Do-it-yourself supply ventilation with heating: how to organize air heating and assemble the supply system

Ventilation systems that provide the inflow and treatment of air masses coming directly from the street are usually used exclusively in the economic and industrial sphere. For domestic conditions, such systems are not provided by default. This is one of the reasons that makes ordinary users think about putting together something similar for home use. But is this possible and how can this problem be solved?

By and large, almost anything is possible. However, there are always a number of nuances to consider. And we will talk about this in our article - we will consider what a do-it-yourself forced-air ventilation system is and what basic units it consists of. We will discuss the issue of a home “inflow” with heating from the point of view of possible solutions to this issue, supplementing the article with visual photos and thematic videos.

The content of the article:

  • Supply system device with heating function
    • Design features of the "inflow" with heating
    • Types of heating systems for ventilation
    • An example of an apartment project "inflow" with heating
  • instagram viewer
  • How to integrate supply ventilation into an apartment?
  • Instructions for the arrangement of the "inflow" with heating
    • Stage # 1 - drawing up a plan of the system
    • Stage # 2 - selection of structural elements
    • Stage # 3 - assembly of the apartment supply ventilation
    • Stage # 4 - testing the mounted system
  • Additional accessories in the "inflow" scheme
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Supply system device with heating function

Technically, the design of the supply air unit is not a high-tech device. True, the latest developments in this area, aimed at providing specialized areas of the national economy with air supply machines, have made great strides forward.

Industrial structures are equipped according to the latest technology:

  • controllers;
  • electric motor speed controllers;
  • control and analysis sensor systems;
  • effective filters and recuperators;
  • air heating (cooling) modules;
  • channel cut-off mechanisms.

As a result, the outdoor air handling is achieved at a really high level, which contributes to the creation of a pleasant atmosphere inside the working area.

Is it possible to do something similar for operation in a private house?

An example of the design of an industrial supply

Industrial high-tech system for supplying and processing outdoor air, equipped with full-fledged automation, capable of operating stably with the support of periodic maintenance

Perhaps, for a private house for one family, such air treatment is quite acceptable.

But for implementation in a city apartment - this is already an intractable task. The complexity of the task for a city dweller is due to various nuances - both technical and economic.

Design features of the "inflow" with heating

For a better understanding of the complexity of the problem, let us consider the classic design of the supply unit with the functions of additional processing of street air.

First of all, a purely installation factor should be taken into account. After all, the air handling system is a fairly large unit, for which a part of the room area must be allocated.

Supply and exhaust unit of branded design

Relatively small-sized branded supply and exhaust systems are produced, designed for ceiling mounting. For cases with private houses, this approach can be considered

By default, the inflow structure contains:

  • electric motor;
  • impeller;
  • air intake diffuser;
  • air discharge diffuser;
  • channel shut-off valves;
  • filters;
  • air duct system.

In order to ensure stable heating of the air flow supplied by the fan impeller, a heating system is installed after the discharge diffuser.

Read more about the types of inflows in the apartment, we spoke here.

Types of heating systems for ventilation

Technologically, in conjunction with supply ventilation, use water or electric heating system. Alternatively, it is possible to use simultaneously two heating options, which, although rare, is found in the operation of industrial machines for processing supply air.

Implementation of the water version in domestic conditions (in an apartment) for arranging ventilation with air heating with its own hands - this is an extremely difficult task, especially if it is supposed to operate the supply system in winter conditions.

Supply ventilation with water heating

The design of the supply unit, where a water heater is used as an air flow heater. This option, however, is extremely problematic to implement for urban conditions, but it is possible for a single-family private house.

Water heating requires reliable control, mandatory protection against "defrosting" of the water circuit. To achieve high heating efficiency, the water circuit must be made with a multi-pass, multi-row structure. Such a heating device must be removable. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with types of water heaters for the inflow and their principle of operation.

The introduction of an electric heater into the design of a home supply system promises to turn out to be somewhat less complex. However, in this case, electricity consumption will inevitably increase, and, accordingly, monthly costs.

