. Top viewTherefore, flower growers select suitable specimens for their garden. Lavatera tolerates sudden changes in temperature, violent gusts of wind, as well as a dry or humid climate. For the representative of the family Malvovye characterized by self-seeding. It is worth planting a culture once and periodically taking care of it, as it is to live forever in a country house.
The name comes from the Latin word “wash”.Why? Petals have a mirror-like look, as if they had just been polished. The people know her by the names: dog, wild and garden rose or hatima( female Persian name).An interesting article about the primrose perennial, its landing and care.
Top view
Both annual and perennial varieties were bred. Tall and dwarf( within 50 cm) annuals live up to 3 months. But the permanent inhabitants of the front garden are able to reach one and a half meters in height. This curly bush laureate flowers( here in the photo) captivates with its appearance. Popular varieties with petals of such shades:
- white;
- pink;
- yellow;
- purple;
- are red.
They differ in the type of inflorescences, which are single or complex. The first buds appear at the turn of May and June. In a flowering state, the plant persists until October. At the same time it is impossible to approach the flowerbed. She is shrouded in a swarm of insects that collect nectar / honey. Although the laureate is a garden rose, it is also used in traditional medicine.
Preparations obtained from lavender roots have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and enveloping effects.
Besides this healing effect, culture has a beneficial effect on a person’s mental state. In this regard, Khatma is not the last place in landscape design. You can watch and enjoy for hours:
- fast-growing and strongly branchy bush;
- dark green 3- or 5-lobed leaves with jagged edges;
- funnel-shaped flowers, reaching 5-10 cm in diameter.
A photo of a flower laureate made on a bed of flowers causes admiration and delight. Such carpet compositions look incredibly in the company of other varieties. Especially observers are struck by contrasting veins on the petals emerging from the middle and scattering to the edge. Unusual color creates the illusion of a corrugated surface.
A huge variety of side shoots are formed on a powerful bush. They are crowned with luxurious bouquets of garden roses. Toward the middle of the summer buds become so much that they completely cover all the greens.
The more years the laureate is perennial, the darker its foliage becomes. If with age it brightens and turns pale, it means that the culture needs phosphorus and nitrogen-containing fertilizers to be fed.
Systematics of growing
There are two known methods of planting: seeds and seedlings. In the first case, sowing is carried out directly in open ground. The optimal period for this is May, when the sun is still low over the horizon, but no frost is expected. In the second variant, grains are also sown, but only in containers and much earlier. In this regard, the question arises when to plant the plant on the seedlings. After all, the plant needs to have time to grow and grow stronger, and then adapt to a new place.
Flower growers practice planting Khatma with entire families, groups. So, holes are made in a circle. The pitch is 20-25 cm. From 5 to 7 seedlings / seeds are immediately placed in a single funnel. As a result, volumetric bouquets of dog roses will grow.
Passionate Instinct
There are several advantages of growing laureates in this way. With the help of seedlings it is easier to create original design compositions. Practice shows that not every seeded seed rises on a bed. Then you have to urgently fill the resulting "gaps" in other varieties. But at home, it is much easier to pay attention to a separate instance. Moreover, the described breeding method approximates the flowering period by six weeks.
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How to calculate when to sow the laureate for seedlings? First determine the date of flowering - June. So, planting seedlings in the front garden follows a month - in early May. To germinate, the culture will need 8 weeks. It turns out - the first of March.
First of all prepare landing containers. Capacity washed out with a solution of potassium permanganate. The soil is taken as universal soil or peat-based substrates. At the bottom form a drainage layer - 5-7 cm of pebbles, mixed with sand.
The seeding process is carried out according to the following technology:
- Make furrows 1-2 cm deep.
- Separate separately the change and spray with water using a spray bottle.
- Fill up the miniature beds with a layer of 1 cm.
- Cover the dishes with a tray, glass or heavy film.
- Put on a bright and warm place, preferably in the southern part of the house. There will be no extra LED lights.
Check the microclimate in the container several times a day. Do not allow condensation to form on the lid. When the first drops appear, it is removed for 2-3 minutes.
After 14-21 days sprouts appear on the surface of the ground( 5-6 cm).In this case, it is time to remove the improvised shelter.
Now the hostess should regularly spray, but not water, her indoor garden with moderate doses. Once every 3-4 days, rotate the container to provide enough light for the sprouts.
