5 kinds of organic fertilizers, their characteristics


On sale you can find a variety of additional fertilizing for the soil. Compositions are specially designed with the calculation for certain conditions of planting. Nevertheless, experienced gardeners prefer to use natural means to enrich the land. They are considered valuable precisely for their naturalness. In this article, we'll talk about different organics, including bone marrow.


Table of contents

  • Which fertilizers are organic
  • Kinds of organic fertilizers
    • Manure
    • Valuable peat
    • How to apply sapropel
    • Natural Organic
    • Bone meal (fish)
  • The value of organic
  • Application technology and application of dressings

Which fertilizers are organic

The composition includes many components that affect the growth and volume of the crop (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, etc.). The main difference from mineral fertilizers developed in the laboratory is that all these elements are of natural origin.

Natural soil replenishment naturally enriches it with everything necessary for growing a large number of fruits.

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Kinds of organic fertilizers


The most popular fertilizer among natural. Manure is universal for any type of soil, and is also suitable for all types of plants. After such a one-time recharge, the earth is enriched with useful trace elements for several years (from 4 to 8).

The most useful is considered to be cow dung, which for a long time was on humiliation (at least 4 months).

Despite the obvious naturalness of this option, one should also remember about precautions:

  • do not allow manure to contact directly with the roots of the plant (the make-up layer must necessarily be sprinkled with earth);
  • do not allow fertilizer to fresh, since unmilled manure carries not only the danger of infection with various bacteria, but also increases the risk of weeds;
  • in case the soil is acidic, a similar kind of soil replenishment is not recommended at all.
Fresh manure is dangerous for garden planting

The composition of the natural mixture formed depends on the following factors:

  1. Type of animal (cow, horse, pig, birds).
  2. Quality and form of feeding.
  3. Type of litter (straw, sawdust, etc.).
Horse manure is ideal for replenishing soil in hotbeds and greenhouses, as it heats very quickly and quickly.

Pork has a high presence of nitrogen in the composition, which, if misused, can damage the plant. It is recommended only as an additive in compost.

Especially popular among gardeners and truck farmers is the bird litter (chicken and pigeon). This fertilizer is a whole complex of various vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on growth and fertility. It is important to use the same safety measures as when fertilizing with cow dung: do not use it fresh and avoid contact with plant roots.

Valuable peat

The main use of peat is to increase the humus in the soil, which leads to high yields.Scientists noted that this option reduces almost twice the content of nitrates in fruits, protecting them from various poisonous chemicals that have fallen into the soil.

Peat is quite difficult to spoil the land. You can add annually under the digging, and also pour under the trees and shrubs (around the roots).

Peat is quite difficult to spoil the soil

How to apply sapropel

Fertilizer is obtained by extracting from the bottom of the reservoir a special composition, enriched with a huge amount of nutrients. An important condition for sampling sapropel is a non-current type of object, the water in which is in a calm state (oxygen access is limited).

Dried feed is ideally suited as soil fertilizer for subsequent planting. Properties of sapropel can give high yields even on clay soils.Ideal for any kind of plant, including root crops.

Saprophel acts as a preservative for root crops, which positively affects their growth.
Sapropel has a positive effect on plant growth

Natural Organic

Compost is the simplest organic fertilizer available to any trucker. On the site it is necessary to place a special box, the bottom of which is covered with sawdust (it can be mixed with dry leaves). Next, fill with a mixture of plants (grass, leaves, weeds), land and cow dung.


In the composition it is also necessary to periodically add ash, egg shells, and in dry weather, pour a small amount of water once a week (for compaction and prevention of the debate).

You can use as a make-up after 6 months of aging. If the compost is old (more than a year), then the fertilized soil can not be planted for two years (high nitrogen level).
Compost can be used in spring and autumn

Bone meal (fish)

This kind of fertilizer is rich in calcium and phosphorus, increases crop growth by almost two times.

A useful solution of bone meal is very easy to prepare.For 20 liters of boiling water, take 1 kg of powder (fish), persist for 1 week, stirring occasionally. Then strain and use as make-up in a ratio of 1/10 (mixture / water). Such a solution to feed plants can be 1 time per month. Also it can be poured into the compost pit.

There are the following types of bone meal:

  • fish-bone: produced from bones and soft fish tissues, rich in phosphorus;
  • horn-hoof: produced from horns and hooves of animals, contains a large amount of nitrogen;
  • blood: also characterized by an elevated nitrogen content, requires strict compliance with the instructions;
  • shell: shell crustaceans are crushed, rich in a variety of useful substances.
Fish and carcass types of flour are produced mainly outside of our country, a similar type of fertilizer is considered exotic for our soil, but this does not negate its useful properties.
Bone meal can increase crop growth by 2 times

Also organic fertilizers include:

  • Deciduous and turfy land: mix leaves with turf in one heap and leave for the whole winter. In spring, carefully mix with forks, cover for several weeks with a film.
  • Sawdust and bark: recommendations for application are similar to peat. Before applying such a fertilizer to the soil, it must be prepared, given a little bit of water with water. It is desirable to add any other fertilizer, for example, cow dung.
  • Eggshell: enriched in calcium. Put into the soil in a crushed form, it is recommended to add wood ash to the composition.

The value of organic

Nature herself laid the foundations of the cycle in the plant world. One plant dies, leaves in the soil and becomes a favorable condition for the growth of a new one.

Organic fertilizers are harmless not only for crops, but for the environment in general. Such a system of recharge is primarily focused on the soil itself, enriches and makes the land fertile. This approach is promising in all respects.


Application technology and application of dressings

Before applying any fertilizer to the soil, it is always necessary to know its characteristics: composition, acidity. Special tests are sold, which can be done independently.

Organic must be applied to the upper layer of the soil, pre-watering it with water.

Egg shell is also a type of organic fertilizer
Under bushes and trees fertilizer should be laid on a circle, away from the trunk.
  • Cow manure:The norm is fed once every 4 years, 35 tons per 1 hectare.
  • Bird's litter:according to the recommendations, soil should be fertilized once every 3 years kg per 1 sq.m.
  • Peat:for the necessary effect, it is enough to introduce into the ground once a year, 35 kg per 1 sq.m.
  • Bone flour:It should be fertilized from the calculation of 3 kg per 1 sq.m.

Whichever fertilizer you choose, it requires a careful approach to entering the soil. It is important to remember that even the most natural composition can spoil the land.

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