Which pot will cool the liquid faster: an overview of the species

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When purchasing kitchen utensils, the hostess always notes the moment how much the new pan will keep warm. This is necessary in order to serve warm and tasty food instead of unsightly cold lumps of an incomprehensible substance. Of course, the best heat was kept in the pottery used by our ancestors in the ovens. A little later, they were replaced by cast iron. Today similar devices are on sale for us. They keep warm really well. But there are others who can keep the dish hot until the home arrives.

The content of the article

  • What kind of cookware keeps heat better?
    • Cast iron
    • Stainless steel
    • Ceramic
    • Aluminum

What kind of cookware keeps heat better?

Buying a quality pot is not easy. There are many factors to consider. Including the ability to keep food warm and ready to serve. For such tasks, the so-called "thermoses" are on sale. This is a double bottom cookware equipped with brazed copper plates or reflective material along the sides and bottom. Such a product perfectly keeps the cooked food warm.

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Be sure to consider the safety of the material. Cast iron and stainless steel are popular materials that will last for many years, while maintaining their original appearance.

Aluminum is less heat-conducting, keeps the dish hot for a long time, but is short-lived. And ceramic dishes are too fragile and require careful treatment. The choice is only up to the owners, which dishes will be more pleasant and convenient to work with.

Cast iron

A saucepan made of this material, as they say, "for centuries", if you do not save and buy a really high-quality product. Pay attention to the thickness of the bottom and sides. Ideal if they vary between 0.7-1 mm. Such a pot will evenly heat the food and cook it literally in its own juice, while retaining its beneficial properties.

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Unfortunately, finding a truly cast iron item is difficult today. And they are expensive. But if you still manage to find such a device, feel free to take it and use it for many years to come. With proper processing and maintaining the appearance, the cast iron will last for decades.

Please note that you cannot leave cooked food in the pot for a long time. It oxidizes and becomes unusable. This does not apply to non-stick or enamelled pots.

Stainless steel

According to research, stainless steel is not a material that can evenly heat food and keep it hot for a long time. The problem is solved only by a double bottom, between the layers of which an aluminum or copper plate is placed.

Also pay attention to the wall thickness. The optimum is considered from 0.5 mm. Some reach 1 mm or more. Don't buy cheap products made of thin metal. They will not last long, do not have a guarantee, and the liquid in such a pan cools very quickly.

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Tempered glass and ceramic products are in last place in terms of thermal conductivity. Despite their attractiveness and preservation of useful properties of food during cooking, they do not keep warm. The liquid in the cookware will cool quickly.

There is also a plus of such a product - the food in it does not burn.

If the choice still fell on this type of material, choose products with a thick bottom and walls. Cooking will take a long time, but the taste will be strikingly different from the dish cooked in other dishes.

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Has the highest thermal conductivity among the materials presented. However, this does not overshadow the fact that such kitchen utensils are short-lived and quickly deteriorate. It requires careful handling, special cooking devices and will last no more than 2-3 years.

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The choice is only for the mistress, who must decide for herself what is more important for her. Keeping food hot in the pan it was cooked in is not the most important task. The main thing is that the products are prepared in compliance with safety regulations, without the ingress of harmful substances, as well as evenly warmed up and retain the benefits inside.


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