Thermos: what is it and how to use it for its intended purpose?

Thermos is a unique development of mankind, which allows us to keep food in a certain temperature regime for up to a day. This applies to both hot and chilled food.

what is a thermos?


The content of the article

  • Thermos - what is it and what is it used for?
    • Purpose of the device
    • Device and main characteristics
  • Thermos classification
    • By material of manufacture
    • By the nature of storage
  • How to choose the right one?

Thermos - what is it and what is it used for?

The household appliance is a double-walled container, between which there is a vacuum. Most modern devices have an additional layer of insulation and a tight lid for more reliable closing.

Thermoses are produced in various sizes. Storage, carrying and preparation of various dishes is allowed.

Purpose of the device

The main purpose of the device is to keep food fresh and at a certain temperature. If the dish is hot, it retains its attractive taste and aroma for a long time. Cold food does not spoil for a long time and can always be reheated.

It is noteworthy that in ancient Greek mythology Thermos is the god of heat and wind.

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Also, a thermos is often used to prepare "lazy" dishes. For example, it is easy to make porridge in the evening or brew compote, broth. They are tasty and rich thanks to the closed space in which the products are placed.

the purpose of the thermos


Device and main characteristics

Thermos was first invented by a resident of Munich (Germany) in 1904. The device, unique in its structure, was a flask with double walls and a mirror surface inside, which well retained the heat of the products placed in it.

The flask is the main element of the container. It is made of glass or stainless steel with double walls, between which air is pumped out. The vacuum is created to reduce heat conduction and convection between the environment and the inside of the bulb.

Mirror coating covers the inner surface of the flask. The body is usually made of metal or durable plastic. Also, most modern models have a layer of insulation and a dense cover made of safe plastic.

The device keeps warm for 8-10 hours. After this time, a person has the opportunity to enjoy the still hot tea, as if it had just been brewed. This is especially convenient when it is not possible to use a conventional kettle.

To maintain the temperature longer, the flask is completely filled with liquid. So it will be hot for an extended period.

The only "weak" point is the lid. When choosing a model, you need to pay attention to this detail. It must be made of strong and thick plastic and fit securely to the neck.

thermos device


Thermos classification

Previously, devices were only made for liquids. It was rare to find on sale a wide flask for carrying first courses. But they did not keep the temperature of the dish for long. Everything has changed today. There are a lot of thermos options.

By material of manufacture

Products from different materials will be found on sale. Most of all thermoses are in demand from:

  • stainless steel;
  • glass.

Stainless steel products are traditional. It is customary to take them on long hikes, fishing, nature walks. Glass ones are good at home, as they are more fragile. There is also a version of a plastic thermos. Its body is light and original. Suitable for outdoor sports and hiking. But it is worth remembering that plastic is not highly durable.



By the nature of storage

Previously, thermoses were designed exclusively for hot liquids. But not so long ago they began to be subdivided, given the nature of the use of the container. For example:

  • for tea, coffee and other hot drinks;
  • for food;
  • universal.

Moreover, each type of thermos has its own subspecies. For example, for every day for a pleasant morning, many now purchase a thermo mug. This item allows you to enjoy your homemade coffee on the way to work.

There are also thermal flasks for hiking and active sports, special bottles for cold water and other options. For food, thermoses are divided into containers with different volumes. Some are intended for first courses, while others only stand for solid food.

food thermos


How to choose the right one?

The choice of a thermos is based on the principle of integrity and visual appeal. Going to the store, it is worth remembering a few basic rules that will protect you from buying a low-quality item:

  1. On examination, it is worth shaking the thermos. If a soft ringing is heard, this means that the bulb is damaged or is not properly secured inside.
  2. A visual inspection of the inside of the device will allow you to assess its integrity and the absence of chips, cracks.
  3. There should be no harsh, unpleasant odors inside. If there are any, they will not disappear even after thorough washing.

When you come home with your purchase, fill it with boiled hot water. If the outer walls heat up, then the thermos is defective. It is worth returning it to the store as a substandard item.

choice of thermos


Thermos is a worthy purchase for all occasions. It is good to go hiking and travel with it, or even take it with you on a long walk. Thermo mugs are ideal for a great start to the day and hot coffee. It is convenient to take home lunch in containers with you if you cannot dine in a cafe or canteen.

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