How to plant carrots, so as not to thin out

When the carrots planted on the garden, good shoots will appear, they need to carefully thin out .The procedure is quite difficult, because by pulling on one outlet, you can pull out several at once, including those that should have stayed. In addition, the plants remaining after its implementation, weaken and often do not reach large sizes, given by the breeders. In this review, we will look at easy ways to sow carrots correctly, so that you don’t thin out.


  • How to sow carrots in the garden, so as not to thin out?
    • Sowing with sand
    • Using
    • paste Planting seeds in
    • granules How to plant carrots using tape?
    • In the bag
    • With the mouth
    • How to plant using the
  • sieve Conclusion about the quick ways of planting carrots without thinning

How to sow the carrots in the garden, so you do not thin out?

The best option for planting carrots in this case is using manual seeders like Maple-1 or SMK-5, that provide quick seed penetration to a predetermined depth, help them to evenly distribute the seed in even rows, keep the seed without damageand accelerate the process of sowing 5-10 times. Prices for them start from 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

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If you do not have such money, is quite possible to do with improvised materials: sand, paste, special tape or a bag of .The sowing process in this case will not be automated, but will greatly facilitate the progress of work. On how to sow carrots, so as not to thin out, with the help of these devices, read on.

Sowing with sand

Planting carrot seeds spilled with sand

For planting, you must take carrot seeds in a ratio of 1-2 tbsp.spoon and mix them with sand 0.5 buckets. Moisten the resulting mixture with water, leave for 10-15 minutes .During this time, make the grooves. Pour out evenly harvested mass in them, cover with soil, moisten. Of course, the method will not give 100% of the result, but it will allow to keep heat, moisture and nutrients in the ground.


paste In this case, pour a spoonful of wheat flour into a liter of water and boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Remove the mass from the gas, cool to 30 degrees. Pour into her seeds. First carefully pour everything into a plastic bottle, then in a thin layer into the low grooves .Carrots planted according to this method are distinguished by early ripening and juiciness.

Planting seeds in granules

This is the easiest way, which does not require the use of any devices. Drainage seeds, coated with nutrient elements , you can simply spread out along the groove at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. With proper care, seedlings will appear in a friendly system, they will not need thinning.

Seeds of carrots in
granules In order for carrots to really grow, you must select seeds from proven producers. The most famous of them are Agrico and CeDec. As for the plant varieties, Vitamin 6, Nantes 4, Samson and some others are the most popular.

How to plant carrots with tape?

Toilet paper, special tape, loose paper up to 2 cm wide and full-length long - these are the materials at hand that can be used for planting carrots in this case. Seeds are applied to them with the help of a paste made from water and starch. If desired, a little fertilizer can be added to the adhesive to provide seed flow of nutrients.

Planting carrots on tape

Plant carrots on tape as follows: put paste on point strips( the gap should be more than 2 cm).Then put carrot seeds on them. Make furrows on the bed and place ribbons in them, cover them with earth and moisten them. Shoots in this case appear somewhere in 7-10 days .

Today there are ready-made ribbons with seeds of carrots of F1 baby, 6 vitamin, queen of autumn and so on. Prices start at 24 rubles.

In the bag

This is one of the most original ways of planting vegetables. It should be done this way: in the winter, place the seeds in a canvas or linen sack, move them in the spring, without removing them, into a small hole. In 2-3 weeks sprouts will appear, which can be mixed with sand and moved to open ground.

Germinated carrot seeds in an

pouch Cover the garden bed with a film so that the carrots do not die due to night frost and sprout well. Tuber crops grown by this method can be quite large, juicy, early ( the harvest will be in the middle or early summer).It is saturated with a large number of useful elements and can be stored for a long time.

Instead of a bag, you can take any breathable material. Only after placing in the hole with the seeds do not forget where it lies.

With the help of the mouth

This method is no less unique than the previous one. Not every gardener will agree to resort to it, but still tell you what needs to be done: pour the seeds out of the pack into a glass, pour a little water and stir with a wooden stick. Put a liquid with seeds in your mouth and spit out into the prepared grooves. So repeat until the garden is planted. By the way, our grandmothers and grandfathers resorted to this method.

Pour the seeds better than pure boiled water, cooled to 30 degrees. In a hotter fluid, they may die.

How to plant using a strainer

This is another "grandmother's" method of planting vegetables. For sowing, you need to take a strainer designed for brewing tea, pour the seeds into it and, walking along the bed, pour them into the grooves. Sprinkle the grains with earth and moisten with a watering can.

It is very convenient to plant carrots using the salt shaker
Instead of a sieve, you can take a colander, a special salt shaker or a plastic bottle. The main thing is to make sure that the dimensions of the holes in them correspond to the dimensions of the seeds, otherwise it will not be possible to sow them.

Conclusion about the quick ways of planting carrots without thinning

You can plant carrots simply by throwing its seeds into the grooves. But if you want to do without thinning in the future, you can resort to tricks - try to use either a manual seeder, if you have a large section, or one of the available materials at hand described in the article. The simplest of them is the use of sand or granulated seeds. Of course, in some cases, it will not be possible to do without additional costs and special training, but the expenses will be compensated for by the time that will be saved on thinning.

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