Haier air conditioner errors: error codes and recommendations for their elimination

Haier household air conditioners belong to the class of reliable and durable appliances. They use energy efficiently and do not harm the environment. They are certified by the Eurovent system, confirming the high quality of the devices, and are sold at a reasonable price.

But even with such operationally stable units, breakdowns and malfunctions occur. In the event of a malfunction, the manufacturer recommends contacting the service center immediately. This is sound advice, especially when the engine and electronics fail.

But you must admit, there is no point in inviting a master, wasting time waiting for him and laying out extra money for something that you can quickly and effortlessly fix yourself. Moreover, all the errors of the Haier air conditioner are displayed on the display, and there is no need to guess which unit has fallen into disrepair. You just need to correctly decipher the alphanumeric abbreviation, and find the best way to eliminate it.

That is why we have compiled a detailed overview of the typical error codes of the Hayer air conditioner and methods for their elimination. With such information at hand, you will know exactly what problems can be corrected at home, and in which cases it is impossible to do without the participation of a HVAC technician.

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The content of the article:

  • Causes of breakdowns of Haier air conditioners
  • The principle of the self-diagnosis system
  • What problems can you fix yourself?
  • Typical error codes and remedies
    • Decoding of E-type error codes
    • What do the F-type error codes say?
  • Universal repair recommendations
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Causes of breakdowns of Haier air conditioners

Hayer air conditioners are not afraid of intense operating loads and operate without failures around the clock. Effectively cool / heat residential, work and office space.

About 92% of malfunctions occur as a result of improper operation of devices and voltage drops in the network. By the way, so that not only the air conditioner, but also other equipment does not suffer from voltage drops, you can install stabilizer.

The detected damage must be eliminated as soon as possible. Operation of a faulty device aggravates the problem and often leads to damage to dependent or adjacent parts, and then the cost of repairs increases significantly.

The master repairs the air conditioner

Some private craftsmen hope for the incompetence of the client, try to impose unnecessary services, fix working elements, etc. A person who understands error codes will immediately notice this and stop any attempts to deceive

To avoid most of the breakdowns, it is necessary to correctly connect the unit and operate it in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Then Haier will last a long time and will not deliver any problems.

The principle of the self-diagnosis system

Haier's inverter and traditional air conditioners are equipped with an innovative self-diagnosis system.

The controlling microcontroller monitors indicators, detects problems in blocks and individual modules. In case of malfunction, it blocks the climatic equipment and starts self-diagnosis.

Decoding errors of Hayer air conditioners

Owners of Hayer air conditioners do not have to memorize the complete decoding of error codes. It is enough to download the table to your smartphone. Or leave a link to this article in your browser bookmarks

Having detected problem areas, the system notifies the user with a sound or light signal. Or displays an error code. If several breakdowns are found at once, the most serious ones are eliminated first. Then minor faults are repaired.

Work stops when the equipment is able to operate in standard mode, and the display no longer shows the alphanumeric abbreviations of the error codes.

What problems can you fix yourself?

Haier air conditioner is a sophisticated climatic equipment with several operating modes and additional comfort options.

Users can independently perform the following operations:

  • cleaning / replacing filters;
  • unlocking the blinds by removing foreign objects;
  • restoration of full power supply;
  • replacement of sensors;
  • equipment service.

Eliminating refrigerant leakage, repairing the indoor unit electric motor, repairing the electronic system control, diagnostics and adjustment of the correct operation of the compressor is recommended to be entrusted to a certified specialist. A home craftsman without experience will not cope with such problems, but will only exacerbate them.

Typical error codes and remedies

Haier air conditioners have two types of errors - E or F.

The former indicate problems in the power section of the module. The latter signal a malfunction of the temperature sensors and related parts. The numbers next to the letter designation more accurately characterize the type of breakdown.

Haier Air Conditioner Remote Control

Error codes in Hayer split systems are displayed on the scoreboard and remote control. The user immediately sees that a malfunction has occurred, and takes timely measures to eliminate it

Additional information about problems is given by indicator. The light diode flashes from 1 to 25 times and helps to understand what exactly happened to the climatic technology.

Decoding of E-type error codes

E0 indicates a violation of the condensate drain function.

The display of new air conditioners appears in the following cases:

  • freezing of the evaporator - occurs when there is an insufficient amount of refrigerant in the system, contamination of the evaporator and filters;
  • freezing of the area of ​​the outlet of drainage communications - manifests itself during the operation of the air conditioner for heating in the winter season at low temperatures - the water brought out to the street freezes, clogs the pipe and prevents the movement of condensate;
  • operation of equipment during cold weather without a pressure regulator - when the outside air temperature drops, the pressure in the system drops, the evaporator temperature drops, it becomes covered with ice, which interferes with the correct condensate drainage;
  • clogged drain tube - dust particles, dirt, wool penetrate through the filter from the room or from the street into the communication system animals, fat, poplar fluff, and over time they create a dense mud plug and prevent the removal of accumulated condensate.

