carpet laying. For applying the adhesive using special toothed spatulas. spatula type is usually marked on the package with glue.

In addition to the necessary tools needed for installation:

  • plinth;
  • screws;
  • double sided tape.

Plinths are necessary in order to fix the carpet, pinning him to the wall on the perimeter of the room. The ideal fasteners for mounting skirting boards in this case - screws.

Double sided tape is not necessarily used in the laying of carpet, but it will give additional fixing, in the event that the floor surface is uneven.

The cost of special tools for laying the carpet is quite high, so it is not profitable to buy. The easiest way to trust the installation of floor covering professionals, as they always have the necessary tools. If, however, decided to lay the cover on their own, it is best to take the tool hire.

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