Annual flowers for a beautiful flower bed

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With the onset of the first spring heat before the florists faces the problem of choosing which annual flowers to plant on their site. The assortment of such plants is quite rich, and often the area of ​​sowing is limited by the garden and buildings.

To make a beautiful flower bed, which throughout the season will delight the eye with its flowering and decorative appearance, you can use such flowers:

  • ageratum;
  • amaranth;
  • arctitis;
  • balsam;
  • cornflower.

Lush multicolored balls of ageratum

The one-year-old flower is a compact low cluster, not more than 30 cm, with inflorescences in the form of small lush balls of different colors depending on the variety (pink, blue, white). Flowering occurs in June and lasts until the frosts. Cultivated an ageratum in seedlings.

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The handsome amaranth

Depending on the variety, the height of the flower varies from 30 cm to 3 m. The color of the leaves can also be different - green, purple, purple. There are varieties with colorful motley leaves. Cultivated amaranth seeding in May in a sunny place, the inflorescence resemble long green or reddish whisk-shaped whisk. Amaranth flowers until late autumn.

A characteristic feature of the flower is its rapid growth and the ability of an adult plant to manage for a long time without irrigation.

Bear's ear or arctotis

The Arctis variety Arlekin is very popular. The flower grows in a low bush, the inflorescences 9 cm in diameter have a different color and are slightly similar to chamomile. The one-year-old flower blooms in June and does not cease to form new inflorescences until late autumn.

When growing Arktotis seedlings, it should be noted that he does not like picking, so it is better to sow crops directly in separate cups.

The unpretentious garden balsam

It grows in small bushes, up to 40 cm, although there are instances of a height of only 10 cm, for example, grade Cranberry Balance. Forms terry or simple inflorescences, the color of which depends on the variety (white, pink, red, orange, pink, lemon). As for a small plant, the flowers of balsam are rather large, up to 5 cm in diameter.

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Delicate cornflowers

Simple, but at the same time very elegant annual flowers of cornflowers will also serve as an ornament for the flower bed. Beautiful balls with petals-asterisks can be both simple monochrome, and lush, stuffed multicolor. There are even fragrant varieties. Absolutely unpretentious plant will bloom until autumn.


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