To ensure heating of the supply air electrically, it will be necessary to install powerful electric heaters (TEN).

An example of an apartment project "inflow" with heating

The modern market of technological equipment, in particular, different in design fans and electric heating elements, theoretically allows you to implement the project of a home "warm supply". For example, it is quite possible to consider a construction based on duct fan.

Duct axial fan for supply system

This is how a duct axial fan looks like - a device theoretically suitable for the manufacture of a home air supply unit with heating

The design of an axial fan, for example from the Dospel company, is well suited for an apartment project. This device is small-sized, lightweight, low-noise. The technique is distinguished by a relatively low energy consumption with a sufficiently high productivity. Supports step speed control, which is also important for home "inflow" when making your own hands.

However, in addition to the axial duct fan, you will need to select an electric heater (Heating element), - a design that would provide full warming up of the air passed by the fan masses.

That is, it is necessary to calculate the power of the heating element, sufficient for the maximum performance of the Dospel device.

For calculations, you can use the following formula:

Qt = L * 0.36 * (Tv - Tn),

where: Qt - power of the heating element; L - duct fan performance; Tv and Tn - air temperature inside and outside.

How to integrate supply ventilation into an apartment?

It is clear that for the option of a private house for one family, the options for the supply ventilation device with heating provide more opportunities for do-it-yourself implementation.

A city apartment sharply limits the possibilities of installation or allows installation, but in violation of the general appearance of the interior. Not every city dweller is satisfied with this approach.

Supply system mounted at ceiling level

It is only permissible to equip city apartments under construction with a heated supply system by installing this kind of system directly under the ceiling, followed by the installation of a lower decorative ceiling coverings

From this, the possible options for building in the equipment follow. So, for cases with city apartments, it would be logical to arrange a system hidden by false ceilings. Moreover, if it is envisaged to equip the apartment with an "inflow" with heating for all existing premises in the apartment.

There are, of course, the simplest variations, when supply ventilation with a heating function is introduced directly into the wall of the building. However, this approach is most likely suitable for small rooms in a country house, but not for a city apartment, if we consider a really high-quality supply of fresh air.

Instructions for the arrangement of the "inflow" with heating

Consider the option of arranging an apartment with a "inflow" with heating in more detail. What needs to be done to implement such a system? Next, we present step-by-step instructions for assembling the system.

Stage # 1 - drawing up a plan of the system

It sounds trite, but the plan, even if it was laid out on paper in a hurry, allows you to take into account all the details of the construction.

For example, a well-designed plan must take into account the presence of insulation of the air duct, which is placed in the body of the wall at the section of the “street - room” transition (passage node).

Air duct for apartment supply system

An example of insulating an air duct made on the basis of a round plastic pipe. Quite an effective option for isolating the transition section of the pipe, simplifying the installation of the channel in the wall

Insulation with durable modern material of this section of the "inflow" is a must. The lack of insulation in the transition zone threatens the formation of moisture on the walls of the duct. This moisture will collect, drain through the pipe, and then transfer to the body of the building wall, causing smudges and destruction over time.

The layout of the "inflow" arrangement makes it possible to determine in advance the dimensions of each individual part, mark the attachment points, and the exact placement of the system parts. As a result, the time for work is reduced, plus a high-quality installation of equipment is achieved.

Stage # 2 - selection of structural elements

Technological components in this case are:

  • fan;
  • heater (heater or heating element);
  • filters (preferably not only coarse cleaning, but also fine cleaning);
  • air valve (gate);
  • air ducts (rectangular or circular).

Each of these structural elements is sized according to preliminary measurements. In addition, components such as fan and heater need to be matched for performance and power.

It is permissible to make the air filter (filters) yourself using a suitable material, for example, sipron. Or you can pick up ready-made industrial filters. These products are quite affordable.

An air damper (or adjustable damper) installed in front of the fan can also be made do it yourself on the basis of a suitable sheet material or pick up a ready-made design.

Axial fan with check valve

It is this type of axial fan, already equipped with an air valve, it is quite permissible to use it to equip an apartment supply with heating

For a home supply with heating, it is recommended to purchase ready-made air ductsmanufactured at an industrial level.

