What was the name of the central beam of the ceiling: symbolism and a little history

In any house made of wood, or, more precisely, in a log house, there are two things that immediately catch the eye. It is an icon in the Red Corner and a large beam under the ceiling. Well, with the icon, everything is more or less clear. And what kind of beam is this and why is it not hidden, like the frame itself, but left in full view of everyone?

The content of the article

  • What was the name of the central beam of the ceiling, its purpose
  • Symbolism and a little history

What was the name of the central beam of the ceiling, its purpose

The large beam that runs under the ceiling in wooden houses is called matitsa. It is not covered with trim. They are made either from a solid log with a round section, or from one or two bars, which are rectangular or square.

She, like other beams, has, first of all, a load-bearing function. The main thing for which it is required is to support all other floors.

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

Matitsa is the very support that holds all the beams on itself so that they do not sag from time to time.

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This element also has a decorative function. It is thanks to the mother, when entering the village house, as if you are transported into the past.

This element looks especially beautiful when a solid round log is allowed to make it. You can think of a huge number of options for using a mat to create a special color for a house made of wood.

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

Matitsa is used not only in log cabins, it is also installed in timber buildings. When the entire ceiling is crossed by an uncovered rectangular beam, it also looks impressive.

Consider how the mat is laid during the construction of a building.

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

The first step is to cut out the grooves in the upper rims.

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

They lay a bar or two at once.

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

Next, the ceiling beams are mounted, and a rough floor is laid on them. It allows you to move freely and erect a roof.

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

If a round log is used as a matrix, then a special groove is made in the upper rims and an installation is already made into it.

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Of course, this can create some difficulties when the time comes to insulate the roof.

To facilitate the installation of the mat, it was prepared in advance. The process consisted of shaking it. Thanks to this effect, she took on a slightly arched appearance.

The matitsa was laid in such a way that the convex part looked up, after which the turn of the ceiling beams and the ceiling came. After some time, its own and the weight of the ceiling led to the fact that the log was sagging. Since it was bent in advance, the result was an even shape.

Symbolism and a little history

As often as the word "matica" appears, it does not come from the English language at all. In Slovak the lexeme means “nut”. But, oddly enough, the mother has a native Russian origin. The roots of this term should be sought in the word mother, which in the old days meant not only mother, but was also used in the meaning of the beginning, foundation, support.

In Russia, it traditionally happened that the mother was in almost all houses. There was even a special ceremony for its installation. Many superstitions were associated with her. It was considered a border that visually divided the house into a place for households and guests. Our grandfathers, getting into the dwelling where the mother was present, had no right to go outside it until the owner invited them.

Before a long and difficult trip, before leaving the threshold of the house, it was supposed to touch the mother.

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They put this element of the dwelling in a peculiar way, in every corner of the country there was its own rite. Usually it all started with the fact that after installing the box at home, the mat was raised on it.

But before doing this, a fur coat was tied to it, in which various products were put. Each of them was given special importance.

After that, the log was lifted and placed in the designated place. The rope was cut. The products that were in the fur coat were put on the table.

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

These, as well as other dishes, are gratitude from the owner to the builders who have done a glorious job. It was not just a meal. If the owner poorly thanked the workers, then they could insert something into the frame of the house. It could be a completely small but undesirable item.

@ pestovodom.narod.ru

It was believed that there is a certain force in this object that harms those who live in the house. And in retaliation for an unfulfilled promise, they could easily leave a similar bookmark in the home.

Here is such an unusual and interesting element of the house - the mat. It seems to be just a beam, but it contains so many different things. Rituals that today have long been forgotten, but have echoes. And it is difficult to imagine a village hut without this element, which gives a special charm.

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