With old appliances, the cause of the breakdown may be wear of the drainage system. Whether it is worth repairing it, changing it to a serviceable one, or buying a new air conditioner is more profitable, the service center staff will tell you in detail. There is no single rule here. Each case is considered individually.

The decision is made depending on the condition of other units of the split system and the price of repair work.

The master cleans the air conditioner with a vacuum cleaner

You can remove the dirt plug from the drainage system of the Haier air conditioner using an antenna cable or wire. But the service result will be short-lived. It is better to carry out a full cleaning and forget about the problem of condensate drainage for a long time

If the reason lies in the clogged drain tube, you need to de-energize the air conditioner, disconnect the louvers and remove the decorative panel of the case. Remove the coarse filters and the pan, having previously disconnected it from the condensate drainage system, and thoroughly rinse with a weak solution of water and dishwashing liquid. Clean the drain hole from dirt.

Use a vacuum cleaner to blow through the drain pipe. If the blockage has not disappeared, draw a liquid composition for cleaning air conditioners into a syringe, pour it into the branch lines and leave for 15 minutes to half an hour. Then remove the remaining dirt with a vacuum cleaner.

Treat the filters and the sump with a disinfectant. Clean the evaporator and fan turbine with a soft bristle brush. Assemble the air conditioner and run it.

And here refrigerant charge it is better to entrust it to qualified craftsmen. It will be difficult for a person without experience and certain skills to carry out the procedure correctly.

Removing the dirty air conditioner filter

Blocked filters, impeller covered with a dense layer of dust, clogged surface of the heat exchanger evaporator lead to the appearance of ice in the indoor unit of the Haier air conditioner.

E1 indicates overpressure in the compressor. E3 indicates that the pressure is insufficient. Ignoring problems leads to damage to the mechanism. Corrects the position of the refrigerant charge.

E2 notifies the owner that the heat exchanger of the indoor unit is covered with ice. Contamination of individual structural elements provokes a situation, which reduces the quality and efficiency of heat transfer.

In some cases, weakening of air circulation leads to freezing. This happens when the air conditioner is installed in a niche, covered with decorative plates or other interior elements. We recommend that you read the rules choosing the best place for installation air conditioner.

Frost inside a household air conditioner

The reason for the formation of ice can be a mismatch of the type of air conditioner with operating conditions, for example, starting the device in the cold season without special protection against low temperatures

The constant formation of ice in the future leads to malfunctions of the control board, sticking of relay contacts, failure of the evaporator frost sensor and other breakdowns. All of them are classified as complex and must be corrected only at the service center.

Icing of the pipes of an unplugged device indicates incorrect installation or refrigerant leakage through unpressurized communications.

Cleaning the device from ice helps to eliminate the problem. This can be done at home, after disconnecting the device from the mains.

E4 indicates overheating of the compressor. The internal radiator clogged with dirt, dust and burning leads to this. It does not provide high-quality heat dissipation, and the motor does not have time to cool down. After cleaning, the air conditioner is restored to work.

If an increased amount of refrigerant is charged during charging, the system will work with overload, and the compressor will begin to actively warm up. To clarify this point, you need to call the master. He will check the amount of coolant in the system and remove excess.

The compressor heats up more when the outdoor fan fails. It is not recommended to operate the device in this state. Otherwise, the need for expensive repairs of adjacent units will be added to the replacement of the fan.

Capillary tube that is clogged with dirt and dust causes the compressor to overheat. It needs to be replaced with a new one and the engine will run normally and without voltage.

A clogged filter in the indoor unit often leads to overheating of the compressor. This problem is solved quickly and easily - by cleaning the filter.

Error E5 appears on the display when the compressor is shutting down due to an excessive load. The reasons for the node overload are described in the E4 code error decoding. If the factors causing overheating are not eliminated in a timely manner, the system will block operation and the compressor will stop functioning.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features compressor diagnostics, main malfunctions and ways to eliminate them.

Air conditioner cleaners

It is recommended to use special products for cleaning air conditioners. They quickly remove all types of dirt, disinfect the surface, do not damage metal parts, the case and the radiator

E6 indicates that there is no communication between the indoor and outdoor units of the air conditioner. This can happen due to a lack of power, entangled interconnection wires, blown fuses, or malfunctions of the electronic control boards.

An independent search and elimination of the cause of the error is possible only if you have experience with the electronic "stuffing" of household appliances. If it is not there, you should contact the service center for help.

E7 lights up when the indoor unit does not respond to commands from the keypad. To find a malfunction, you need to disconnect the unit from the network and turn it on again after 30-40 seconds.

If nothing has changed, you must:

  • make sure that the remote control is within the signal range;
  • replace batteries with new ones;
  • check for signs of damage on the remote control.

In the process of troubleshooting, you need to try to turn on the air conditioner through the buttons on the case. If the device works, then there is a problem with the remote control. Perhaps the photodetector is broken, or there is a break in the wiring. In this case, it will be necessary to re-solder the failed radioelements on the microcircuit and restore the broken wires. Or replace all broken parts with serviceable ones.