Free spaces
By growing laureates from seeds are very responsible. When the first 3 full-fledged leaves appear, the shoots are transferred to the open ground. By that time there should be no frosts. The picking system is as follows:
- ground up the ground;
- make holes at a distance of 20 cm( width several times larger than rhizomes);
- fertilize them with compost;
- irrigate abundantly;
- carefully remove the seedling from the container / pot along with the primer;
- put in a hole and fall asleep, a little rammed the area.
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A wild rose takes root quickly if you water the bed every day. As soon as the stems begin to be intensively drawn out, the procedure is stopped, switching to the normal mode. It should be borne in mind that Khatma does not stand up too wet soil, and even more so water stagnation.
Now it remains only to weed the plot and conduct internecine fights with weeds.
A place on the bed is picked up open and unshadowed. Away from the walls and tall "neighbors".
Seeds in the open ground
For busy people, the method of growing laureates from seeds is suitable when you can plant a crop right on the bed. This saves time and effort. However, you have to try at the beginning of planting and when shoots appear. First of all, the plot is prepared:
- dig the ground;
- make humus / manure;
- level the surface with a rake;
- form the beds, deepening by 1 cm( spacing between rows - 30 cm);
- pour water( it is recommended to warm up the liquid a little);
- seeds mixed with sand and sown;
- sprinkled with a thin layer of fertilized soil;
- watered;
- make cover from the film.
For tall specimens, the distance is 40 cm. After 7-14 days, the leaves will begin to erupt. When they grow up and become a height of 5 cm, canopy can be taken. At this moment it is important to thin the seedlings, leaving 25 cm between them. Then sprout young sprouts.
Also for flowers, laurel plants make supports so that fast-growing stems do not break. Some build walls of nets, others simply fix wooden slats( 1 m) 5 cm from the bush.
For the success of sprouting, the furrows are scalded with boiling water. When the ground has cooled down a little, start sowing.
Even hardy need care
Moisten the soil twice a week if the summer is dry. The amount of water is calculated so that the earth is soaked for 6 cm. The next session is carried out in 1-2 weeks. By that time, the soil should dry completely. Spray the laureate is not advised. She successfully survives heat and drought.
In this case, you can alternate water procedures with loosening the site. The earth will not take a crust, and the roots will receive the necessary supply of oxygen. Weeds are removed from the site or left to rot between the rows. Weed a flower bed all the time until the bush rises to 1 meter above the surface. Since the roots are too close, we should carefully carry out weeding so as not to damage them.
Planting and caring for launcher includes several other important components.
The optimum temperature at which the flower grows rapidly varies between 20-25 ° C.In winter, bushes should be covered with leaves / grass. Under this layer, set a wooden plank or bowl.
Wild Rose Diet
Feeding is carried out twice during the entire growing season. Before flowering, prepare such a solution:
- , 1 tbsp.lnitrophosphate and urea;
- diluted in 10 liters of water( standard bucket);
- evenly irrigate the plot.
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When the garden rose throws buds, the procedure is repeated. Only now the composition is replaced by sodium sulfate and potassium. Dilute minerals in accordance with the instructions or according to the above scheme.
In case of digging the ground with humus, the plant does not need fertilizer before planting and in the process of leaving. Photos of laureate flowers show how they will look after feeding. Changes are not visible.
Climatic conditions, air humidity, local flora and fauna affect the flora of the summer cottage. Despite its persistence, hatima also suffers from certain diseases and from the onslaught of popular pests. This rarely happens, but it is important to know how to deal with it. Action Plan:
- Aphis. Insecticides are used: "Biotlin", "Acarion" or "Aktellik".The latter two are considered universal and complex, and therefore are used in the fight against many pests.
- Rust. On the inside of the sheet stands a brown patina. The infected parts are cut to stop the spread of the fungus. The bush is abundantly sprayed with “Kuproksat”, with Borod's solution or topaz. With the defeat of 70% of the plant it is removed from the root and burned.
You can get acquainted with uninvited guests using the photo. Lavater long-term( planting and care as for annuals) quickly recovers after the treatment. At the same time, do not forget to remove dried buds and leaves. Then they will not turn into the ovary. After all, when seeds are ripening, culture throws all its strength on this process. The bush stops throwing gorgeous buds and fades.
If the gardener wants to control the shape of a wild rose, then it must be pinned. Pruning is carried out in the case of a deficit of lateral shoots.
It is worth remembering that under the weight of gorgeous flowers, fragile stems of perennial varieties often break. Therefore, they are tied to a canopy or attached with special clips to a vertical support.
In the collection of each gardener a separate place is occupied by the laureate. Her endurance and grace have already won the hearts of millions of owners of suburban areas. It remains to allow her to enter into the life of the still inexperienced florist.
Collecting Laureate Seeds - Video