The "Shabbat" mode in the refrigerator is more designed for those who practice Judaism. This is due to the special prohibitions for Jews who observe the tradition on the Sabbath, which is called Shabbat. But why is this function needed and what does it even imply?
What is the Shabbat function?
Everyone knows that any refrigerator works from the network, so all the actions that it can only perform are due to the closing or opening of the electrical circuit. This includes:
- turning on the light when opening the door;
- the beginning of the compressor operation when the temperature inside the chamber drops;
- various sound signals;
- indicators on the front of the device.
So, according to the sages of the Torah, all these processes are considered a sin. In other words, closing / opening an electrical circuit is creation and destruction, the prohibition of which is quite specifically indicated in the scriptures. The same applies to the light bulb on when the door is opened - the Jews are forbidden to turn on the light on Shabbat.
It is for this reason that many manufacturers began to produce special refrigerators that include the "Shabbat" function. When activated, the device switches to a completely different operating mode:
- when the door is opened, the light does not turn on;
- all indicators go out;
- sound signals are not played;
- the compressor does not start immediately, even if the temperature inside the chamber has dropped significantly.
In this case, the device itself remains in working order.
All this is necessary so that a person, opening the refrigerator, does not provoke by his actions the closure / opening of the electrical circuit and thereby does not violate religious taboos. Usually, all functions resume their work as soon as the timer expires. Further, the device will work in the same mode as other models.
So, to summarize: the "Shabbat" function is intended for those who practice Judaism. It fully meets all the requirements on Holy Saturday and on Jewish holidays. When the "Shabbat" mode is activated, some functions of the device are disabled, thus a person does not have to worry that he has violated any of the prohibitions mentioned in the Torah. Once "sabbath mode" is activated, there is no need to worry about displays, lights, beeps and fan. As soon as Saturday ends, the refrigerator works as before.
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