Today, let us consider how to properly install the hood. You can buy your favorite device, then prisobachit on the wall, guided by watching a movie YouTube, its own speculation. The product is equipped with the instruction manual, installation. The document will help do the job right. First, check the equipment. Most cooker hoods are deprived of the carbon filter, a fact used by sellers, depriving the "extra" model, where the product is present. Installation of the hood in the kitchen with his hands is conducted according to the instructions.
Installing a typical kitchen hood
To learn how to install the hood, it is better to read at home in the electronic manual. Take the trouble to pre-select the device on the counter electronic, urban Store, download the documentation, read carefully, learn the rules. Practice shows that dealers rarely sell the right set of buyers in the commotion unable to realize the incorrectness committed action. Return / exchange the product obtained from time to time, not everyone wants to spend resources, concealing resentment at the store. Man gets unnecessary problems, the need to look for different kinds of adapters, knee dock purchase.
Hole under the kitchen hood duct length
On ventkanala yield put adapter formed holes for duct and slit grating provided with adjustable clearances. Sensing the need, the owner takes the stool, the valve closes. The air exits through the exhaust housing dome. Increases in efficiency cook period of increased activity.
The vast majority of kitchen range hoods - if not - is connected to the circular duct. Ribbed, plastic, the difference is zero. Diameter different. It is useless to give specific values, be sure to carefully read the instructions, trivia sure to indicate, even if the main parameters were missing on the item card. Write down, taking a piece of paper, right.

exhaust hole for the duct
Recommended length of the watch in place. For example, in the store to find the input lattice ventilation duct with a circular slot under the duct. Hopefully clear diameter should coincide with the opening of the dome. Break - will have to make a fuss. Uneasy with the length. Corrugations stretched over me to two times. We do not rule out a general store found in the more radical model. Lengthening thrice find out.
Laying kitchen hood duct
Now a few words about the process of laying the corrugation. Goes vertically to the ceiling, nature has invented many exceptions. Terms of unique apartments, each case you can not guess. Before you install the hood, it is necessary to conduct rigorous measurement. Then, the corrugations are bought with a small margin (including extension). Laying is conducted on the site. For the initial portion of masking sold cabinets. Some extracts accessories included, among others comes as an additional option. Note that these cabinets in kitchen furniture do not have any relations, represented tin boxes decorated by drawing style. We put the emphasis recently in search engines no concept of cooker hood cabinet.

padded air duct
Popular version, the ceiling is placed transitional knee provided with a rotation angle of 90 degrees to the rectangular plastic duct. Not the best option in terms of productivity, the passage section of the channel is significantly reduced. Rectangular duct passes over the outboard section of the kitchen units, the installation of the hood gives a beautiful visual effect. Sometimes one section is cut, inserted into the hood. It is not always possible, the portal should completely cover the cooking surface. Wood is not intended to withstand the heat of the plate, even at a distance of half a meter.
Overall depth of the cooker hood
Frugality in cooker hoods include induction cookers, forming a minimum of parasitic heat dissipated space.
Wood unable to withstand the burner flame at a height of two feet. Do not believe me, try to hold his hand, understanding the physics of the process will come much faster. Not for nothing on the rules of operation of the heating equipment is strictly forbidden to hang above the hob to dry clothes. With regard to the installation height of the cooker hood, the figure clearly spelled instruction depends on the type of energy source:
- Gas dangerous distance increases by 10 centimeters, rarely falls below 65 cm.
- Electric hotplates less aggressive. The minimum height of the installation of kitchen hoods less.
Excessive increase in the distance will give a negative effect. Not all products that evaporate from cooked food, and the combustion waste will be captured by the portal. Why hood. We use to protect the ceiling from grease, cleaning the air from unpleasant odors. Increasing the distance of the device manufacturer removes the guarantee of efficiency. exhaust fan spinning will avail zero round.
We hang the kitchen hood
The most interesting question, stoves manufacturers make equipment hard, refusing to get up close to the wall, extracts manufacturers pretend or do not notice the fact. Portal most designs kontachit wallpaper. Absence of the boundary layer. It can correct, but the depth is taken in proportion to the table plate. Formed offset.
If there are saying wrong authors, the simple fact of the siege. Most apartments riser prevents hang the cooker hood on the wall. YouTube posted a million videos where adaptation to fasten the ubiquitous block of wood, the majority decides issues antiquated methods.

Fastening the cooker hood
We will be original, offer a simple move the stove if necessary. Furniture located compactly. Obraduem readers simple fact: when installing the gas meter, which is sure to not so long ago abolished, there are some limitations too. With regard to the following points:
- It is not allowed to put a gas meter on the table. Or the distance to the plate given instruction, a lot more available to the owners after the installation of the kitchen hood.
- Bother padding on the sides leave considerable.
