Flowerbeds with roses - a variety of styles and forms, worthy of the queen

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Bright, gentle, charming and magnificent roses can not leave indifferent any gardener. But having set out to settle this natural miracle on their site, many are faced with the problem of how to organize the rosary so that it turned out both spectacular, and fitting into the general style of the garden, and not too demanding care.

It is not easy to cope with the task also because the world of roses is so wide that it is possible to get lost in the names of species only: stamping and polyanthic, miniature and platy, grandiflora and floribunda... but there are also varieties, and dozens of shades and shapes. And all this should be considered, conceiving the design of the flower bed of roses.

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The location of the flower bed with roses

But you still need to start by choosing a place for the future flower garden. Roses prefer sun-protected sun areas, where in the morning and the hottest, midday hours, flowers can hide in the penumbra, but towards the evening nothing can cover flowers from the sun.

To the ground, roses also have their own requirements:

  • Groundwater should not be closer than two meters from the surface;
  • Good drainage and adequate nutrition are important;
  • And if the soil is dense and heavy, then it is better to make a sand or peat mix beforehand.

The easiest way to decorate a flower bed with roses is not in the center of the site, but near buildings or fences, near trees or along paths. This will protect plants from the wind, cover them for the winter and long to maintain the decorative effect of planting.

Regular rosary

Such plantations are in the style of palace parks, although they are certainly magnificent, but are justified more often in southern areas, where roses can not be afraid of frosts. The classic parterre version of the rosary can be organized as follows: At the center of the geometrically correct composition located between two park paths, bush roses are located, tea-hybrids are planted nearer to the edge, and a live border becomes polyanthic.

For a flower bed of roses, designed in the style of a regular garden, there is also a static center composition, replacing bush roses - it can be, for example, a statue, a tall pot or even fountain.

Landscape Rosary

Often such an informal scheme of the flowerbed with roses provides for the planting of a small number of different in size and shape of plants, as well as asymmetry and fantasy are welcome here. Roses, like no other plant, is suitable for decorating arches and arbors. This style is only welcomed by such an application of a magnificent shrub


Combining stamping, tea-hybrid and climbing roses, you can extend the flowering of the site, make it more versatile and interesting. Planning curtains, it is important only to remember that rounded group plantings look better than single plants.

Read also:How beautiful to decorate a flower bed in the country?

Structural rosary

Universal design of flower beds from roses for a corner of the garden with internal paths, or benches, near the terrace or pond. Such planting is not very large, but you can see every flower, and who-who, and roses of this worthy. The elegance of the lines will emphasize the paving of the plot with gravel or natural stone.
The options for creating flowerbeds with roses are countless.

One rosary will decorate classical statues or the imitation of the Old English garden in the form of a gazebo arranged in the canopy of roses. Someone will like a Chinese garden with abundant tea-hybrid roses, and somewhere in the east will be a luxurious Mauritanian rosary with fragrant bush roses.

How to decorate a flower bed with roses on a slope

If the site is not exactly level, then this will not become an obstacle to planting roses. The main thing is that the chosen slope does not have a northern orientation. The larger the plot will look to the south, the longer the flowering will last, and it will be easier to keep the roses from freezing.

And if in the southern regions such a flowerbed with roses can consist exclusively of roses alone, then in the middle band it is better they can be combined with ivy and forest violet, aubret and rosula, alpine phlox, seasonal onion, mosses cleaning. Classically with roses you can combine hosts.

On the slopes it is better to plant those kinds of roses that are located closer to the ground level: ground cover and climbing, which can be fixed on the stones and used on the uneven ground of the supports.

Decoration of the dream

Rabatka, as it was: one-sided or surveyed from all sides, is planned in accordance with an important principle - in the center the tallest plants, and closer to the edge of the lower. In regard to roses, the biting of shrubs is also taken into account, therefore, only roses without thorns should be on the path, otherwise it will be necessary to increase the width of the paths or the borders that border the flower bed with roses.

Pink lawn

With sufficient space on the site, you can arrange a solid carpet of ground cover or climbing roses, arranged with cereals and other ornamental flowering plants. Climbing roses with this garden design are grown, like ground cover, attaching flexible shoots to the soil with metal studs.

To design a flower bed with roses that look like a lawn, it is not worth taking plant varieties that tend to grow heavily.

