Facing of bath furnace brick: why use, the advantages of a brick as done intelligently

Standard furnaceMetal furnace has long conquered its place in the construction of baths. They differ in their qualitative characteristics and efficiency, however, use them in the "naked" form strongly discouraged both in relation to human health, and on the basis of the existing rules security. With this purpose, the metal furnace in the house or bath obkladyvayut brick.

Why obkladyvayut brick kiln

The content of the article

  • Why obkladyvayut brick kiln
  • What materials are used
  • Technology
    • Solution
    • Base
    • Sequence

Despite the fact that many of the metal furnace in its original form can serve as decoration for the bath, not should avoid lining them with bricks, all the more so when applying furnace design ingenuity can be very beneficial to this beat.

The electrode metal furnace usually produced by the following reasons:

  • Rapid heating of the iron structure. It is dangerous to human health, as the body needs more time to adapt to that new bathhouse temperature.
  • Fast temperature loss. Due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal furnace without lining also have built up rapidly losing temperature. To maintain it required constant supervision and grown wood and coal, which greatly increases the consumption of materials.
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  • Air Drying. Metal considerably rapidly heats and dries the air, making finding a less comfortable in the steam room.
  • The probability of severe burns. Passing skin contact with the metal surface will result in a high degree burns. Very often the oven touches hands.

It is possible to get rid of these problems individually, such as from rapid loss of temperature will furnish the metallic shield, but it did not increase significantly in a better way and other factors, which ultimately makes the usefulness of such a shield questionable. furnace lining may resolve this set of disadvantages. Most currently produced models originally designed so that in the future it was convenient to build them facing.

Facing award allows the furnace follows a number of advantages:

  1. continuous and smooth heat loss;
  2. reducing the amount of fuel required to maintain the desired temperature;
  3. nice not overdried heat;
  4. safer to use;
  5. kind of bargain appeal to even the most cheap and simple design of the furnaces.

What materials are used

Facing ceramic brickLining of the furnace firebox is best done from a brick. There are other more exotic options, but this is the most advantageous in terms of price and efficiency.

Important: for facing the furnace is not suitable silicate brick. He did not provide sufficient resistance to moisture and heat, so it is very quickly become unusable and destroyed.

The optimal and most commonly used materials for lining a furnace with internal and external parts are the following varieties of bricks:

  • ceramic (light in weight and has a good record of reliability and durability);
  • Fireclay (although he is less attractive in appearance in comparison with the ceramic brick, but it is much better resists strong temperature changes).

It is not precluded and combine materials: for example, the main clutch formed of refractory brick and an outer lining around for more attractive from a ceramic. This is very often seen in the photo.


For good efficiency in the performance of brickwork furnace lining it is not enough to place it on the next panel type. Such a design would not have sufficient quality parameters as temperature containment and safety. To masonry provides a proper result, it is necessary to perform its quality. Well, if you have the skills and experience of a mason, if not, it will have to spend more time to prepare.

lining processCurrently popular are the following ways of laying bricks:

  • solid cladding (quick release of heat, but attractive appearance and better security);
  • the heat shield (good security for the person, a small increase in heat transfer efficiency);
  • Coating convector with air holes (optimal variant in size and efficiency).


Lay bricks without quality solution - a waste of time and materials, so it is important to come up with really to its preparation. Typically masons used for this purpose or special purchase solution or self-made of clay and cement. The ideal proportions not due to differences in the starting materials. When mixing is necessary to pay attention to the concentration: it should be on density similar to fat sour cream. Often to bring to the density is further added to the mixture of sand.

Important: concentration of sand in a mixture should not exceed 30%.

The mixture is whipped construction mixer until maximum uniformity. Thereafter, the solution is left to rest on the half hour. During this time, he added thick so that it is necessary to take into account when mixing.

Be sure to plan how much you need the material directly on the same day. Harvested mixture beforehand is meaningless. If you still have a lot of material, it is possible the next day to dilute it with a mixture of water and sand.


To form the base of the furnace, together with the weighing plate of over 700 kg, must be installed foundation. It should be noted that it should not be linked to the base of the bath, so that in the case of distortion, and have not led stove. If the foundation is not necessary, the beam (not necessarily the rotten) are covered with a layer of refractory material, which must be carefully fastened.

Important: according SNIP. 21-01-97 (Fire safety of buildings and structures) the minimum gap between the masonry brick for lining a furnace wall and wooden should be at least 10 cm. A larger gap significantly slow heating furnace.

baseReady to create the foundation necessary only after the foundation finally froze. It should be common to the furnace itself and its electrode, that a uniform load distribution.

Initially, one layer of bricks is laid, after which the level is checked horizontal masonry. With roofing waterproofing is necessary to provide the base. It is fixed so as to ensure complete coverage of the sides and bottom with no gaps. For this purpose band material is laid overlapped, and the edges are lubricated bituminous mass and pressed to grasp. Replace roofing material in the absence of a double layer may be an ordinary film.

After forming the base of the furnace is set, then again followed by verification of horizontality location of the assembly. To protect the oven from the mortar during the tiling should be shrink-wrapped.


Compliance with the specific sequence when laying bricks as cladding will make it the most high-quality, efficient and durable.

Important: before installing it is necessary to prepare a brick. The required amount thereof is thoroughly cleaned and soaked in cold water for 12 hours. This is done so that it does not pulls moisture from the masonry with mortar.

The shape of the electrode is selected based on a model of the furnace. It is best to give preference parallelipipednym forms as lining round furnaces are much more complicated. The distance between the brickwork and the furnace must be less than 5 cm, to improved properties of the heater, and not lost in the empty space.

Using different shadesIn general, all the work is represented by the following set of actions:

  • The beginning of a series of the best produce from the corner. It should immediately check level. To ensure that the proper horizontal position at a laying, use the protractor and a plumb line.
  • The solution was carefully applied by trowel to brick (mixture of excess is necessary to dispose immediately). It is necessary to note that the inner side of the lining should not be covered by the solution. After it dries, it will adversely affect the air circulation in the gap.
  • In the second row must be made air gaps. For a small furnace is enough to arrange two air holes in a half-brick thickness. They also arranged on the sixth and the eighth row. It is not necessary to get involved, and they have: too many will significantly reduce the thermal insulation properties of the lining.
  • To ensure good rigidity structure, on the second row must be laid reinforcing mesh. After laying the third row it is contracted from the previous wire.
  • The third row is laid out according to the first in a checkerboard pattern. The seam should be at least 5 mm.
  • When laying do not forget about the door of the furnace. For its registration number at the right corner of the metal set. Additional rigidity creates a binding wire. Bricklaying should be carried out so that the door is opening and closing does not come in contact with it.
  • The last row is performed randomly. Often at this stage the plate of the furnace to give an additional decoration.
  • Generally, for a full furnace lining enough to lay up 15 rows. In this work it will be better to split into two approximately half of the day. This is done so that night there was a shrinkage of the material, and in the morning it was possible to ascertain its real horizontality. In the event of deviations in this method it is possible to correct them.

Upon completion of the lining of the furnace necessary to conduct several test rastopok (only two or three). Achieving the maximum temperature is not necessarily at the same time. This is done in order to maximize the dried solution, thus giving it more reliable.

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