The solder aluminum pot, if there is no special materials

Each family probably happened is that formed a small hole in an old saucepan. As it might seem at first glance, it can not be saved. However, do not rush to dispose of leaky aluminum cookware and run to the store for a new one. If you have even a small skills with a soldering iron, the pot will be able to repair themselves.Hole in an aluminum pan.

soldering pots

The content of the article

  • soldering pots
    • Solder
    • Flux
  • Prepare the surface of the pan
  • The heating of the damaged places
  • Brief instructions on how to solder pot at home
  • What if there is no special materials

There is a fairly widespread belief that it is impossible to solder aluminum, if there is no special equipment. As evidence of this theory, we give two arguments for:

  1. In contact with air, an oxide film on aluminum. It is resistant and refractory. As a result, tin aluminum becomes very difficult.
  2. Soldering aluminum is difficult because it is melted at a temperature of about 650-670 degrees. Additionally, it becomes less stable at temperatures of 300 degrees, which subsequently affect its resistance.
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If to take into account these nuances, then carry out the soldering of parts and utensils made of aluminum rather difficult and conventional means are not enough. However, this problem can be solved. To do this, you need to apply drastic flux. They should be used in combination with a special solder. Let's look at each of these materials.


In most cases, it serves as a basis for the solder tin, lead, and others. But there is a huge problem - the aluminum in them simply can not be dissolved. For this reason, the connection becomes unreliable. If you want to make aluminum brazing, it is necessary to use very different solders. Fit the following options: a zinc, silicon, silver, or the same aluminum.Soldering tin metal.

Important! Remember, the more zinc in the solder, the more reliable will the newly formed connection. Also, it is more resistant to corrosion.


Choosing the material, always keep in mind the fact that not everyone can interact with aluminum. It is necessary to use variants which include ammonium fluoroborate. In addition, the composition should be present triethanolamine. They interact well with aluminum, which allows to make a connection strong enough.

Also, buying a flux, always pay attention to his brand. For aluminum flux 34A is better to choose the brand. The composition of these products is best suited for soldering at elevated temperatures.

Prepare the surface of the pan

Be sure to degrease the surface. This procedure is performed with acetone. Gasoline is also suitable. Thereafter, the oxide layer is removed from the location where brazing will be executed. This should be done sandpaper, a circle or a brush with metal teeth.

Consider the fact that the film is not completely removed will. The problem is that in place of a new coating appears remote. For this reason, cleaning is not carried out in order to remove it completely, and to reduce its thickness. This operation allows you to simplify the task of flux.

The heating of the damaged places

If you need to solder a small product, it is enough to choose a soldering iron, a power of 100 watts. If you need to repair the larger products, the heating element must be powerful - about 300 watts. The optimal option in this case - is a gas burner or a blowtorch. If you decide to use a burner, it must be remembered some details:

  • Do not overheat the item, because it can simply melt - always monitor the temperature;
  • in any case, do not use oxygen as it will cause oxidation of the metal.

Brief instructions on how to solder pot at home

action algorithm is as follows:

  • degrease and strip soldering place (this was mentioned above);
  • fix the solder;
  • heat;
  • attach the rod solder flux where it is necessary to perform soldering.

The product is ready and it can be used.A hole in the pan.

Sealed pan.

What if there is no special materials

Let us now consider the situation if you did not have the right materials. Alternative - to use solder made from tin. Also suitable solder on the tin-lead basis. Flux can be replaced by rosin.

Sweep can be made if it is simply to melt. It turns out that soldering, besides the main purpose to be used as a tool that will destroy the film (in the sting, you must place a special scraper). If we add in the rosin with metal powder, it is possible to greatly accelerate the removal of the film.

Then the action plan will be as follows:

  • tinned soldering iron to melt the resin - made in soldering it in place;
  • Rosin cover when needed area, start rubbing her soldering iron - this will remove the film and eliminate its appearance, will be performed at the same time tinkering;
  • at the end you can attach solder and heat it.

Soldering aluminum without special tools and materials and energy consuming long enough. For this reason it is best to use special materials that have been mentioned above.

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