Types of robotic vacuum cleaners: what are the functionalities

Household appliances are real helpers for housewives. Manufacturers are constantly improving technologies, and now a variety of robot vacuum cleaners with various functions and capabilities. Before buying, you should consider all the classifications in order to make the right choice for the specific needs of the consumer.

The content of the article

  • What are robot vacuum cleaners?
    • For dry cleaning
    • For wet cleaning
    • Combined

What are robot vacuum cleaners?

Today this miracle of technology is not considered a luxury, although the first models, despite the limited functionality, were expensive. Every person who cares about the safety of their own time is able to buy such a device for themselves at home. And here there is a question of competent selection of equipment.

In advance, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the technical capabilities, equipment and functionality of the household assistant, as well as read independent reviews of people on the network who have already purchased a similar model.

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And in this case, the type of vacuum cleaner is of great importance. It is selected depending on the pollution in the house and the characteristics of the maintenance of the apartment. Otherwise, this is an independent device that works from a remote control or a smartphone.

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For dry cleaning

This device operates on a relatively simple mechanism. Its main task is to collect dust, fine debris, dirt and animal hair from flat surfaces. It works great on tiles, laminate and even some stains on short pile carpets.

The assortment on the market is quite wide. Prices also vary greatly. Such a device is suitable for a family with small children and pets, where there is no opportunity and time to carry out regular cleaning several times a day.

For wet cleaning

In this case, before operating the device, you will have to vacuum yourself with a conventional device and only after that start the robot. The principle of its operation is similar to the first type, but differs in the presence of containers for dirty and clean water - the vacuum cleaner is still washing the floor.

Does not work on carpets, even with short pile.


These are real helpers in everyday life. They cope with a variety of tasks, including cleaning and mopping floors on different flat surfaces. Able to clean a short pile carpet or carpet, as well as wash stains from the floor. However, the cost of such a device is significantly higher than that of other varieties.

In addition to the main functions, the devices differ in the number of built-in sensors, the capacity of containers, the presence of a charging station and operating time without recharging, as well as other functional features.

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