A brazier - what kind of dishes is it, what is it intended for?

Speaking of a brazier, dishes that are cooked on a fire immediately come to mind. Therefore, the place of this dish is often determined by the gazebo or summer veranda, next to an open hearth. But on sale there are products in which they cook at home on the stove. More often, housewives choose dishes made of cast iron or steel, but there are a lot of varieties.

The content of the article

  • What is a brazier?
    • The main differences from pans and saucepans
    • Advantages of cookware
  • Brazier types
  • What dishes are cooked in a brazier

What is a brazier?

Depending on the shape and size, the dishes alternately resemble a saucepan and a frying pan. Indeed, it is a cross between a flat skillet with high sides and a saucepan with a shallow depth.

Unlike its “brothers”, the brazier has thicker walls and a bottom, which provides convenience in cooking.

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The main differences from pans and saucepans

In its true purpose, it is necessary for languishing products. Due to the material and the peculiarities of production, it is able to prepare dish components in its own juice, without adding oil.

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In turn, the pan is used exclusively for frying or stewing, as it is equipped with a long handle. This prevents it from being used in the oven. The roaster has two short pot holders made of resistant material. This allows the cookware to be used for simmering in the oven or oven.

It differs from the pan in its solidity. The material is denser, the lid fits perfectly around the perimeter of the product. The sides and bottom are thick, no saucepan can offer this kind of fundamentality.

Advantages of cookware

You can cook a variety of dishes in the brazier, many of them in their own juice. Thanks to the even distribution of heat, the food retains all its benefits and turns out to be extremely pleasant.

There are types of braziers that maximally repeat the taste of food cooked in nature, over an open fire. For example, an electric roaster or a frying pan. Due to the structure with small holes in the middle, a minimum amount of oil is required. Dishes are healthy and tasty. This is especially important for people who are looking after their health.

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Brazier types

It is easy to get confused from the abundance of varieties. Braziers are on sale, differing not only in size and shape, but also in the types of materials from which they are made.

  1. Stainless steel. Durable and attractive material. He is not afraid of exposure to abrasive substances and sharp objects, he experiences high temperatures. The dish in such dishes turns out to be tasty and juicy, does not burn.
  2. Cast iron pot. Strong, environmentally friendly and durable material. With proper preparation, the products in it do not burn, do not lose their natural taste and juiciness. They do not have an expiration date; several generations of a family use it with careful handling. But they do not tolerate an acidic environment, and also have a lot of weight and can crack if handled carelessly.
  3. Ceramic products. Their main drawback is fragility. But manufacturers today offer models reinforced with reinforcement and non-stick properties. The even distribution of the fire and the flame diffusers make it possible to use the cookware even on the stove. The food does not burn, it turns out juicy and tasty.
  4. Clay pots. Unglazed natural raw materials are the best material for stewing and roasting poultry and meat dishes. But for high-quality cooking, you need to know the features of the operation of such dishes.
  5. Titanium coated. Frypots are not made from the alloy, but products with spraying and non-stick coating based on it are widely represented. The main disadvantage is the high price.
  6. Aluminum bowler hat. Forged products are inexpensive, decent in quality, suitable for novice cooks. But stamped braziers are not the best choice for this type of product: food will burn.
  7. Glassware. The transparent brazier looks extravagant and gives you the opportunity to observe the cooking process. They are used in ovens, microwaves, ovens and on burners with a fire diffuser.

For those who like to cook delicious treats for the whole family, it is recommended to choose cast iron or stainless steel appliances.

What dishes are cooked in a brazier

In such dishes, baked vegetables, poultry, fish and meat are obtained. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of the material and products used in the process. Same they cook in it various types of stews and roasts, soups and casseroles.

The main advantage of kitchen utensils is the even distribution of heat and heating of the components. In some cases, the addition of oil is not required: the food is juicy and healthy.

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