- Type of mineral wool
- Plates or roll?
- When is mineral wool used?
- Some of the nuances of choosing
Today, mineral wool is considered one of the most popular materials used for insulation of premises. Under the concept of "mineral wool" on the market there are different types of materials, which are united by a similar method of production. So, it can be glass wool, slag wool or stone wool , produced in the form of rolls or mats. What material is more preferable in a specific situation, we will try to understand.
Mineral wool is a generalized concept of all those thermal insulation materials, which are obtained by blowing fibers from red-hot mineral material. Depending on the source material and mineral wool is divided into three different types. All of them have such properties as high degree of thermal insulation, good sound insulation, high fire resistance and vapor permeability of .The remaining characteristics and severity of the listed advantages differ depending on the type of mineral wool. It is worth choosing the one that will best meet your requirements.

Type of mineral wool
So, it has already been mentioned that different materials can be used for the manufacture of mineral wool, depending on which the finished product receives certain properties.
Slag is produced from blast furnace wastes, which explains such a small particle size. As a result, the obtained mats and slabs have a slight rigidity, but they are not inferior in thermal conductivity to other types of mineral wool. It is not very convenient to work with this material, which limits the range of its consumers, since private developers, who carry out all or almost all the work themselves, prefer to choose the materials with which it is easy to work. Because of all this, slag wool is most often used at industrial facilities, during pipe insulation, etc., when it is possible to resort to the services of specialists and provide them with an adequate level of protection, since small particles of this material can penetrate both into the skin and respiratoryways and clothes.
glass wool is becoming more common, but working with it is still difficult. This material is produced from molten glass waste or rocks that contain a lot of silicon. Glass wool is characterized by the longest particle length, which can even reach 3 mm, which means that the material has high rigidity even with low density, and, accordingly, low weight. But, on the other hand, these long pointed particles can easily hit a person: when working with mineral wool, they pierce the skin, the respiratory tract, causing discomfort and irritation.
Mineral wool has such properties as elasticity and vibration resistance( due to its structure), so it is easy to transport it: no matter how the roll is folded or the plate is twisted, the weight and the material will then be straightened and take on the desired look. Among other things, glass wool boasts excellent indicators of thermal insulation and noise insulation, resistance to fire. It is often used in private construction, which is explained by the relatively low price, but it is worth considering the need for serious personal protection when working with such material.
stone wool is also often called Mining , as it is made of rock, or basalt, because is the basis for basalt. Less commonly, this insulation is made from mining waste, but in any case, there is a material that is distinguished by the best performance characteristics as compared to “classmates”.Stone wool is absolutely non-flammable: it can be heated to 10 ° C, and at the same time it will not melt and will not even begin to emit any smoke. This is an absolutely natural material that keeps warm well, but due to its structure, it also acts as a good sound insulator. To all this, you can add excellent vapor permeability, no shrinkage, density and ease of installation: it is enough to cut off the necessary piece and insert it into the opening. At the same time, the structural features of the material allow working with it without additional protection, which means that the whole insulation process is simplified, therefore this material still remains the most appropriate in private construction. But for all these advantages you have to pay: stone wool is much more expensive than glass wool, and in the process of working with it you will notice that it is also not very elastic.

Plate or Roll?
As slag wool in private construction is not used and is produced mainly to the order of enterprises, then we will only talk about glass wool and stone wool. Depending on where and how the heater will be used, choose one or another form of its release.
glass wool is produced in the form of slabs and rolls. In the production process, slabs are usually glued over with fiberglass, nonwoven fabric or aluminum foil, and, due to the properties obtained, each of the variants is better used in clearly defined situations. For example, glass wool, covered with fiberglass, is used for ventilated hinged facades in order to ultimately get maximum wind protection. glass wool with foil is excellent for roof insulation, insulation of attics and basements. glass wool in an roll is more suitable for insulating horizontal surfaces, and its advantage is that you can reduce the number of joints to a minimum.
Basalt wool is also available in slabs and rolls, can be reinforced with foil or glass fiber, and the scope of application is about the same as glass wool. The only thing that needs to be noted is that stone wool can also be produced in several other forms. So, there is granulated cotton wool, which is blown with a special installation where other insulation can not get into, thus covering the most inaccessible places. The mineral plates are covered with a bitumen layer, which makes them an ideal material for roof insulation, but lamellar sheets are characterized by a special structure. In them, all the fibers are arranged perpendicular to the surface: the heat insulating properties do not increase from this, but the elasticity increases, which means that it will be possible to insulate them with curved surfaces.

When is mineral wool used?
From the combination of the described properties, it can be understood that mineral wool is an excellent insulant, which fits in most situations of .And the fact that there are no organic components in its composition means that the material will be as durable as possible. In addition, the fibrous structure allows the air from the room to freely enter the street, so that in the end excess moisture does not stagnate in the house. Such a "breathing" effect will be most welcome, when you need to warm a wooden or stone house.
Many users fear that mineral wool may clump, losing its properties. This, indeed, can take place, but this process is very extended in time, and it is promoted by a change in humidity, temperature, strong vibration, etc. It is worth noting that such deformations often occur with less dense mats than with rigid plates, so you may have to look at the latter.

Some nuances of choosing
Going to buy a heater, pay attention to some other nuances to choose high-quality material with the maximum set of positive qualities and durability. So, it is important that the mineral wool is properly stored: it is better that it be the original packaging, shrink film and rain cover. If the material is packed in cardboard boxes, and special types of mineral wool are often sold, it is important that they are stored in a dry place. Buying at least a little wet cotton wool is a waste of money, because after it dries, it becomes unusable. The name of the manufacturer also means a lot, as well as reviews about a particular brand, so before buying it is better not to be lazy and find out the opinion of those who have already encountered a specific type of product.