Setting up the antenna to the satellite

We offer today, in addition to a discussion of typical operations to discuss the antenna tuning to the satellite by the hour. Few people know, including favorites geologists that manages arrows accurately determine angles. This applies to the azimuth and elevation angle. Moreover, the compass is not required, enough sun in the sky. This simple method is rarely mentioned in the literature, e. So, self-tuning the antenna to the satellite on a mechanical timepiece.

Setting up the antenna with your hands

Setting up his own antenna

Aiming the satellite dish to the right place on its own

It is better to take the wall chimes if the horizon setting the satellite dish to the satellite - there is a vast dial easier to track corners. Now look what underlies the idea. The satellite is constantly hanging in one point of the sky. It rotates in a circular orbit above the equator, making the round of the day. It turns out, day and night, the spacecraft is visible at a constant point. Master task is reduced to correct setting of the antenna to the satellite's own.

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Begin complexity, often from ignorance. The converter will take the wrong, something about the angle of forget, the range is not the (minimum of two, both are divided into additional parts). As a result, the satellite is not caught, blame the provider. Regulated by two angles:

  1. Azimuth.
  2. Elevation.

First select the place where the sky is visible to a given point. Try to find an online calculator of the spacecraft position, the benefit mentioned calculation means a lot. There were e-cards, where we choose, for example, the Yamal satellite fleet of spacecraft. There is desired. Object Name ask the provider. When the point of the globe is selected, the coordinates are obtained, the time to find where to install a satellite antenna. It needs the sun in the sky and clocks. Consider how to use accessories.

Satellite antenna

Satellite antenna

  1. The hour hand moves in two times faster than the Sun across the sky. This refers to the angular velocity. Until the light describes the full arc of 360 degrees, the arrow does a circle twice.
  2. The sun rises in the eastern sky. For definiteness we take 6am. At 12 pm the star rises to the zenith. This is the true direction of the south. Provided - the clock stands local.
  3. Local time is calculated relative to Greenwich, based on the longitude position of the village. Suppose Moscow lives of 1.5 - 1 hour ahead of the real time. Let's see: 15 degrees of longitude equals an hour of time. Time zones are longitudinal - zero, fifteen, thirty, forty-five, sixty, and so forth..
  4. Locality got inside zones, while easy to find, up to the right belt missing coordinates, proportional to the time. For example, for Moscow: in 2014 we introduced a new transition to winter time. Since November, the capital of the lives of the 45 th meridian. Accordingly, constitute its own coordinates 37 degrees 37 minutes and 4 seconds, the eastern. longitude. Degree is 4 minutes, minute of longitude - 4 seconds. Smaller coordinates considered no sense. Subtract 45 degrees of longitude and obtain Moscow 7 degrees and 27 minutes. By the time of 7x4 min + sec 27h4 = 29 min 48 sec.
    Wall Clock

    Wall Clock

  5. Expose clocks accurately with respect to Moscow time 29 minutes and 48 seconds ago. In the lower right corner of the screen in Windows you can see a clock icon, the numbers in general - time. Click there and enter the settings change menu. There laying on the Internet or similar time. Go. For Windows 7, go to Edit Settings and Update Now. For other operating systems, different sequence.
  6. No Windows licensing system. Type in a search engine query "Moscow time online." I caught the eye of the server Reality is at odds with the Windows clock for a few seconds. Want look through a number of resources. Need to put the wall clock so that the time for them to show on 29 minutes and 48 seconds less.
  7. Now compass. Learn how to use the measuring device. During the time that the Sun will take place from sunrise to sunset in the east to the west, the hour hand will make a full turn.

How to find the south on the clock when adjusting the satellite dish

The hour hand moves twice as fast as the sun, the sun is always on the bisector between her and Valium 12 hours. Bisector - straight, standing away from both sides of the angle at the same distance. It is easy to find on the label minute when between the hour hand and the risk of "12:00" is an even number of divisions. Said direction (bisector) directed along the azimuth of the sun. Then the risk of "12 hours" will point to the south.

Now it is easy to find the right azimuth to the satellite. This is easy to do, the minute corresponding to six degrees. With a trained eye, it is possible to divide this distance in addition at least three parts, we have two degrees. Enough to assess whether the coast was clear in the desired direction.

Elevation chronometer estimated easier. Rejoice if nearby would be building level. Horizon nine hours - another risk on the dial will be the old 6 degrees. Think about it: the master, putting the antenna on the trained eye of a compass, still continues to fine-tuning. This is done by scanning the sky a limited area. For example, line by line, as the kinescope beam.

Accustomed to the eye enough manual chronometer to visit the target position in azimuth. Permissible to do just 24 minutes to the hour hand was provided exactly at risk. Habitual eye to estimate the direction of easy at any time of the day. By the way, note: not always exactly the same as a compass with the direction of the sun. Checked! In the view of the authors in the Northern Hemisphere (in Russian) compass points slightly to the west of the south. Whether caused by such a mismatch of the true and the Earth's magnetic poles do not undertake to say.

Final guidance satellite dish

When the antenna is approximately displayed in the desired point of the sky begin debugging. Sometimes advised to catch the signal, then align. It is logical to first adjust the azimuth, elevation angle and then, however, for satellites, soaring away from the south, there is no difference in the procedure. Where the celestial orbit ellipse arc bends or azimuth, or angle advantages place in the order have not. Therefore, tuning the satellite antenna Tricolor can begin with the vertical movements and horizontal.

Setting up the antenna

Setting up the antenna

For example, scans. Of deliberately lower position of the antenna drive it to the left and right while lifting slightly with a new round. Like the shuttle opening examines the sky, moving up. Finally, satellites catching device beeps, then act according to the level and quality of the signal, ensuring maximum figures. Do not forget to search for the device to configure. It is necessary to score the satellite name (not necessarily, but preferably true), broadcasting frequency, symbol rate and type of modulation.

Note. Businesses use specialized attachments for evaluation signal level.

While ignoring the conditions of even the best signal SatFinder not catch. search for meaning: the receiver is trying to take the carrier, and at the appointed time the node is actively cooperating with the antenna. Let converter for two ranges, a clever SatFinder switch equipment in the correct mode. Or the signal simply will not work. For each band (Ku and C) has a local oscillator, in addition, inside the slots has a division into subbands. This helps save energy and makes high-quality reception.

Hotbird satellite is a little similar to the Astra satellite, the channel list is probably different, but at the same frequency different type of modulation. For example, NTV broadcasts on right circular (Refer to the broadcasting plan). European TV show on the linear polarization. Constantly is the division:

  • circular:
  1. Right.
  2. Left.
  • linear:
  1. Vertical.
  2. Horizontal.

Therefore, adjustment of the antenna to the satellite carrier frequency is preceded by clarification, packet rate, type polarization. Otherwise there is a chance to buy the wrong converter configuration requires. Read more about this in the section written detailed instructions on changing the type and the direction of polarization. Stay alert. By the way, when you buy the kit from the provider ready, it will be possible only to watch the purchased kit.

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