Thermopot: what is it, design features, functions and options of the device

Many people describe the thermopot as a kind of hybrid of an electric kettle, thermos and samovar. I cannot say that this description is wrong. This Japanese invention really heats water like a kettle. It also keeps the temperature of the liquid, like a thermos. Well, to pour boiling water into a cup, the device does not need to be lifted, it is enough just to press a button, which involuntarily brings back memories of the samovar faucet. But this is where the similarities between the thermopot and the aforementioned trio end and the differences begin.



The content of the article

  • The purpose of the thermo pot
  • Thermopot design features
  • Basic and additional functions of the thermo pot

The purpose of the thermo pot

To understand what prompted the Japanese to invent this miracle, it is enough just to remember with what trepidation this nation treats tea ceremonies. It was they who determined the optimal temperature of hot water for brewing different types of tea, thanks to which you can unleash the full potential of the drink. For example, did you know that green tea is supposed to be brewed at a temperature of about 80 ° C, while for black tea the range from 92 to 95 ° C is ideal?

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Now imagine a Japanese man waiting for the boiling water to cool down to the desired value, standing near a kettle with a thermometer in his hands. An incredible sight, isn't it? But it will not be possible to see him in reality, since there is a device that allows you to heat water to the desired temperature and maintain this temperature for as long as you like - and this is a thermal sweat.

thermopot parts diagram


Thermopot design features

Let's start our acquaintance with the water heating element - Heating elementbut. Its distinguishing feature is its relatively low power, not exceeding 1000 watts (more often fluctuates in the range from 500 to 800 watts), which is at least half that of the average electric kettle. Moreover, in some models of thermo pots, two heating elements are built at once, allowing you to simultaneously maintain different water temperatures in separate reservoirs of the device (yes, there are such options).

The operation of the heating elements is regulated thermal sensors. It is thanks to them that it is possible to heat water to the desired temperature without boiling or to maintain a given temperature regime. But the duet "TEN-sensor" would be too small to ensure optimal operation of the thermopot, because constantly a switching-on heating element would consume too much even with a relatively low power electricity.

It is for this reason that the thermopot double walls, almost like a thermos. Air trapped between these walls limits heat transfer from the inner reservoir, allowing heat to be retained longer. Not as long as in a thermos with a vacuum between the walls, but still much longer than a regular kettle.

Also, maintaining the temperature regime depends on the amount of heated water: the more there is, the longer it will cool down. So don't be surprised spaciousness thermopots, the smallest of which are designed for 2.2 liters of water. The optimal tank volume is 3-5 liters.

But the large volume is not only beneficial: even hardworking Japanese would not want to lift this bulky and heavy structure for the sake of one cup of tea. So do not be surprised at the presence pumps for water supply. It can be mechanical or electrical, but in any case, it allows you to pour hot water into a vessel placed under the faucet, without moving the weighty thermopot from its place.

Thermo pots


Basic and additional functions of the thermo pot

Among the main tasks of this technique are only heating and maintaining a given water temperature. For this, the device must be supplemented with a thermostat. But this basis can already be supplemented by different levels of protection:

  • from turning on a thermopot with an empty reservoir;
  • from accidentally pressing a manual or electric pump;
  • from the automatic start of boiling when connected to the network;
  • from pressing buttons while boiling.

Same thermal sweat is often supplemented with elements that increase the usability, which include:

  • several ways of pouring water;
  • 360 ° rotation;
  • sturdy handle for moving the device;
  • measuring scale;
  • display backlight;
  • buzzer;
  • built-in timer and delayed start function.

For those who are not satisfied with this, some models of thermopots can please with a built-in filter, a carbon coating of the tank and a self-cleaning function. But it is important to understand that when choosing such a technique, you will have to pay attention only to functions and options that are important for you, since none of the options on the market have a complete list of the above opportunities.

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