Before you install the hood, it is advantageous to think of interchange. The gas fittings are flexible, steel, various lengths. Therefore, there are broad prospects for relocation. Note riser Do not block furniture or build a niche. Should in any case stood alone in the middle of the kitchen. When installing the hood does the opposite operation norms violate the dwelling of an apartment building.
As for the plate, take the trouble to move to the counter looked nice (open unimpeded access by regulatory authorities). Follow the instructions for installing the device attached to the meter manufacturer. Rules typical, there is no sense to touch the model.

Household hood
You see, a lot of options, a block of wood is not ideal, given the above considerations. Before buying a think for the size of the cooker hood to fit. There is a huge sloping models brand pyramid, hardly know how to squeeze into the situation.
Electrical connection of kitchen hood
The electric drill guide is written strictly forbidden to ground. Why, one wonders. We believe it concerns the work process. For example, if the battery drill will begin sample to the ground. Obviously: the steel gear axis. Significant current leakage occurs. Instructions to write: it is impossible to ground the unit. The plug is simply devoid of the side terminals.
Household tool referred to as Class II electrical safety. Dual equivalent insulation. By breakage cambric, removal of potential on the spindle tryahnet that guests from head povyletalo.
Violation of the instructions, we assume. The book Polonsky PA "Installation of outside plant urban telephone networks in 1978," stated (p. 80): electric drill must be surely ground. Some hardware manufacturers violate generally accepted standards. It is known for: some people killed, working electric drill - concerned central heating radiators. Avoiding the repetition of a kitchen hood, a housewife, the instrument must be grounded without fail. When the event of impossibility - annihilate the!
Even if there are no special tools, make the risk of the housing, screw the eyelet, route good copper conductor cross-section of not less than the recommended instructions for electrical connection instrument. Information can be found in the instructions. Current share between the circuit and the housewife, as a result of life will be saved. Prior to contacting the case will not come, the breakdown instantly knock out plugs, circuit breakers.
We believe the above described available. Add not accepted Kitchen built-in tools include a power outlet. Pads used for switching to the electric network, before inserting the conductor zaludit better to not bulling, not covered by the oxide coating. The story about how to install the hood, coming to an end. Surely there are other suggestions from readers, can voice comments.
Where to install the cooker hood
Installing the kitchen hood is conducted according to the instructions. At the expensive models, products known firms embodiments 3-5, the other - one. The main factors count of suspension height on the cooker, the overlap portal desktop surface entirely, the number of bends of the duct. The central aspects that determine the efficiency of extraction. If you hang the portal is too low, will start to burn, melt the grease filter, and other design elements. Login cooker hood is too high - a part of the combustion products will pass. Low hanging equipment is causing harm to the cook. Criteria for site selection for a lot of the kitchen hood.
TV shows, videos, Youtube, surveys provide conflicting advice regarding the installation height of the cooker hood, we recommend you follow the operating instructions. Figures hear different manufacturer has studied what give power burners, regardless of whether the hob is powered by gas or electricity. Hard work done by the service teams of large corporations, why swim against the current. For example, in the given instructions:
- Minimum suspension height above the gas cooker is 65 cm.
- The minimum height of the suspension over the kitchen stove is 55 cm.
Distance, metered by the burner caps, not on the plate of the table, be sure to withstand. A distance determined by the number of burners, portal dimensions, smart transmission manual is unable to replace. Instructions no - download, poborozdiv internet, find the paper today.
Finally, for severe cases, extractor hood is so simple, that is devoid of instruction, it is recommended to select the maximum distance recommended by the sources found. Portal possible overlaps burners with a margin of 5-10 cm. It is appropriate to cover the dome burners more often (the hostess can enjoy four arranged diagonally, cover will not be possible).
Each will bring the hood with his hands, getting relevant work experience, processing metal. To use the device according to the rules can not be many mountain build yourself, but here the hood. dome hole Provide fan bathroom. The instrument is required to withstand high temperatures. It is better to choose a steel cooker hood fan, there are cases - worked fine plastic. Discussed how to make the design with their own hands, we mention: size can borrow a similar design. Note: in modern extracts used tangential fans, can be taken from an old vacuum cleaner, there is the benefit of the impeller. The cooker hood works in continuous operation (without a break).
Take the trouble to provide the device with safety devices. Some vacuum cleaners are not protected against overheating by a trivial reason: the motor is cleaned with filtered air is drawn through a hose. Cooker hoods number will cause harm. Air hot plate may heat engine further kitchen hoods without cooling. The problem is easily solved. Look for old appliances thermal fuse to 135 or 145 ° C. Visit the markets. Tightly to the stator coils strapped acquisition, supply power through the security element.
Most vacuum cleaners deprived varistors. Elements eliminate the collector breakdown (spark). Readers will wonder more detail on websites, varistors in parallel brushes are soldered at one end, second planted on the motor housing. The absence of grounding, a break will motor shell without going into the circuit, without causing interference, without burning delicate electronic devices.
