We study the medicinal properties of the Medunitsa

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A herbaceous plant with the mellifluous name of a lungwort is found in coniferous and deciduous forests, in glades, in shallow ravines, along plantings. Specially cultivated this flower of man caused the medicinal properties of the medinitsa, as well as its decorative characteristics. Surprisingly, on the same stem unites flowers of different shades - pink, blue, red, purple, white. This is explained by the presence of plant pigments of anthocyanins, which react differently to the acidity of the petals. These same unique pigments provide the culture with high medicinal properties.

Medunica - description, composition, characteristics

Medunitsa medicinal one of the first appears on forest edges in the spring after melting snow. It early starts to blossom, attracting a large number of bees, from which it got its name - a lungwort or a medulla. The plant has another name - pulmonary, meaning lung or pulmonary. In the people it is often called pulmonary herb, since it has long been used for the prevention and treatment of respiratory organs.

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This perennial plant, growing to a height of only 30 cm. The culture belongs to the family of borage, has an erect stalk and large lanceolate leaves. Flowers are separate, outwardly similar to small bells. The root is large, thick, forms tubers. In the lungwort, a fruit like a nut grows. The grass does not tolerate heat, so it prefers to grow in the shade of tall trees or shrubs.

The chemical composition of the lungwort is extensive:

  • anthocyanins - pigment substances with a bactericidal action, in nature they impart color to different parts of plants - leaves, flowers, fruits;
  • flavonoids are organic compounds that have high antioxidant activity, which helps people to fight against bad mood;
  • tannins - astringents of natural origin, suppress the reproduction and development of pathogenic microflora, on the skin and mucous membranes, in the intestines;
  • saponins - complex organic compounds, endowed with the property of foaming, in the human body intensify the processes of mucus and salivation;
  • allantoin - a natural product of oxidation, has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • ascorbic acid - commonly known as vitamin C, which increases resistance to infections, viruses, diseases;
  • silicic acid - a plant component that helps to remove toxins and toxins, normalizing the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • beta-carotene - the most significant of carotenes, under the influence of liver enzymes is converted into vitamin A;
  • vitamins - simple organic compounds that enter the body with food, involved in important processes occurring in the living body;
  • microelements and macronutrients - a group of minerals that have a vital need for a person.
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What is useful for a health lizard for health

The medicinal properties of the lungwort are manifested in diseases of the upper respiratory system - tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Grass helps to recover even in the most severe and neglected cases, hemoptysis. Especially useful is a lungwort, if it suffers from a dry, unproductive cough, accompanied by a hoarse voice, hoarseness. In just a few days of its application, sputum is easily expectorated and well excreted from the body.

Medionica medicinal is used for violations of the genitourinary system - cystitis, urinary incontinence, nephritis, urethritis, stones and sand in the ducts of the liver, kidneys, bile ducts. The plant quickly removes inflammation, reduces pain and spasms.

Culture is characterized by its ability to heal. The anthocyanins contained in it stop internal and external bleeding, promote tissue regeneration, relieve pain symptoms.

Thanks to bioflavonoids, which are in high concentration, the plant has a positive effect on the nervous system. Daily brewing leaves and flowers instead of tea, you can cope with stress and depression without drugs.

The plant has a beneficial effect on the function of hematopoiesis, stimulates the production of red blood cells of erythrocytes. Because of this ability, the larvae are recommended for the prevention and treatment of anemia, as an independent component, or as part of medicinal collections.

Due to the high content of iodine, the herb is useful for the thyroid gland, it is used to treat goiter. It is in the absence of this element that many abnormalities and organ pathologies occur, dysfunction occurs, and the production of necessary hormones decreases.

The plant is widely used for cosmetic purposes - it improves the quality of the skin and nails, reduces the harmful effect of ultraviolet, prevents premature aging. Medunitsa for hair is used when they fall out strongly, split, become weakened and lifeless.


