What is a cup: definition, what are they, a measure of volume

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“How passionate is the talk about Calvary

Over a glass of brandy and a cup of coffee "

Igor Mironovich Guberman, Soviet and Israeli writer

The main purpose of the cup is for direct drinking of hot drinks: tea, coffee, latte, mulled wine and others. But in some countries it is even customary to eat from cups. For example, in Asia, a bowl is quite popular - a product without a handle, into which broth or soup is poured.


The content of the article

  • Definition
  • What are
  • Volume measure


This is a small, rounded vessel, with or without a ring-shaped handle. The height varies: low to medium, and the walls are quite thin. As a rule, it always comes with a saucer, and in most cases it is a whole set of dishes - a service. But, of course, there are also single items.


Popular materials of manufacture:

  • porcelain;
  • faience;
  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • clay.

Cups are often decorated with patterns or designs. Hand-painted ones usually cost a lot of money. Some people collect cups, while they do not use them at all, but keep in their home collections as a legacy for posterity.

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What are

The varieties of the product depend mainly not so much on the purpose as on the volume of the vessel:

  • Tea rooms - from 200 to 250 ml. Designed, as the name suggests, for tea, drinks based on coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate.
  • Coffee - rather small - 50-100 ml. Exclusively for custard coffee - black or oriental.
  • Broth - 350-400 ml. They serve meat and vegetable broths, puree soup. A distinctive feature - they are often made with two handles for convenience.


In addition to the usual types, there are also special cups for religious ceremonies:

  • In Christianity - chalice. A vessel for worship used in the consecration of wine and the partaking of Holy Communion. This is a deep container with a long stem, a rather large round base, sometimes made of precious metals or inlaid with natural minerals.
  • In Eastern religions, singing bowls. Today it is also used as a tool for meditation, relaxation, medical practice, yoga.

Volume measure

  • In Europe - 250 cm³;
  • In America - 237-240 cm³;
  • England - 284 cm³;
  • Japan - 200 cm³.


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