Nitrogen deficiency in plants leads to poor kidney development, frail and undeveloped shoots, lean leaves, early dropping of leaves. Urea will help fix the situation. What is it needed for and what to do with it? About her application and processing of the garden and the garden we will talk further.
Table of contents
- What is urea?
- Carbamide and urea: is it the same or not?
- Composition and properties of the preparation
- Combination with other fertilizers
- Instructions for use of the solution
- Breeding
- Spraying and processing of the garden
- Norms of entering in horticulture
What is urea?
It is a mineral fertilizer with a high concentration of nitrogen. It is used as the main or additional fertilizing for different crops.
After the application of urea, the plants grow well and bear fruit abundantly.Pests such as weevils, aphids and copper coins disappear after spraying.
Purple spotting will recede from fruit trees and shrubs if they are treated with solution in early spring and late autumn.
.Carbamide and urea: is it the same or not?
In fact, these are two names of one fertilizer. At first, it was synthesized from urine cattle by evaporation, the resulting substance was called urea.
Carbamide is the scientific name of a chemical compound that is being produced at the present time.
Fertilizer is a small granule of white color, readily dissolving in warm water.
Composition and properties of the preparation
Carbamide is a highly concentrated nitrogen fertilizer, which contains no nitrates. Its use is preferable at the stage of plant development. If you use it in the bud formation stage, you can later lose it in the crop.
The positive properties of the fertilizer:
- Can not cause burns to plants, when sprayed.
- Increases the autumn harvest of fruits in garden and fruit and berry crops.
- Excellent fighting against parasites and infectious agents.
- For a short time is assimilated by plants.
- Increases the concentration of nitrogen in plant cells, within two days after spraying.
- It is able to slow down flowering and reduce the risk of falling flowers into frosts.
- Increases the amount of protein in the crops.
- Virtually does not wash out to the lower layers of the earth.
- Slowly decomposes in the ground.
- Easily soluble, does not leave a residue.
Negative aspects of urea:
- Reduces the germination of seeds, if there is too much in the soil.
- Is able to harm young shoots, if used improperly.
- It is stored under certain established norms.
- Badly combined with many elements.
Combination with other fertilizers
Urea is not recommended to be mixed with alkaline fertilizers, because after the chemical reaction, ammonia is released and nitrogen disappears.
If you combine carbamide and powdered superphosphate, then the properties of these fertilizers change.This can be avoided if limestone, bone or phosphorite flour is added to superphosphate beforehand.
For a long time you can store a mixture of urea and:
- sodium and potassium nitrate;
- manure;
- potassium chloride;
- potassium sulphate;
- ammonium nitrate.
Before fertilizing garden and fruit-berry plants, it is possible to mix carbamide with phosphorite flour, superphosphate, ammonium sulfate.
.Instructions for use of the solution
Spreading carbamide granules around the garden will not give the expected results, so under the influence of air, its compounds break up. Maximum efficiency is achieved if applied to the soil. Air access to carbonic ammonium will be limited, as a result nutrients will get to the plants.
Urea is suitable for use on all types of soils.
In autumn it can only be used on an empty garden, since it can damage perennial plants and winter varieties of onion and garlic. But experts consider it inexpedient to use it at this time, in view of the fact that urea rapidly decays, and some of the substances volatilize.
Fertilizer is best applied in the spring for active growth and development of plants.Fertilizing the solution is effective in moist soil. In granules it is used for digging and loosening.
To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dilute the granules with 2 liters of water. Stir until completely dissolved, then add water to the required volume.
Spraying and processing of the garden
During the growth of plants, it is better to use urea spraying, which is carried out at sunrise or sunset, in windless weather.
To destroy the overwintered pests, it is necessary to treat the trees before the appearance of the kidneys, when the average daily temperature is set at + 5 ° C.
In the period of leaf fall, trees can be sprayed on which there are infectious diseases, as well as their fallen leaves.This is necessary in order that the next year the culture is not sick.
Norms of entering in horticulture
For vegetable crops, flowers and berries for 1m2:
- roses, irises, callas, hyacinths, hippeastrums - 5-10 g;
- cucumbers and peas - 6-9 g;
- squash, eggplant and zucchini - 10-12 g;
- pepper, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, potatoes, onions and garlic - 19-23 gr .;
- Strawberry - 13-20 gr.
For fruit and berry crops per plant:
- young pears and apple-trees - 150 g;
- fruit bearing pears and apple-trees - 200-250 g;
- young plums, cherries, berry bushes - 70 g;
- fruit plums and cherries - 120-140 gr.
Carbamide is a very effective fertilizer in gardening. They can feed plants and soil, destroy pests, protect crops from diseases.For best results, dilute the 5% solution according to the instructions, and also try not to scatter it over the garden plot. It should be remembered that for plants it is useful in spring in the period of recruitment of green mass, and for the prevention of diseases and pests - after the first autumn leaf fall.