The moon in January 2017 - recommendations for gardeners and gardeners

This is the lunar calendar for January 2017. Gardeners and truck farmers can follow the phases of the moon, find out which lunar day is at the moment, when it starts, when it ends. Recommendations are given for gardeners and truck farmers - what kind of work can or can not be done in the garden and vegetable garden.

January 2017

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1st of January


Lunar day - the 4th with 10.26 The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Aquarius Give a rest to yourself and plants. It is not recommended sowing, planting, transplanting. You can free the branches from snow. The fight against nest pests and rodents will be effective. Check the branches of the trees, perhaps they have nests of wintering pests, they should be destroyed. You can and need to remove the remaining fruits from the trees.

People's signs: in New Year's strong frost and small snow - to the harvest of bread, and if warm and there is no snow - to crop failure.

January 2


From 10.54 - the 5th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Pisces with 12.58 Until 12.58, the recommendations of yesterday apply. Then it is recommended to water the indoor plants. Planting for forcing greens of onion and turnip roots (beets, root parsley, etc.). Pikirovka, foliar top dressing, snow retention.

Folk signs: Winter is snowy - summer is rainy. On New Year's Eve, the starry sky is for the harvest.

3 January.


From 11.18 - the 6th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Pisces Irrigation, top dressing is recommended. greenhouse plants. You can rejuvenate pruning of indoor plants. Planting for forcing greens of onion and turnip roots (beets, root parsley, etc.). Pikirovka, foliar top dressing, snow retention.

Folk signs: winter frosty - summer is hot. If winter blizzards, summer bad weather.

4 January


From 11.41 - the 7th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Aries from 19.24 Until 19.24 the recommendations of yesterday apply. Then it is recommended to check the stored fruits, vegetables, potatoes. Sanitary pruning of indoor plants, watering. Sow wheat on sprouts. Planting for forcing greens of onion and turnip roots (beets, root parsley, etc.). Pikirovka, foliar top dressing, snow retention. Preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses. We prepare the soil, containers for seedlings, inventory.

People's signs: the January calendar is full. What is January, so is July.

5 January


From 12.03 - the 8th lunar day The moon is the first quarter at 22.48 Moon in the sign of Aries Preparation of soil and containers for seedlings. Checking stored fruits, vegetables, potatoes. Sanitary pruning of indoor plants, an unfavorable day for planting, transplanting plants, especially for plants with tender shoots, such as salads. It is better to clean the cellar. In the gardens, snow retention is carried out.

People's signs: if in January frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there will be frequent rains. If Fedul wind blew - to harvest.

6th January


From 12.26 to the 9th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Taurus from 23.19 Planting greens and spicy herbs in the closed ground and on the windowsill. We visit the garden. Winter vaccination of fruit and ornamental crops. Transplant, forming pruning and propagation of indoor plants. It is impossible to treat indoor plants with damaged leaves by pesticides from harmful insects. Setting bulb on the pasture. Preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings. Seeding of flower perennials.

People's signs: if this day is warm, spring will be cold. Snow - to the harvest.

Jan. 7


From 12.52 - the 10th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Taurus Christmas! Work with plants and soil can not. Pay attention to your loved ones.

Folk signs: Christmas-day lasts two weeks before Epiphany - January 19.

January 8


From 13.22 - the 11th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Taurus Winter vaccination of fruit and ornamental crops. transplant, forming pruning and cuttings of houseplants. Setting bulb on the pasture. Preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings. Seeding of flower perennials. Sow fast-growing vegetable crops (watercress, leafy mustard), clove Shabo, coniferous plants, primroses.

Folk signs: early Christmas is a women's holiday. If this day is clear, then there will be a good harvest of millet, and if it's cloudy, then its not enough.

January 9


From 13.58 - the 12th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Gemini from 01.07 We are engaged in seeds and soil, we prepare containers for seedlings. Revision of bulbs and root crops of flower crops. Seeding on seedlings of summer crops with a long vegetation period (phlox, salvia, nigela, lobelia, turkey carnation, heliotrope, etc.). You can start harvesting manure, ash, food waste, poultry manure, mineral fertilizers, as well as pest control.

People's signs: jackdaws and crows scream continuously - to the snow and blizzards. Sinichki squeaks in the morning - expect the frost at night.

10 January


From 14.44 - the 13th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Gemini It is undesirable to sow and plant today. Good time for pest control. Revision of bulbs and root crops of flower crops. The release of branches from snow.

