What the first models of various household appliances looked like

I'm sure 99% of the readers of this article have home appliances. The kitchens of the average layman are furnished with kettles and multicooker, and there is a washing machine in the bathroom. But it was not always so. It's scary to think, but even at the beginning of the 20th century, not everyone had electricity. Looking at the prototypes of modern devices, it is difficult to guess in them a hairdryer or a vacuum cleaner. However, it is about them that I will tell today!

The content of the article

  • First toaster
  • What a hairdryer looked like before
  • Manual dishwasher
  • Hand-operated vacuum cleaner

First toaster

People have always loved toasts, but before the advent of a special device, bread was simply dried over the fire. Not very practical - you can't light a fire in the middle of the house in the morning. That is why, in 1893, Alan McMaster from Scotland presented the first toaster to the public.

@ ericklo1

He was deprived of the body we were accustomed to and worked on copper wires. The bread was toasted on one side only. It had to be turned over manually. The device never gained popularity. It turned out to be quite fire hazardous and inconvenient in domestic use.

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In 1909, the American company General Electric developed a new prototype of a familiar device called the D-12. He already looked like the usual, he knew how to turn the bread himself. Unlike Alan's appliance, this toaster worked without smoke or fire.

What a hairdryer looked like before

The need for a hairdryer has arisen among beauties for a long time. Before the invention of the first devices, women of fashion dried their hair in an oven or over an open fire. Yes Yes exactly. Naturally, such experiments often ended in serious injuries, burns and heat stroke.

@Dave Amos

Already at the end of the 19th century in America, a fixed vacuum cleaner tube began to be used as a hair dryer. A little later, dryers appeared - vacuum vacuum cleaners, under which you had to sit. These were often shown in old American films.

The first portable hair dryer did not appear until 1980. By design, it practically did not differ from the usual device, but did not have a dozen modes and special attachments.

Manual dishwasher

At all times, no one wanted to wash the dishes. The richer people hired maids for this, but the poor had to wash their hands in blood. And I'm not even dramatizing, because the usual water tap and detergents were not available in those days either. I had to scrub the plates for hours, trying to cope with the stubborn dirt.

Therefore, as early as 1850, Joel Goughton invented the first hand-operated dishwasher. The device was a small pot equipped with several nets. They had to put the dishes in them.

Water was poured into the container. To wash its contents, the housewife had to turn a special handle. This invention was not particularly popular, but an electric machine was soon invented on the basis of it.

Hand-operated vacuum cleaner

The world's first patent was obtained in 1860 by the American Daniel Hess. According to his idea, the vacuum cleaner was equipped with a rotating brush. Thanks to the sophisticated bellows system, the device created a powerful air flow. The air that got into the device passed through two water chambers, being cleaned of dust and dirt. It sounds interesting, but the invention never got beyond the idea.

@Robby Virus

In 1868, Ives McGuffney invented the Whirlwind. It was a fairly lightweight and compact hand-operated vacuum cleaner. To make it work, you had to simultaneously push the device and twist the handle, setting it in motion. This decision was not very convenient, but the then housewives did not yet have a choice.

The first electric vacuum cleaner appeared only in 1901. It was based on the seat dust blowing device, which was widely used at the time.

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