Height of product installation issue resolved. vacuum cleaner motor noisy, there is a chance the neighbors will cause reinforcements outfit know who howls in the ventilation duct. It is logical to replace the collector motor is asynchronous. Housing, impeller take the vacuum cleaner. Complicated process, if bursting with the desire to make the cooker hood with their hands ...
Why extractor hood must cover plate table
The requirement is not obvious, some new extracts work differently. Seen in advertising inclined portals that reach a maximum to the middle. Cooker hoods are available, more power, rising air stream is drawn in due to the performance of the fans. It should reduce speed, open the burner to the fullest, new ceiling wallpaper will grow into a layer of fat. Wash will not be easy, try to avoid dangerous situations.
It is useful to remind the portal take more. Note that some manufacturers prohibit keep off the device until the fire is burning. Extractor hood Pohorje. The fan needs to spin, creating a movement.
Kitchen hood duct
Of the furnace case is known, the optimum shape of the cross section of the chimney is round. The square is characterized by acceptable performance. Manufacturers of kitchen hoods make a round hole, an adapter is required for use of the other section. Standard duct diameter is 150 mm. Aluminum corrugation is easy to bend, can attract a larger size to the target.
Worth noting each combustion stroke bend 90 degrees reduces system performance by 10%. Sharp corners, negative slopes stove masters forbidden to do at all, horizontal sections are permitted establishments catering to the chimney far. Freaks just more reduced performance of the cooker hood. Accordingly, if correctly pave stroke efficiency may become zero.
Given the above, desirable self-installation of kitchen hoods for circular duct. Also not to be as shown in the advertisement, to wind node superfluous portions should be cut. Despite the ridiculous size, a typical round duct of 150 mm is stretched to a length of 3 meters, and this is enough for most cases. Ideally, you want to stretch the product a full, excess trim. In this case, the resistance of moving the combustion products is minimal, decrease fat deposition. Otherwise it turns to dust duct shelter, dirt, scrub that will be difficult.
Useless extractor hood whose performance is low. If satisfied with the owner, the dust is not a strong impediment. In the case of high-power units, the performance will be greatly reduced outgrowth of dirt. How to get rid of the trouble. Complex issue. First, regularly clean the grease filter, if there is one, and secondly, try to find in the store air duct with an antistatic coating the inner walls, which prevents dust from settling. Two steps will eliminate the problem. We recommend to take a round corrugated duct to straighten fully as possible.
What can replace the grease filter. In the case of homemade hoods cover the steel mesh portal meshes of 1 mm. The factory products used aluminum, the best fats are deposited descend steel. Due to the presence of exhaust filter performance, of course, falls. Is it important to protect the motor, the air duct of the fat, or emphasis on the power of the stream. If the hood installation rules are met, will work, we tend to the fact that sometimes the device should be further developed according to needs.
It is not always conducive environment. The apartments of the hob vertical riser. By installing the kitchen hood, prepare the desired thickness to fill timber serving pedestal structure by removing the housing from the wall so as not to interfere with the gas supply pipe. You can not completely cover the inlet duct of the ventilation system. Installation drawing their own hands must leave room drain, the subsequent supply of oxygen to the apartment through the window slits. The device does not replace ventilation, mounting height of the portal is different from the location of the vent. Hopefully, now the installation of built-in cooker hood does not provide the reader with serious difficulties.
Visor extractor hood Hansa OSC WH 511
Praised portal VashTehnik the Bosch and Siemens, chanting sensible installation instructions, laid out the official site today to try attack Hansa. Hike called emotion. Of the three extracts visor, submission sites, different one - wide. See full repetition to each other. Promised instructions in the relevant section a round zero, immediately went to look for paper space network, a couple of minutes desired electronic ksiva found rascals ...
The first catches the eye before you mount the cooker hood in the kitchen, take the trouble to calculate the height of the plate. Dana unusual form:
- Min 65/70 cm.
Verbatim copies of drawing instructions is displayed. There is no division between gas and electric models hobs. The authors decided: the installer, according to the compilers manual should know that above the burner cooker hood is placed higher than the induction of helical plate. Guide points: it is possible to use the equipment for discharging the combustion products of natural gas, heat, electric hob. Conclusions of reading:
- Suspension height above the gas stove - at least 70 cm.
- Suspension height above the electric oven - at least 65 cm.
Self-assembly drawing is conducted in three stages:
- Hanging on the wall.
- Connecting to exhaust network.
- Connection to an electrical outlet.
Installing visor kitchen hood Hansa OSC WH 511
According to the company the recommendation to start to draw a schematic vertical line indicating the center of the cooking surface.
