How to deal with anthracnose in the currant


Currant has a low level of resistance to a variety of diseases.Shrubs often enough affect not only viral, but also fungal diseases.They reduce winter hardiness, which, accordingly, can lead to loss or a decrease in yield. Most bushes of plants suffer from anthracnose.


Table of contents

  • What is anthracnose in the currant?
  • What is dangerous disease?
  • How to deal with anthracnose?
    • Complex Type Feed
    • Fertilizer for bushes on which berries are tied
    • The preparation Immunocytophyte
  • Preventive methods of disease occurrence

What is anthracnose in the currant?

Anthracnose is an insidious fungal disease affecting the leaves of black currant and stems in combination with petioles and fruits in red currants. Fungus develops in warm weather.On the foliage of the bush small specks of brown hue are formed,gradually merging into a huge spot. The infected greens quickly curl and fall off.

The black currant bush is affected by anthracnose

Closer to the middle of summer sick bushes shed up to 60% of foliage. The shoots stop growing, and the fruits do not reach full maturation. Decrease in winter hardiness leads to a large accumulation of dry and frozen branches to the spring thaw.

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What is dangerous disease?

Anthracnose is quite dangerous for the health of all varieties of currant. The fungus can winter on the affected parts of the bush, and in the spring it provokes the formation of Sumcospores, which cause primary infection. The affected foliage gradually falls off, leaving only a small part of the greenery at the tips of the shoots.The disease actively spreads through the plants in warm rainy weather.

The fungus destroys the petioles of leaves for a short period of time, reaches the peduncle. On young shoots begin to form ulcers of brown hue. Subsequently, the plants appear conidiospores, which accumulate in the affected areas.


How to deal with anthracnose?

Occasionally an outbreak of disease passes, and the crop reaches full maturation. Whatever it was, it is necessary to remember the consequences of the fungal infection.In a short period of time the currant is depletedand there can be no question of productivity. That is why timely support should be given to the affected plant and proper treatment should be carried out.

The optimal time to start treatment is early spring, until the buds are blooming

Optimal to begin treatment until the moment of bud budding. The final stage of therapy can be postponed to a period when berries have already been harvested or in the early autumn.

It is expedient to carry out agrotechnical measures, observing the recommended stages:

  • The only focus of infection is the fallen leaves. Therefore it is extremely importantcarry out soil treatment.All fallen greens should be immediately collected and burned.
  • Every spring and autumn should be conducteddiggingon the circumference of the bushes.
  • Destruction of weedsand the feeding of plants must be done in a timely manner.
  • Thick planting shouldthin outand if necessary cut.
  • When locating currant bushes on the lowlands, it is recommendedequip drains.

In addition to agrotechnical measures, a number of chemical preparations are used to treat anthracnose.The most effective cure for fungal infection is the following:

  • Nitrafen (2%) or DNOC (1%).This tool can be used to treat soil, fallen leaves and the shrubs themselves. Re-treat it before the onset of swelling of the kidneys.
  • Bordeaux liquid (1%), Zineb or colloidal sulfurIdeal for spraying currants for prevention. For the first time, the treatment can be carried out after the plant is discolored, and the spraying is repeated after 14-20 days after harvesting the berries.
  • Copper vitriol (1%).The soil together with the bushes is processed in the early spring until the moment of bud swelling.
  • Phthalane (,%) or Kuprozan (,%)early spring and autumn.
  • Gamair.
  • Phytosporin-M.
  • Fundazol.
  • Topsin.
  • Previcurus.
  • If the spraying of shrubs is to be carried out before flowering,to use Topsinom-Min combination with the preparation of immunostimulating type Epin.
. . Kuprozan.. Phytosporin-M.. Fundazol.. Bordeaux liquid.. Gamair.. Copper vitriol.. Nitrafen.. Previcurus.
The fungus begins to penetrate the lower part of the leaflets. Proceeding from this, the treatment of plants must begin with these areas. To avoid accustoming plants to chemicals, it is necessary to alternate the used preparation.

In addition to chemical treatments in the treatment of anthracnose, experienced gardeners use folk methods. The most effective of them are presented below.


Complex Type Feed

Feeding the bushes with the recommended mixture will increase the immunity and resistance of bushes to fungal infections.

For the preparation of fertilizer it is necessary to add to the enamel bucket with 9 liters of water:

  • 1 tbsp. copper sulphate;
  • , g iron sulphate;
  • boric acid - about, tsp;
  • , st.l. potassium (sulphate).
Preparation of copper sulphate solution

Using this fertilizer will quickly restore the depleted bush and contribute to the growth of green mass. In addition, the healing mixture will prevent the appearance of leaf chlorosis.

Fertilizer for bushes on which berries are tied

In 15 liters of water must be poured, st.l. superphosphate, 3 tbsp. potassium (sulphate) packaging Sodium Humate and 300 grams of ash.The mixed mixture will increase the winter hardiness of plants,resistance to drought and affect the improvement of ripening of berries.

The preparation Immunocytophyte

This makeup will increase the resistance of the currant to infection with diseases or insects.

Plant Growth Regulator Immunocytophyte

15 liters of water will need to be prepared:

  • immunocytophyte table;
  • potassium sulphate- 3 tablespoons;
  • superphosphate st.l.

The treatment of plants is carried out in dry, windless weather. The foliage should be sprinkled on all sides.

Cultivating the currant, you should pay attention to the cultivated variety. To prevent the development of fungal infections, it is better to grow species of bushes with a high resistance to the damage of such diseases.

Preventive methods of disease occurrence

Experienced gardeners assure that the implementation of preventive measures will reliably protect plants from the appearance of anthracnose. In addition, bushes will not be deformed, and yields will always rejoice. The most effective option of prevention will be the proper planting of shrubs, their pruning and timely feeding.

Autumn pruning of currant bushes

In detail about the necessary preventive measures:

  • In case of damage to foliage by disease or insects, it is necessary to urgently conductremoval of infected greenery.
  • Timely and most importantly, conductpruning of bushes. This will avoid the thickening of plants and reduce the risk of fungal infection.
  • You need to water the currant sparingly, since high humidity promotes the spread of infections. In addition, a large amount of moisture will attract pests.
  • Every spring and autumn, the ground around the bushes should beinterrupted. This will get rid of pests that have successfully overwintered in the soil.

It is very important to grow the currant every day to inspect the bushes. Their condition must always be under control. In case of disease, only timely treatment can save the bush and not affect the yield.Treatment of foliage from infections should start from the bottom.It is very important to change the preparation for spraying every year in order to avoid getting used to the composition of the chemical.

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