Cleaning and disinfection of air conditioning systems: cleaning technology

During the operation of ventilation systems, ventilation ducts and shafts become polluted, which in turn leads to the appearance of bacteria that cause diseases in people, mold, mildew,. The spread of these microorganisms leads to infection of people living in the house.

That is why control over the cleanliness of ventilation, cleaning and disinfection of air conditioning systems is considered one of the primary tasks, the solution of which contributes to the preservation of human health.

This article discusses in detail the need for cleaning and subsequent disinfection of ventilation systems, the legal framework regulating this process, the technology for carrying out such work.

The content of the article:

  • Requirements for ventilation and air conditioning
  • System exploration steps
  • Basic cleaning and disinfection methods
    • Method # 1 - dry cleaning
    • Method # 2 - dry cleaning
    • Method # 3 - thermal cleaning
  • Cleaning and disinfection procedure
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Requirements for ventilation and air conditioning

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Studies have confirmed that the vast majority of infectious diseases are transmitted by aerosol (airborne) droplets.

Modern apartment buildings, public and administrative buildings, industrial production, entertainment complexes and other places where a large number of people congregate are zones of high aerobiological danger. And therefore, they are considered the main places of spread of aerosol-transmitted infections.

Ventilation and air conditioning systems in this case are one of the ways to protect against the spread of infection.

Air ventilation system

The cleanliness of the air inside the room directly depends on the cleanliness of the ventilation ducts. Thus, studies by the World Health Organization prove that air in rooms with untreated ventilation is 10 times more toxic than outside a building.

The ventilation system consists of elements of special equipment combined with each other, designed for processing and changing air in a closed room. The use of a ventilation system allows you to systematically supply fresh air inside the room, clearing the room from waste.

An air conditioning system is a set of special equipment to recreate and maintain in automatic mode of the required parameters of the air environment in the room, regardless of external or internal atmospheric conditions.

We have provided a comparative overview of ventilation and air conditioning systems in this material.

If bacteria, mold, fungus form inside these systems due to dirt, they become dangerous for human life. Realizing this, the legislator obliged homeowners, managers of residential and non-residential premises, renting premises or tenants of premises under a lease agreement, as well as other users of premises, ensure regular cleaning of the air exchange systems.

The main law, which prescribes the standards of maintenance, organization and control over the exclusive observance of sanitary rules and regulations, an algorithm of measures to maintain the cleanliness of these systems, is the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ (bearing the name - "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population").

This law provides that a system designed to circulate indoor air will be considered clean if if there are no humidification zones and visible pollution. The same applies to special networking and ventilation equipment.

As far as contamination is concerned, the ventilation and air conditioning system will be deemed to require cleaning and disinfection in the event that contamination was visually detected on the inner surfaces of the connecting pipes systems. Cleaning is also required when laboratory tests reveal that it has entered the premises. particles of pollution, the presence in the environment of air ducts of dangerous bacteria, fungus and mold and timely filter replacement.

Air conditioning and ventilation systems should be checked at least once every six months as part of production control over the sanitary condition of the equipment.

Air conditioning system

The established standards of sanitary rules and norms for air in closed internal rooms do not allow the presence of harmful microflora in the ventilation and air conditioning system itself. Determination of the presence of pathology will allow the study of the surface of ventilation components (filters, silencers, humidifiers, heat exchangers of coolers, drainage trays of recuperators)

System exploration steps

The study of air exchange systems in buildings for pollution is carried out in several stages:

  • Stage 1 - documentary. At this stage, the passports of ventilation and air conditioning systems are checked, during which the compliance with the design documentation is determined.
  • Stage 2 - Actual Verification. At this stage, the main parameters of the microclimate inside the systems are measured (temperature, air flow rate, humidity), visual inspection and determination of the degree of contamination of all components of the ventilation and air conditioning system (debris and inorganic deposits, mold and other organic education). At this stage, the necessary material is collected from the ventilation and air conditioning system and sent for laboratory research.
  • Stage 3 - molecular research in the laboratory. All material collected during the research is checked in laboratories for the presence of bacteria, microbes, opportunistic microflora. Evaluation of the effectiveness of disinfection and previously carried out measures for cleaning and disinfection of systems is being carried out.
  • Stage 4 - analysis of the results and a decision to carry out the necessary measures. At this stage, the research result is drawn up in the form of an act, which indicates which sanitary and epidemiological studies were carried out with a conclusion on compliance or non-compliance established standards.

Cleaning and disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation systems, based on the survey materials and assessment of the sanitary state, carried out by one of the methods, which will be discussed in the next part articles.

Study of ventilation systems

When conducting research, and works on cleaning and disinfection, checked equipment must be used, which has passed the state registration in accordance with the established procedure.