Need a ruler, level (plumb wrench on a string). Then, remove the bottom cover. Under it there must be risk, helping to align the center of the hood relative incised lines. We recommend draw a horizontal line at the height of «Min 65/70 cm" before mount hood in the kitchen. Facilitate the further process.
Will mark the mounting holes, it is best to do exactly on the top edge of each. Condition «Min» is not broken, Visor extractor hood hangs evenly. Note the diameter of drill bits for concrete, selected according to a set of pegs running. Will have a caliper to measure, then get to the hardware store. Recall unit price 1800 rubles released at an output of 335 cubic meters per hour, the engine power of 135 watts. Given the amount of opportunities, good instruction. No upper price segment, installation of the kitchen hood visor by all indications will pass nicely without clear guidance.
The device has received the second class electrical protection, grounding is not necessary, but recommended just put the three-core cable outlet PVS3. The equipment will be replaced, no longer need to carry out the dismantling of the power supply, replace the wiring. Permissible power count, based on the cross-section, the Internet will provide the initial figures for the calculation. For convenience, we give some details:
- PVS3 x 0.75 mm - 6 A.
- PVS3 x 1 mm - 10 A.
- PVS3 x 1.5 mm - 16 A.
- PVS3 x 2.5 mm - 25 A.
- PVS3 x 6 mm - 50 A.
Given current voltage of 380 V to receive the phase on the outlet homepage, multiply by 1.5. Utilities are taken from the reserve and a half to two times the actual current must be less than this. Do not forget that the majority of motors in use today technology, asynchronous type, when you run consumes at least twice the face. Doubt, the first run sequentially connect with the socket on the circuit breaker ampere number corresponding to the maximum strength of the conductor.
Visor for kitchen hood should be abundant enough PVS3 x 0.75.
Installation options:
- Exhaust. To determine the mode of operation, exhaust or recirculation, use a dedicated switch on the side of the plastic motor housing. You will need to climb into the kitchen hood, to make the setting. As for the ducts, is not choice but to buy the corrugation 120 mm in diameter. Otherwise need special adapters, for example, 125 mm. The clamp purchased along with the air, pretending corrugation length of the equipment layout considerations in the kitchen. If there are horizontal shelf above the hood, it is necessary to break a duct. Easier to wield a jigsaw. Need special drill grinding stripping sidewall openings.
- Embedding. Installing the hood with their hands in a cabinet maintained at a different scheme. We have to cut a hole in the bottom section of the housing size. Fixing is carried out on the screws have to buy hardware. Do not close the grille body, intended for recycling, if said provided views functioning. The rest of the sequence of actions the same: taken ribbed, breaks the cabinet section ceiling installation is carried out to the bitter end near the kitchen ventilation hole. To dock the store sold a special grille. If necessary, use an adapter for rectangular duct, which culminated in the corrugation near the ceiling above the hood. Take the trouble to buy a sealant for sealing cracks, although we are understanding - additional ventilation in the room, regardless of whether the equipment or not.
- In the recirculation mode, not only the engine switch is set to the appropriate position, still have to buy a charcoal filter. Hole duct body covered special plug extending set of kitchen hood visor.
Operation, Maintenance
The manual says: Aluminum grease filter changed once every two months. Presumably, in the instructions given in the original language sort of renew, translated - updated. Most grease filter should be cleaned every two months, avoiding buying a new one. Otherwise, the device will be expensive acquisition, a year maintenance eats money three times more than the cost of the unit. Ask a question from the manufacturer. You can do on their own after the purchase. Just try to wash the grease filter, if the accessory will take the former state, will be as good as new, most operate on.
Carbon filter change is necessary. Not so much alarming high resolution as the period of renewal - 2 months. The manufacturer is not so cruel, it indicates a period for six months as a carbon filter is worth the money. The manual is written to regenerate, wash components is unacceptable. It is more like the truth. The charcoal filter is positioned above the grease used recirculation mode, when the air is simply walks around. Not the best option for the gas stove to electric - nothing more is needed.
Irritating: no name, the type of carbon filter. Direct request the search engine on this type of kitchen hood is powerless to give a positive result. Strain cunning dealers, writing: carbon filter Hansa FWU 60 is absent, can be ordered. Price silenced. Makes it difficult to calculate the cost of using this product, disinclined to call, looking about. The reader will have to take the helm. We consider in the review of the installation of the kitchen hood, not a die-hard problem.
Accessories are 250-800 rubles. It identifies the manufacturer. Do not bite on darmovschinku, take the kitchen hood. Expensive activated carbon filters may be six months, the cheap - for two months. A simple calculation shows that changing the flea. A year later it would be blocked by the cost of the product. Honey extractor hood, high-quality, require similar operating costs.
Mounting drawing for the kitchen being in accordance with the instructions. Settings specific manufacturers, you should not think that the cooker hoods are similar as twin brothers. It remains to say goodbye.