Folk features: crows and jackdaws wind in the air - before the snow, sit on the tops of trees - to the frost, sit down on the ground - wait for a thaw.

11 January.


From 15.41 - the 14th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Cancer from 01.50 We check the cellars and storehouses. Soaking seeds, watering, winter grafting, foliar top dressing. It is not recommended sowing, planting, transplanting a day before and after the full moon.

People's signs: smoke from the pipe goes to the pole - to the frost, spreads on the ground without a wind - to the snow or rain.

12 January


From 16.47 - the 15th lunar day The Full Moon at 14.35 Moon in the sign of Cancer We sow nothing and do not plant. Do not disturb the earth and plants. You can compact the snow near the tree trunks. Get busy preparing the garden and garden equipment for the new season.

Folk features: a cat hides its muzzle - to the frost. The cat scratches the wall - to the bad weather. The cat lies belly up - to the heat.

13th of January


From 18.01 - the 16th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of the Lion from 03.09 It is not recommended to work with plants: the signs of the moon do not have to planting. Do not disturb the earth and plants. It is recommended to inspect the storage facilities, freeing branches from snow.

Popular signs: if the wind blows from the south in the night, the year will be hot and prosperous, in the west - to an abundance of milk and fish, from the east - wait for the harvest of fruits.

14 January


From 19.17 - the 17th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Leo A good day for planting and transplanting indoor plants with strong roots. They sow seeds of begonia, balsam, lobelia. Collection and destruction of hibernating pests in the garden.

People's signs: if there is fog - to the harvest. Night zvezdista - summer is beneficial.

January 15


From 20.32 - the 18th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of the Virgin since 06.53 We plant salad greens, dill, parsley, onions, coriander in the closed ground. Planting onions for turners. You can plant greens on the windowsill. Planting of indoor plants. Preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings. The release of branches from snow.

People's signs: Sylvester. Chicken feast. The guys are given out cocks from clay. January drives a blizzard for seven miles. The chicken on one leg stands - to the cold. the chicken twirls - to the blizzard.

January 16


From 21.45 to the 19th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of the Virgin A good time for picking and transplanting seedlings. top-dressing, watering, lighting. Spraying of plants against pests. Sprinkling with growth stimulants. Planting onions for turners. Planting of indoor plants. Preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings. The release of branches from snow.

People's signs: a cool month - to the cold, an earring near the moon - to blizzards and frost.

January 17


From 22.57 - the 20th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in Libra sign with 14.17 Low-Fertility Time: Planting is not effective. Inspection of cellars. You can see tubers of dahlias and corms of gladioli. The release of branches from snow. Making containers, spraying plants against pests. Preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings. Sprinkling with growth stimulants.

Folk features: clear horizon Luna - to cold, in summer to the wind. The moon shines brightly at night or the sky without the moon is strewn with bright stars - tomorrow it will be a clear frosty day.

January 18th


20th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Libra Care of seedlings, cultivation of soil from pests. Snow retention, control of rodents. Making containers, spraying plants against pests. Sprinkling with growth stimulants. Preparation of soil mixtures for seedlings.

Popular signs: The red circle around the moon, soon disappears - to the wind. Two such circles or one dim - to the frost, a red circle - to the wind, interrupted - to the snow.

January 19


From 00.07 - the 21st lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Libra Seeding, abundant watering, moderate feeding, picking, pruning. But now you can not bring down trees, they are attacked by bark beetle. You can plant vegetables for seedlings (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers) and early greens, provided that the shoots are refreshed. Setting up a forcing of tuberous and bulbous flowers.

People's signs: at midday, blue clouds - to harvest, clear and cold weather - to dry years.

January 20th


From 01.14 - the 22nd lunar day The moon is the last quarter in 01.14 Moon in the sign of Scorpio from 01.10 Favorable period for work with planting material and sprout seedlings. Seeding, abundant watering, moderate fertilizing, picking, pruning. It is possible to sow the seeds of leeks on seedlings, to sow any greenery. Setting up a forcing of tuberous and bulbous flowers.

Popular signs: if the stars shine brightly in the winter - to the cold, there are few stars in the sky - to rage.

January 21


From 02.20 - the 23rd lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio We continue to plant the seeds of vegetable crops on seedlings. Simultaneously we prepare greenhouses. Forming pruning of indoor plants. Planting for forcing green herbs (beets, root parsley), as well as flower bulbous. transplantation of tuberous. Sowing leeks, potatoes (seeds) and strawberries on seedlings. Pruning, feeding, freeing branches from snow.

