Why does the robot vacuum cleaner not connect to wifi: what to do

A robot vacuum cleaner is an indispensable thing in the home of a modern person. The device is especially relevant in the apartments of residents of large cities, for whom every minute counts. The automatic device cleans the premises silently, saving time for the owners. Many models are connected to Wi-Fi, have control via smartphones, which allows cleaning even in the absence of the owners' home. But do happen system problemsthat break the usual rhythm.

The content of the article

  • Why won't the robot vacuum cleaner connect to Wi-Fi?
    • What should I do if the vacuum cleaner is turned on and does not connect to Wi-Fi?

Why won't the robot vacuum cleaner connect to Wi-Fi?

Synchronizing the work of the vacuum cleaner with mobile devices greatly facilitates the task of the owners of premises. Using the remote control, you can start cleaning before you get home and return to an already clean home without debris and dirt.

Out of sync can unsettle anyone. The problem may lie in the inability to connect the robot to the router.

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The device is turned off as the root cause of the problem. Check this moment - the indicator on the case should be on.

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What should I do if the vacuum cleaner is turned on and does not connect to Wi-Fi?

A situation occurs when an error is displayed on the device. There are many reasons for this. We advise you to carry out a number of manipulations that can help in organizing the connection:

  1. Make sure that the device itself and the charging station are within a good network coverage area.
  2. Check the Wi-Fi indicator on the vacuum cleaner body. It should glow green.
  3. Pay close attention to the smartphone screen and follow the recommendations for settings in the app.
  4. If the robot is not displayed on the network, make a total reboot of both the device itself and the router.
  5. Restart your phone and start the sync setup again.
  6. If not, check your wireless system settings. Try connecting another gadget to Wi-Fi. The vacuum may not be the problem at all.

With competent and consistent actions, synchronization will be successful, and the robot will be able to start its work remotely.

If the result is unsatisfactory even with the correct execution of all points, contact the service center. Most likely, the reason lies in an internal breakdown. A certified wizard will help you solve your problem.

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