If the unit does not turn on, you need to look for a problem in the electronic systems and the control board of the indoor unit.

The master repairs the remote control of the air conditioner

It is not always advisable to repair the remote control. You can purchase a universal remote control and continue using the air conditioner. But the universal model may not support a number of options available for advanced air conditioner models.

E8 signals an overload of the electric motor of the indoor unit. Eliminating such breakdowns is not for a home craftsman. This is best done by qualified specialists who are professionally engaged in the repair of HVAC equipment.

What do the F-type error codes say?

F0 indicates that the temperature sensor in the room has turned off, which sets the operating mode of the compressor.

For more detailed diagnostics, it is necessary to disconnect the air conditioner from the network, remove the sensor from the connector on the board and check the level of its resistance. If the indicator does not correspond to the norm, the part will need to be replaced.

Breakdown multimeter

An ohmmeter or multimeter is required to measure the resistance of the room temperature sensor. It is necessary to compare the obtained indicators with the parameters specified in the technical documentation of the air conditioner

F1 indicates the disconnection of the temperature sensor of the heat exchanger of the indoor unit. This sensor monitors the temperature of the evaporator. If it falls below zero, it shuts down the compressor to avoid icing the evaporator.

To fix the problem, you need to check the performance of the sensor. If it is out of order, immediately replace it with a new one.

F2 indicates that the temperature sensor of the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit is disabled, F3 - to stop the operation of the outdoor temperature sensor, F4 - to turn off the temperature sensor on the air supply.

Code F6, blinking 12 times, signals a malfunction in the outdoor temperature sensor. In all of the above options, you need to check the quality of the connection between the sensors and the control board. If the connection is broken, restore it. Or replace faulty sensors with new ones.

Letter abbreviation FF indicates a power failure. In this case, you need to check whether there is electricity in the network itself, whether it is working properly socket, and in what condition the connecting cable.

Code F11flashing 6 times indicates that the mains voltage is abnormal. When it is too low, the air conditioner cannot operate at full capacity. When it is too high, there is a risk of short circuits, fuses and electronic boards failing.

If this situation occurs regularly, you should think about buying a household appliance for voltage stabilization or do it yourself stabilizer. It will equalize the voltage in the network and protect the equipment from burnout.

Installation of a household air conditioner on the wall

The reason for the malfunction of air conditioners is often the incorrect installation of the indoor or outdoor units. Trust the installation only to experienced craftsmen with a good reputation, and not to random people

Code F11flashing 19 times, indicates a malfunction of the control board. The reason here lies in overload, sudden changes in the mains voltage or a blown fuse.

To find out, you need to carry out a full diagnosis of the board, check the condition of the transformers and capacitors, ring the diode bridge and evaluate the performance of the stabilizer. If significant elements cannot be restored, it is necessary to replace the board with a new one.

Code F12, blinking 1 time, notifies that there has been a short circuit in the headboard. The reason lies in a surge in the mains voltage, overloads and the influence of natural phenomena (lightning, etc.). If the fuse is blown, then after replacing it, the air conditioner will work again in normal mode.

If the board itself is seriously damaged, you will need to invite a foreman to assess the level of damage and the feasibility of repair. You may need to change the board to a new one. Then the process of restoring the climatic equipment will be delayed, since it will be necessary to wait for the delivery of the original part.

Universal repair recommendations

Disconnect the air conditioner from the mains before starting work.

Carefully study the instructions supplied with the device. This will save time looking for twisted fasteners and plastic latches that hold the external elements of the HVAC cabinet.

Air conditioner repair tool kit

When repairing an air conditioner at home, use a tool that is electrically insulated. Be careful and careful not to touch rotating and live parts

The sequence of parsing the inner part of the unit is recorded on a smartphone. This will help to properly assemble the unit and ensure that all parts are in place. Do not make changes to the scheme of the device. For replacement, use only original parts or analogs approved by the manufacturer.

Do not rush to renovate. Give this lesson at least 1-2 free hours. Check if the necessary tools are available.

You will definitely need:

  • Slotted (flat) and Phillips screwdrivers of small and medium sizes;
  • nippers;
  • pliers;
  • multimeter;
  • wire to create jumpers.

Wrenches and hex keys may be required depending on the model. If most of the tools are not available, think carefully about whether to start a repair.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to properly clean your air conditioner at home:

How to independently diagnose an air conditioner - recommendations for novice craftsmen:

The Haier split system is a complex unit with many additional functions. With strict observance of the operating rules and timely replacement of consumables, it works for a long time and without interruptions. The manufacturer gives a proprietary warranty for the equipment. During its operation, it is not recommended to repair the device yourself.

When the warranty has expired, minor breakdowns can be eliminated with your own hands, and the restoration of working capacity entrust power units and electronic boards to professionals specializing in the maintenance of climatic technicians.

Still have questions about decoding error codes for Haier brand air conditioners? Ask our experts and other site visitors - the comment block is located below this publication. Here you can also share useful tips and personal experience in repairing or servicing this brand's air conditioner.

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