How to speed up the washing process: tips and life hacks

Thanks to the washing machines, the process of washing clothes was reduced by about one day, if we compare how much time our mothers and grandmothers spent at these events. Nevertheless, if we take into account that, on average, a full cycle takes about 40-60 minutes, it seems to housewives a lot. We always strive to speed up something, save our time, do everything faster, but no less better.

The same problem applies to washing. It doesn't matter for whatever reasons you want to do it faster than usual. The main thing is the result.

The content of the article

  • Can I speed up the wash?
    • Quick wash program
    • Advanced drum
    • Liquid detergents
  • How to choose a fast wash machine

Can I speed up the wash?

In general, it is practically impossible to make this process faster if you have an outdated model of equipment. True, there are some tricks, but they only shorten the cycle for a very short time. But if you have long wanted the laundry to be washed faster, but at the same time you are considering the option buying new equipment, then here you can already take into account several points that will help you achieve what you want result.

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Quick wash program

Another very useful function, it can be found in new models Samsung washing machines. In general, earlier a quick wash cycle lasted about 30-40 minutes, but now manufacturers produce equipment where this time has been reduced to 15 minutes.

True, it should be said that only those things that do not contain heavy dirt and stains can be washed in this mode. That is to say, give freshness and renew the material.

Advanced drum

The development of improved technologies that make it possible to wash a lot of laundry in a short time is based on several directions. And first of all, this is the improvement of the mechanics of the device, and specifically - a more perfect design of the drum.

It is worth saying that the drum has not changed for about half a century. It rotates evenly, the surface is smooth inside. But in 2001, one manufacturer took a chance (let's not call it "name") and designed a drum that looked like a honeycomb inside. It was since then that other firms began to think about increasing the efficiency of their machines and began to develop new designs. Their essence is so that when washing, an additional mechanical effect is exerted on the laundry, which will make it wash better.


And also the movement of the drum has changed. Now he did not just rotate evenly, but could also sway, abruptly change the direction of movement, made half-turns. All this influenced the fact that the laundry seemed to bounce off the walls, it was better moistened and more closely in contact with the washing powder.

Already in 2018, another rather significant design change took place - the QuickDrive technology. The principle of operation is that a plate is built into the back of the drum, which rotates regardless of its movements. This creates a new vector of movement of things during washing, which greatly facilitates the removal of difficult stains, but at the same time does not spoil the laundry. It is this innovation that has reduced the washing time by 35% compared to similar machines.


Liquid detergents

The best efficiency from the use of gels has long been appreciated by the owners of professional equipment, which can often be found in specialized laundries.

What is the use? Liquid products dissolve much better and faster in water, and therefore there is no need to set an additional rinse mode, as it is often advised in the case of using bulk detergents.

By the way, the gel for washing dissolves perfectly in cold water, while bulk products household chemicals need at least the slightest heating of the liquid, and this is additional time for work Heating element.


How to choose a fast wash machine

Little tricks, as well as advanced technologies, will allow you to shorten the wash for a short time. But still, this is at least a small breakthrough in saving hours.

  1. Some models of machines have a built-in AddWash system. This is a pretty handy feature, especially when you often forget to put something in the drum. Its essence lies in the presence of a small additional door in the main one, which allows you to load the wash without stopping the cycle.
  2. Make sure the door opens wide enough. Perfect - 180 °. This will not speed up the process itself, but loading and unloading is easy!
  3. Remember: it is better to wash 6 kg of items once than 6 times of 1 kg. It follows that if you have a large family and you wash often, then do not try to save money by choosing a small drum load. Now washers are produced even with a capacity of 7–8 kg of linen, and in terms of size they are not much larger than less capacious models.


Here are some simple tips to help you choose a washing machine for a quick wash. Before visiting the store, be sure to read the reviews of the owners of modern models of equipment, consult with a consultant, and also choose a device with the functions that you really will enjoy.

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