A lawn with roses can perform a number of quite utilitarian functions:

  • Long time highly decorative and does not require special care;
  • Helps to formalize vacant land;
  • Does not require mowing;
  • Positively affects the soil and microclimate of the site;
  • Keep moisture near the surface of the soil;
  • It is difficult to grow weeds.
Read also:How to make a flower bed by yourself (step by step instruction)

From a mixture of traditional lawn grasses, flowering perennials and spring-sown one-year-olds, you can create a spectacular flower bed with ground cover varieties in the style of a Moorish lawn.

Roses for hedges

Roses are great for vertical landscaping. Fences from thorny bushes are both decoration and protection of the garden, and for such a structure up to one and a half meters you can take not only garden roses, such as tall floribunda, grandiflora and park varieties, but also rose hips.

For a hedge, bushes are planted in checkerboard pattern, at a distance of up to half a meter, and in the gaps plant low-growth roses or companion plants that match the color, size and timing flowering.

However, arranging a hedge of roses is important to remember that in addition to a lot of advantages, and there are disadvantages:

  • For roses, a sunny, sheltered place from the wind is required;
  • In the autumn months, after discarding leaves with roses, such a hedge may look naked and unattractive. The solution of the problem in the selection of varieties that bloom until late autumn, do not shed foliage or have bright decorative fruits;
  • Even with painstaking pruning, it is not always possible to achieve a neat fence.

For hedges it is better to take seedlings of two or three years old, planted in a trench up to 60 cm deep. Deciduous roses of the summer flowering period are planted in the first half of autumn, and evergreen varieties in the spring.

Mixed flower bed with roses

When creating a mixborder with roses, it is extremely important to take into account the grouping of plants, and not just roses, but all other species, in height and, undoubtedly, in terms of flowering time.

Ideally, if the end of flowering of one of the varieties coincides with the beginning of flowering of another. As for lawns, for mixborders do not need to take fast growing roses, which will involuntarily be to displace other plants and can, in the course of time, significantly reduce the decorativeness of the flower bed with roses.

In unilateral mixborders, plantings of tall shrubs are organized away from the viewer, in the center they plant the most spectacular varieties are of medium size, and on the foreground endure miniature or even ground cover varieties roses.

In the mixed flowerbeds surveyed from all sides tall plants are planted along the line of symmetry or in the center.
Depending on the variety and size of the rose bushes it is important to plant at a distance from each other and other plants, and the row nearest to the path is organized no less than half a meter from the curb.

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Garden Border

This same principle also applies to the planting of narrow ornamental curbs with roses.

Low-rose roses perfectly accentuate the bends of the tracks or emphasize the transition from horizontal to vertical landscaping.

Curbs are planted from roses floribunda, ground cover roses with ornamental foliage and short stature varieties.

The rules for creating a flower bed with roses

  • Roses do not like solitude very much, so the variety must be represented by three or five bushes.
  • Non-harmonious look disorderly planting roses of different heights.
  • Be sure to consider the gamut of the flowerbed, where the rose should be in harmony with the rest of the plants, but not merge with the general background.
  • Red flowers are diluted with white and cream, good spots are yellow and gentle lilac or blue tones. But the lilac roses are lost against the scarlet inflorescence.
  • Varieties with colorful flowers should be placed separately.
  • In the center of a large flower bed with roses is a bright tall bush or a single stamping rose.

The main advantage of the mixborder with roses is the duration and the shift of flowering plants: while the roses do not bloom, the flowerbeds are attached decorative appearance other early-flowering plants, for example, onion; then the roses come into force, and after their shedding fall flowers, cereals or dried flowers.

Plants-companions for roses:

  • Coniferous plants of all kinds and sizes;
  • Barberry, silvery species of Artemisia, Loch and vesicleberry;
  • Seasonal bulbous plants;
  • Clematis;
  • Unobtrusive ornamental perennials, serving as a background of rose bushes;
  • Sowing annual flowering plants, filling the voids in plantings.

Around the bed of roses you can make a fringe of gravel, tile or stone, natural mulch from bark or gravel crumb looks good. From the edge of the path to the first row of roses it is important to leave at least 50 cm.

Flower bed of roses by own hands

First determine the boundaries of the flowerbed, then remove the soil by 10 - 15 cm, compact the bottom and organize the fence of the future flower garden to delineate its clear boundaries. Exterior decoration of flower beds with roses is done with stones or backfill with small gravel, mulch or gravel.

In planting roses you should not make flowerbeds of complex patterns, and abound with dozens of plant species. The main accent should be directed to roses, and the remaining plants serve only as a decent background.

On the mixed romantic bed of roses, the photo of which is presented here, the most unpretentious perennials are planted: Veronica with purple arrows and pink petrel. However, we can not say that the flower garden of only three species looks dull or poor.

Video: a combination of roses with other colors

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