Contamination found during the study can be divided into four types:

  • accumulation of dust and dirtthat are formed during the operation of air exchange systems;
  • massive trash, which appears during the installation of ventilation ducts, or as a result of deliberate contamination by humans;
  • parasitic pollution - this is a fungus, mold and other bacteria that have arisen due to the recreated microclimate inside the system;
  • body fatcaused by the deposition of steam generated during cooking.

Thus, having determined the nature of the contamination, the method of cleaning the system is selected.

Basic cleaning and disinfection methods

First of all, it should be noted that the work related to the purification of air systems in buildings should be entrusted to professionals.

Work using a disinfectant must clearly comply with the algorithm for carrying out in accordance with the instructions (consumption rates chemical agent, the method and procedure for its use), solutions should be prepared only in those rooms in which the supply and exhaust ventilation.

There are several methods for cleaning systems. Let's consider them further.

Method # 1 - dry cleaning

It is considered the simplest method, therefore it is the most common. It consists in using a special device: an electric or pneumatic brushing machine on the control panel.

Mechanical cleaning of ventilation ducts

To carry out mechanical cleaning, you will need expensive equipment: a dry cleaning machine, a set of nozzles for it, industrial vacuum cleaners. The cost of a dry cleaning machine, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 600 to 850 thousand rubles. Cleaning professionals must have a complete kit

Having picked up the brush required in diameter, the device is introduced into the vent and pushed into the channel. With the help of pressure or electricity, controlled by a remote control, the machine performs mechanical cleaning of the inner walls of the ventilation.

To remove the dirt removed from the walls, industrial vacuum cleaners are used. After carrying out such cleaning, it becomes possible to assess the presence of mold or fungus infection on the walls.

Method # 2 - dry cleaning

This method is used to disinfect ventilation ducts by using chemicals that break down dirt, destroy fungus and mold.

After dry cleaning, it is imperative to rinse and completely remove the chemical reagent from the ventilation duct.

This is a very effective method, but it may not be applicable to all buildings. So, it cannot be used in schools and kindergartens, in medical institutions.

Cleaning the ventilation duct

The inner surface of the air duct must not be cleaned using water and chemical reagents based on concentrated solutions that contain alkali or acid. Water and steam are used only to clean the duct channels of kitchen ventilation systems and then only when they are completely disassembled

It is worth remembering that in order to carry out work on the destruction of harmful microorganisms using chemical solutions, it is necessary a special license that is held by all officially registered companies that provide cleaning services for ventilation systems.

Method # 3 - thermal cleaning

This method is considered the safest and most environmentally friendly, but it is expensive.

The essence of the method is to clean the entire system using cold fog or dry ice crystals. Injection generators drive the cold component inside the system and as a result of its action, the air duct is disinfected, the destruction of fungus, bacteria and other parasites occurs.

Cleaning and disinfection procedure

After determining the required list of activities, an estimate of the work should be drawn up, where all the actions to be performed to clean the air exchange systems of the building are described in detail.

Cleaning and disinfection should be planned in advance. Residents of houses, building employees must be warned in advance about the timing and time of these works, as well as familiarized with the precautions.

Removable components of the ventilation and air conditioning system (grilles, nozzles, nozzles, nets, diffusers, etc.) must be dismantled during the work. At the same time, they are cleaned mechanically by hand, after which disinfectants are applied.

To familiarize yourself with ventilation cleaning equipment, please go to by this link.

Devices that regulate the movement of air in the system (valves, dampers) must be cleaned without dismantling. For this purpose, the system provides for special "inspection doors".

Air conditioning system

After the cleaning work is completed and the air exchange system is normalized, it is imperative to allow the surfaces of the equipment and airways to dry. Turning on the system in the presence of moisture may result in its failure.

It is worth remembering that carrying out work on cleaning and disinfecting air exchange systems should carried out under the direct supervision of the ventilation engineer and responsible for operation these systems.

To clean the evaporating unit of the used domestic air conditioners, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • detach the outer cover;
  • remove the air and charcoal filters - treat the air with a solution, and replace the charcoal;
  • perform mechanical cleaning of the radiator grille and the elements of the condensate accumulator.

Cleaning of the inner surface of the air conditioner housing and the mixing chamber is carried out through the provided service doors. Dismantling of local air conditioners should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for repair and operation.

Each stage of cleaning is documented and indicated in the final report of the work performed.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The sequence of cleaning ventilation and air conditioning systems is shown in this video:

Currently, modern cleaning methods make it possible to remove complex contaminants and fight harmful microorganisms without dismantling ventilation systems.

The technical capabilities of devices and means for cleaning ventilation ducts allow you not to disturb people in the building during work. And control over the regularity of cleaning will protect a person from diseases and provide an influx clean air in residential and business premises, which will contribute to the creation of a healthy climate inside.

In the feedback box located below the article, you can ask questions or add useful suggestions and tips for cleaning ventilation and air conditioning systems based on your own experience.

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