Healing properties of Medunitsa

In folk medicine, the Herb Medusa has long established itself with an exceptionally positive side. It is safe for children and adults, the elderly, it is tolerated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Medunica - useful properties and application:

  1. Expectorant. The plant is widely used internally for the treatment of various diseases of the pulmonary-bronchial tree, for example, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis.
  2. Antimicrobial. Infusions and decoctions based on lungwort are used for skin diseases, tissue damage by bacterial infections. With it, make baths, lubricate painful places, apply lotions.
  3. Anesthetic. Grass effectively relieves the condition with exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. As an auxiliary measure helps with gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis.
  4. Spasmolytic. Culture helps to relax the smooth muscles of internal organs. It is often used in colic, heart failure.
  5. Sedative. Tea from the lungwort calms the nervous system, relieves stress and irritation, helps fight stress, treats migraines, relieves headaches.
  6. Anti-inflammatory. Infusion infusions inside cleans inflammation in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With external application, it relieves swelling, itching, redness.
  7. Antiseptic. Decoction of dry leaves and flowers, infants massage the throat with angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis. A warm liquid is kept in the mouth if there is inflammation of the mucous membranes or gums with gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis.
  8. Diuretic. Medunica has a mild diuretic effect. With constant use, it promotes the washing out of sand, destroys stones, and even out acid-base balance.
  9. Hemopoietic. The stems and leaves of the plant contain all the necessary complex of microelements necessary for the full and timely production of red blood cells. The complex contains iron, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium, silicon and potassium.
  10. Immunomodulating. The high content of trace elements, such as iodine and silicon, antioxidants, allows you to use a lungwort to strengthen immunity. It increases resistance and resistance of the body to various kinds of infections, improves protective forces and mechanisms, is used to prevent colds, respiratory-viral diseases.
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Medunitsa preparations do not have strict limitations to use. Very young children and adolescents, adults, elderly people are successfully treated with medicinal grass. If you can not collect the grass yourself, find a plant from folk healers or local herbalists, then it can be purchased at the pharmacy in loose form or in the form of filter packets. It is permissible for children to use a lungwort from the age of 3 years. Outwardly permitted lungwort during pregnancy, inside during this period it is better not to take it.

How to use a medina medicinal

Healing properties of the lungwort are concentrated in the ground part of the plant - leaves and flowers. They are neatly cut during flowering with the stem, dried, tying into bundles. The dried grass is grinded, on the basis of the finished raw material, decoctions, infusions are prepared, and therapeutic tea is brewed. Medinitsa fits well with many other medicinal plants, so it is often included in the composition of medicinal fees.

In England and France fresh flowers and leaves of the Medunica are used as an edible decor of restaurant dishes and desserts.

Popular recipes with Medunica:

  1. Decoction. A half-liter of water will need a handful of dry ground grass. The liquid is brought to a boil, boiled for 15 minutes. When the liquid cools down, filter it and drink half the glass twice a day - in the morning and in the evening after eating.
  2. Infusion. A tablespoon of dried raw material is poured into a glass of steep boiling water. The liquid should be infused for 2 hours, then it is passed through the gauze. The resulting infusion is used for the intended purpose: inside - for one day, three times or externally - for rinsing, rinsing, lotions, compresses and so on.
  3. Tea. Fresh or dry parts of the plant (stems, leaves, flowers) are useful to brew and drink instead of traditional tea or coffee. Healing properties of lungwort are a good prevention of many diseases for children and adults.
  4. Alcoholic infusion. The third part of the chosen glass container is filled with fresh grass, if the dried mixture is taken, then - by a quarter. The remaining volume is filled with quality vodka or diluted to 40 ° alcohol. The liquid is infused in a dark place for 2 weeks. Tincture is taken one teaspoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
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Application of fresh litter

Cutted grass can be used immediately, without waiting until it dries. Leaves and flowers are finely chopped, turning into gruel. The prepared mass is applied to non-healing ulcers, deep and shallow cuts, used for burns and frostbite. The remedy is able to get rid of calluses and corns, neglected or appeared recently. Juice and pulp of lungwort add to home cosmetic products - face and scalp masks.

It is popular and effective to use a lungwort in a hike for quick and high-quality wound healing.

Rules for the application of lungwort in marching conditions (briefly):

  • small scratches are washed and processed with plant juice, which is squeezed out of several leaves;
  • when bleeding should be applied gruel from finely chopped green parts of the plant, then the blood will stop much faster;
  • if a suppuration occurred, then a bandage should be applied to the pulp of the lungwort, and the bandage is changed several times a day as it gets dirty;
  • when biting insects make lotions with juice or concentrated infusions infusions;
  • if the bee has bitten, then to remove the inflammation and swelling will help compress from the gruel of leaves and flowers.

Stop external application should be when clearly visible improvements, ulcers and wounds begin to tighten, pass inflammation and redness, subsides pain and itching.

Herbal treatment inside does not accept rush, the course usually is one or two months, depending on the results achieved. Using the useful properties of lungwort, contraindications are taken into account. The plant is forbidden for individual intolerance, the development of an allergic reaction.

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