How to properly defrost the refrigerator so as not to harm it

Caring for any type of refrigerator necessarily includes defrosting. It would seem that difficult? True, nothing, if you do not rush things and know how the process is going. Today I will tell you how to properly defrost the refrigerator so as not to harm it.

The content of the article

  • For what and how often
    • Single and double compartment refrigerators
    • "No Frost"
  • How does this happen?
  • Acceleration methods
  • How can not be done in any case

For what and how often

The answer to the first part of the question is pretty easy. Preventive procedures increase the operational life of the equipment several times. Any refrigeration devices are no exception. Defrosting reduces the load on the compressor, which even saves electricity.

The only criterion by which the frequency of preventive and sanitary defrosting should be determined is the presence or absence of an automatic mode.

Single and double compartment refrigerators

Ice build-up occurs relatively quickly in common household appliances. They should be turned off and washed two to three times a year, as needed. Snow dunes appeared on the walls - it means that the time has come.

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In the summer, ice builds up in the freezer even faster due to contact with warm air. Accordingly, it is necessary to turn off the equipment and carry out the necessary procedures more often.

"No Frost"

New generation devices are equipped with a system for automatic regulation of their own temperature and the removal of excess moisture outside. This significantly reduces the formation of ice on the walls of the freezer. However, you still need to defrost them during periods of active operation. Minimum - once a year.

How does this happen?

In fact, the algorithm is pretty straightforward. For its implementation, only patience and a couple of rags are useful. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  • Unplug the appliance and open all doors.
  • Transfer food from the refrigerator to a pre-prepared place suitable for temporary storage. For example, in a bathtub filled with cold water. Either in a thermal bag filled with ice, or at least in a cool darkened room.
  • Take out all removable components (shelves, egg holders, etc.).


  • Leave to defrost completely. From time to time you will have to wipe up the puddles that appear as the ice thaws.
  • Wash the inner walls of the equipment and previously removed accessories. Wipe dry with a soft cloth. Leave to dry for another hour.
  • Turn on the device and let it work for 20-30 minutes, only then put the food into it.

Acceleration methods

The best solution is to simply let the ice build-up thaw naturally at room temperature. However, what if, for some reason, the refrigerator needs to be washed faster?

Resourceful housewives have come up with several ways to defrost as soon as possible. However, some of them may be unsafe for technology or human health. Although there are also working and effective ways to speed up ice melting:

  • Spray the walls of the frozen chamber from a spray bottle with lukewarm water. Within 20-30 minutes, the ice is guaranteed to begin to melt and fall off.

@Barb Crawford

  • Place a pot of hot water in the freezer and close the door. The moisture vapor will quickly melt the ice. A prerequisite is to place the container only on a special heat-resistant surface. Instead, you can use a regular heating pad.

@ Medtekhnika Ortosalon 3

How can not be done in any case

What is categorically not recommended when defrosting is to try to chop off the ice frozen to the walls of the freezer with sharp objects. In addition, you should not use a hairdryer as a source of hot air.

@Aaron Yoo

The first option threatens equipment damage. The disadvantages of the second are the rubber seal on the refrigerator dried out to uselessness and a burnt-out hair dryer. And too fast defrosting will only damage the technique.

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