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In the spring, villagers drink birch sap, the benefits and harm have been known for a long time. Forbidden juice is considered to be allergies, with fear waiting for the flowering of the tree. For everyone else, it's a delicious vitamin gift from nature. Birch juice signals the awakening of nature after hibernation. Powerful roots return the ground parts of useful substances from the pantry. The larger the tree, the more juice is required to wake it up. Let's borrow from nature a little life-giving moisture.
Characteristics of birch sap
In the spring birch grove in the lowlands lies the snow, and the trees standing in the open place are already starting to cry. If in the winter someone made a careless zate on a tree or chopped off a thick branch, with the beginning of the soggin the wounds are emitted droplets of transparent sweetish liquid. Life-giving moisture carries an invaluable cocktail, feeding the tree. This is the time when birch sap is collected.
Sap flow in spring begins in many trees. Used and collected on an industrial scale only birch sap. The maple also "cries and the juice is sweeter, but there is no that life-giving force that is collected in the white-stem.
People understood that you can drink medicinal liquid by deepening the wound and collecting the flowing moisture. Bereznitsa was mined to quench thirst, to treat the children after the monotonous winter meal. For two weeks of regular consumption of juice, people felt a surge of energy. Later it turned out, the benefit of birch sap in multicomponent, and no one is harmed by it.
However, the concept of environmental safety concerns birch sap in the first place. Can there be medicinal land along motor roads, on industrial sites or in the city? Roots do not choose the soil, they feed on what they have. In the strip 50 m from the busy road birch juice will not benefit, and the harm from the presence of lead is provided. It turns out that the medicinal product can only be taken in a clean zone.
Collect the juice in the early spring, before bud blossoming from adult trees, in a section more than 20 cm.
Taking away the gifts of nature, we weaken the tree. The diligent collector will take a little juice from several trees, will cover the hollow, draining the birch trees.
The undoubted benefit of birch sap in the composition, in terms of liter:
- caloric content - 240 kcal;
- carbohydrates - 58 g;
- fats
- proteins, g;
- ash mg.
Micro and macro elements are present in the liquid in a form ready for digestion. The dietary product is non-waste, the biochemical composition acts as a curative and preventive apparatus of a wide spectrum. There are absolutely healthy people. What is useful about birch sap is its versatility. It can be drunk, as a preventive, vitamin, stimulant. The organism itself will find application to valuable structure.
It is most useful to use fresh non-canned juice, when biochemical processes are active. You can store medicinal drink in the refrigerator for 2 days.
How to treat birch sap
In folk medicine, a three-time reception of a delicious drink for 2-3 weeks is prescribed for cleaning the body:
- with diseases of the cardiac and hematopoietic system;
- Gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers;
- arthritis, gout, rheumatism;
- for the treatment of external diseases.
To get rid of eruptions and age spots on the face it is enough to wash in the morning with a healing liquid.
Treatment of birch sap is seasonal, it is necessary to catch the moment, and to be at the right time close to the source of strength and health. The medicinal properties of the composition can be preserved if the liquid is frozen immediately after collection. All methods including heat treatment, biologically active substances are withdrawn from circulation. In the canned product trace elements remain, the beneficial effect of such a product will be, therapeutic - no.
Preserving the juice can be evaporated in a water bath at a temperature of 600 C, removing 75% of the water. The remaining syrup is rolled into sterilized jars.
It is often asked whether it is possible to use birch sap for nursing mothers and during pregnancy. In the life-giving liquid, there are no allergens, and doctors recommend that the organism be recharged with a biological activator. In addition to saturation with useful substances, the drink is diuretic, removes liquid from the body, reduces swelling. At pregnancy the drink is necessary, at feeding the organism of mum receives protection and a delivery.
Some simple recipes for juice:
- anemia - drink 100 g of juice 3 times a day;
- for removing stones from the kidneys, drink juice by a glass 3 times a day;
- bronchitis is cured by drinking juice with honey;
- the drink removes toxins and poisons.
So, the useful properties of birch sap are obvious. But taking care of one's own health can ruin a tree.
Kvass from birch juice is prepared in a glass bottle with a handful of raisins and 2 h. l. sugar per liter of drink. The bottle is tightly closed, keep cool. You can use the drink in 2-3 months, or in a few days.
The correct methods of collecting birch sap
The best juice will be from the birch, standing on the hillock. The bark of the tree should be white and black, one hundred means. tree is adult. Such a tree a day will yield up to 6 liters of juice. If you take the juice for the entire period, the tree will weaken without getting food. It is necessary to use several trees, sealing the slices after use. The creation of a groove 2 cm deep with the extraction of moisture through the tube is the most gentle option.
Useful properties of birch juice persist until it wanders. Therefore, the container must be empty daily.
The most sparing selection of a healing liquid will be a method based on cutting a branch. At a level of 2 meters above the ground, a thick branch is cut off, a container is set up to collect the juice. The open wound expires with juice, which must be collected, and the wound will last for two weeks. The medicine for the wound will deliver the juice.
For industrial harvesting, cutting areas allocated for cutting are used. In this case, it is not terrible to pre-dry the tree. At present, there are few remaining enterprises for processing juice, buy such a product - good luck.