Kettle and thermopots: pros and cons, features of choice

What to choose - a thermopot or an electric kettle? If you have been asking this question for a long time, then I will not say anything new: just focus on those capabilities of technology that will make your life easier. But if you have only recently started looking for an answer, then this article will help you choose the right guidelines for making the right decision.


The content of the article

  • Common features of a thermo pot and a kettle
  • Basic differences between a kettle and a thermopot
  • So which is the best choice?

Common features of a thermo pot and a kettle

Both of these devices are equipped with tubular electric heaters (Heating elements), since both the kettle and the thermo-pot are designed to provide users with hot water. But there are serious differences in the speed of obtaining boiling water.

The average kettle boils in just 3-5 minutes, which is due to a powerful heating element (on average about 2 kW) and a modest volume of liquid (the most common standard is 1.7 liters).

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Thermo pot for heating water to the desired temperature you need an average of 16-20 minutes, since its heating element usually has a power of about 800 watts, but this technique holds from 2.2 to 5 liters of water.

The second common feature is the ability to keep the water temperature at a given level. True, it should be clarified that absolutely all thermopots and only some expensive electric kettles can do this. At the same time, a kettle will spend much more electricity to complete such a task than its opponent. And all because of the design differences.


Basic differences between a kettle and a thermopot

Let's start with the case. By the teapot it is single, that is side walls household appliance simultaneously play the role of both the body and the vessel in which the water is. This simplicity makes it possible to lighten the weight of the kettle as much as possible so that the user does not experience serious inconvenience when pouring boiling water into a cup. But it also leads to increased heat loss.

The thermo-pot, on the other hand, has double walls.: external - body, and internal - vessel for water. Air is located between the inner and outer walls, which prevents the transfer of heat from the inner tank to the external environment. This feature allows the water to maintain its temperature longer.

Well, the resulting bulkiness is more than compensated for by the presence of a pump, which eliminates the need for raising the thermal pot: just press the desired button, and the boiling water pours directly into the one brought to the spout a cup.

The final touch: the purpose of the devices. The kettle is primarily focused on the rapid heating of water, due to which the options in the form of the ability to maintain a given temperature for any significant period of time necessarily lead to increased energy consumption.

And here the thermopot is focused precisely on keeping water just as hot as needed the user, because of which he, although he heats the water for a long time, but then maintains its temperature with minimal energy consumption.


So which is the best choice?

As stated at the very beginning of the article, weighing the pros and cons, you should proceed from your needs. An electric kettle is useful for those who care about the speed of water heating, but do not often need boiling water. But a thermopot will be indispensable in a family with small children or in an office, for example, when hot water may be needed at any time, but the rate of its heating is not considered a paramount parameter.

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