People's signs: Emelyan the Winter. Emelyan wind a snowstorm. They judge the nature of the winter definitively. The wind blows from the south - a stormy sky promises.

January 22


From 03.25 - the 24th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Sagittarius from 13.46 Today is one of the most fertile days of January! We plant seeds on seedlings. Forming pruning of indoor plants. Planting for forcing green herbs (beets, root parsley), as well as flower bulbous. transplantation of tuberous. Seeding of leeks, potatoes (seeds) and strawberries on seedlings. Pruning, feeding, freeing branches from snow.

Folk signs: if in winter blizzards - in the summer a bad weather, if the forest rustles in the winter - wait for a thaw.

January 23


From 04.28 - the 25th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Sagittarius Preparation of cuttings for spring grafting, forming pruning. It's impossible to bring down trees now, they are attacked by a bark beetle. Seed sowing, soil renewal, loosening of soil in pots. revision of planting and planting material. It's time to make a liquid dressing of indoor flowers and pastoral greens.

People's signs: a long day and hoarfrost - the summer period will be bad. If the frost on the stacks and piles is to a wet and cold summer.

January 24


From 05.27 - the 26th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Sagittarius Preparation of seeds, sowing of seeds for seedlings of vegetable and green crops, soil renewal, loosening of soil in pots. revision of planting and planting material. We work with seedlings.

People's signs: Fedoseevo is warm. If it's warm, know early spring. If in January the echo goes far - the frosts get stronger. Clouds go against the wind - to a snowfall.

The 25th of January


From 06.22 - the 27th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn from 01.44 Plants planted today will be more hardy. Sowing perennial vegetables and root celery for seedlings. Fight against pests and diseases of houseplants. Removal of dry leaves and shoots. We continue to work with seedlings. Acquisition of fertilizers, plant protection products, inventory. Preparation of seedlings of soil mixtures.

People's signs: Tatiana's day. The sun will glimpse - to the early arrival of birds and an early amicable spring, it's snowing - summer is rainy.

January 26


From 07.10 - 28th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn Reproduction of cuttings. in the greenhouse it is time to fertilize the plants. Sowing perennial vegetables and root celery for seedlings. Fight against pests and diseases of houseplants. Removal of dry leaves and shoots. We continue to work with seedlings. Acquisition of fertilizers, plant protection products, inventory. Preparation of seedlings of soil mixtures.

Folk signs: the first "tsi-tsi-fi" of the great titmouse portends the early spring.

January 27


From 07.52 - the 29th lunar day The moon is waning Moon in the sign of Aquarius with 11.38 Not recommended sowing, planting. transplant a day before and after the new moon. Acquisition of fertilizers, plant protection products, soil preparation and packaging for sowing.

People's signs: in January - March. in March - January. The samovar hoots strongly - to the frost.

28 January


From 03.08 - 1st lunar day; from 08.28 - the 2nd lunar day New Moon at 03.08 Moon in the sign of Aquarius Do not disturb the earth and plants. Pay attention to work with soil and seeds. Acquisition of fertilizers, inventory.

People's signs: a starry night - to the harvest of flax. If the wind is, it will be a wet year.

January 29


From 08.58 - the 3rd lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Pisces from 19.11 Acquisition of fertilizers, inventory. It is not recommended sowing, planting, transplanting a day before and after the new moon. It will be good to cut off dry branches of trees, if the air temperature is not lower than eight degrees below zero.

Folk signs: the red sun goes into the cloud - the coming day will be clear and frosty.

January 30


From 09.24 - the 4th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Pisces We continue planting vegetables for sprouts. a good day for sowing on seedlings of begonia, balsam, lobelia. We begin to plan future planting. Seeding of green vegetable crops, as well as flying and ornamental plants. Planting of flower bulbs for distillation. Preparation of soil and containers for sowing.

People's signs: Anton perezimniy. Perezimnik - will reassure, heat, and then deceive - all the frost pulls. Do not believe the warm weather in winter. At noon, the sun is early spring, if the windows and window frames are sweating in the frost, wait for warming.

January 31st


From the 09.48-5th lunar day The moon is growing Moon in the sign of Aries from 00.48 Today we are planting greens, lettuce, herbs and medicinal plants. Sowing of summer and ornamental plants. Planting of flower bulbs for distillation. Moderate watering of plants and seedlings, picks, protection of plants from sunburn.

Folk signs: Athanasius - take care of your nose. The heaviest frosts, but no matter how stern the January last, he can not return the former power.


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