Usually, circular air ducts are considered a convenient option for apartment installation. These parts will require holders and fasteners if the project provides for a certain length of the air channel.

Stage # 3 - assembly of the apartment supply ventilation

Consider an example of installing a system with a minimum length of air ducts in an apartment.

So, first you need to punch a hole in the wall of the room where the installation is supposed to be. The hole is made commensurate with the cross-section of the duct, followed by insertion into the made hole of the inlet part of the pipe.

Outside, the hole is closed with a decorative mesh panel, and the final area that opens into the room is supplemented with a filter element - inserted into the pipe close to the insulation.

Further, an axial fan is connected to the pipe, at the output of which a heating element (heating element) is installed. Completion of installation - installation of a decorative mesh cover on the end of the outlet duct.

There are (on sale) ready-made duct heaters of round or rectangular cross-section. An obvious point - for a duct axial fan, a circular heating system is well suited. For example, execution as in the picture below.

Heating system device inside the duct

Electric heater for circular cross-section of air ducts, completely ready for operation, that is - equipped with all the necessary sensors and an overheating protection system

Ready-made heating installations of this type are produced in various sizes from 100 mm in channel diameter, weighing from 1.5 kg for power up to 6 kW or more.

So, there is every opportunity to choose a suitable option, engaged in the creation of air heating in the supply ventilation with your own hands for a home supply.

Stage # 4 - testing the mounted system

The industrial electric heating module is equipped with all the necessary protective automatics. Therefore, it is recommended to use just this option for installation. After assembly in accordance with the attached diagram, all that remains is to test the system.

This procedure provides for starting the installation into operation with the subsequent monitoring of the factors of triggering the temperature sensors to turn on / off the heating element. The operation of the step is also checked. fan speed regulator.

This completes the installation of the apartment supply.

Additional accessories in the "inflow" scheme

Having decided on the selection of the main components of the apartment supply system - a fan and a heater, you should consider options for providing other accessories. In particular, equipping the supply unit with a coarse air filter. That is, we are talking about the creation of equipment in a complex.

The rules for the device of forced ventilation without fail require the introduction of an air filter cleaning class "EU3", at least, which must be placed in front of the electric (water) heater. One of the main functions of the filter is to separate fine dust particles from the incoming air.

Supply ventilation unit in the complex

Apartment supply ventilation with the function of heating the air flow (classic scheme): 1 - outside air inlet; 2 - treated air outlet; 3 - filter of class "EU3"; 4 - channel axial fan; 5 - heating module with round branch pipes

If there is no filter, an electric heating element or a water heater quickly becomes dirty, which is fraught with a serious loss of heating power, and for an electrical structure, there is also a fire hazard.

The filter installed in the system is required periodically replace with a new one copy as it gets dirty. Accordingly, a home-made structure, assembled by hand, should provide for the possibility of quick and easy replacement of the filter element.

It should be noted that industrial air inlets are usually equipped with differential air pressure sensors. In turn, the sensors are connected to the automatic control system, which signals the user about the clogging of the filter.

In fact, it is also advisable to supplement a serious home supply system, made by hand, with a control function of the filter state.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

As an example of the implementation of a home "inflow", however, questionable in terms of quality, we offer the video below:

The idea of ​​a "inflow" with heating for a city apartment (private house) has a right to exist. Moreover, the possibility of implementing such an idea is not excluded, provided that a deliberate, rational approach is taken.

It is worth emphasizing: arranging this kind of system in an apartment or in a house, it will be reasonable to calculate how effective the result will be air exchange. You should also take into account the factor of "drying" the air passed through the heater. Thus, the high-quality implementation of an idea is a complex, controversial issue that clearly cannot be resolved "on the fly."

Do you have any questions about the arrangement of the supply air heating? Or would you like to share your own experience in assembling and installing supply ventilation? Ask your questions to our experts, share your experience, take part in the discussion of the issue - you can leave your comments in the feedback block below.

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