What is better non-woven wallpaper or vinyl: the advantages and disadvantages of materials + features of the choice of wallpaper

Wallpaper is often pasted over walls and ceilings in residential apartments, houses and offices. Agree, repairs are done for a single year and not only beauty is important, but also the practicality, durability of the finish? Therefore, it is necessary to look at the composition and characteristics of the facing material.

Both non-woven and vinyl wallpapers are popular. Each of these types has its own characteristics, pros and cons. It is important to know about them in order to understand which is better, non-woven wallpaper or vinyl for a particular room.

In the article, we will characterize each type of finishing material, highlight the advantages and disadvantages, and conduct a comparative analysis. We will show you what and in what cases it is better to use. We will give general advice on choosing.

The content of the article:

  • Why is it important to know the features of the material?
  • Characteristics of non-woven wallpaper
    • Advantages of finishing material
    • Disadvantages of non-woven fabric
  • Characteristics of vinyl wallpaper
    • Advantages of finishing material
    • Disadvantages of vinyl canvas
  • instagram viewer
  • Features of the choice of wallpaper
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Why is it important to know the features of the material?

The performance and properties of wallpaper directly depend on the material from which they are made.

Externally, non-woven and vinyl canvases are similar. But they have different levels of resistance to ultraviolet light, moisture and mechanical damage. They differ in structure, environmental friendliness, vapor permeability, fire resistance. These points must be taken into account and correlated with the parameters and characteristics of the room.

Assortment of non-woven and vinyl wallpapers in the store

Not everyone, at first glance, will be able to distinguish vinyl from non-woven products. The difference is noticeable to the touch. Non-woven wallpaper is more pleasant and less embossed

If you stick wallpaper that has low UV resistance in a sunny room, then it will fade very quickly and you will have to change it again. If you trim the walls of a room with high humidity with canvases that do not react well to contact with water, this will lead to a rapid loss of the presentable appearance of the cladding.

In rooms with a poor microclimate, due to the vapor-tight wallpaper, fungus and mold will appear. Spores of these microorganisms easily penetrate into the human body, causing various pathological conditions: allergies, poisoning, asthma, oncology, etc.

If you choose the right facing material, then it will last as long as possible and will not harm your health.

Characteristics of non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is made of cellulose and polyester. Like paper ones, they are characterized by uniformity and environmental friendliness. But at the same time they are more durable.

Non-woven wallpaper is created using non-woven fabric production technology. The material is dense and soft.

A roll of non-woven wallpaper with flowers

Non-woven wallpaper is a semi-synthetic finishing material. The addition of polyester improves performance. Such wallpapers are a worthy alternative to paper

In terms of appearance and texture, non-woven wallpaper is divided into smooth and embossed. The former are distinguished by their homogeneity, flat surface.

The outer side of structural wallpaper has an ordered or chaotic three-dimensional pattern. Such canvases look more stylish and expensive.

Advantages of finishing material

The main advantage of non-woven wallpaper is safety. For drawing and gluing the layers of the canvas, formaldehyde-containing compounds and other harmful substances are not used. Therefore, you can not be afraid for your health.

For allergy sufferers, the only risk is dust, which settles and accumulates on the embossed surface of the wallpaper. This danger disappears when using smooth webs.

Such facing material is of high quality and modern, meets all fire safety requirements. In case of fire, it does not emit toxic compounds.

Non-woven wallpaper does not wrinkle, does not tear or sag from glue. Do not shrink or deform after drying. Therefore, you do not have to worry about gaps between the canvases on the wall.

Such a finishing material is dense and well hides small irregularities. Before gluing it, there is no need to level the surface.

A man conducts wall cladding with non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is easy to use. The glue is applied to the walls, not to the finishing material itself. You can even carry out the cladding alone.

A feature of non-woven wallpaper is that it does not need to be removed if you want to change the finish. They are firmly enough to hold on to the wall. On top of them, you can glue other wallpapers.

Non-woven products are durable. With the use of high-quality glue and adherence to the facing technology, the canvases will last 8-10 years. A big plus of the material is the possibility of painting. It allows you to strengthen the relief of the canvas and quickly transform the room. Non-woven wallpaper can be repainted several times, this will not deteriorate their performance and appearance.

Another important advantage is good vapor permeability. Non-woven wallpaper has micropores through which air passes freely. Walls lined with such material "breathe". They will not grow fungus and mold.

Disadvantages of non-woven fabric

In addition to the positive sides, non-woven wallpaper has its own disadvantages. The main one is low resistance to mechanical damage. Even a light touch of a sharp or hard object can leave a mark on the canvas.

Wallpaper scratched by pets

Often non-woven wallpaper damages pets. It is not always possible to remedy the situation. The material is soft and can wrinkle. The defect will be very conspicuous

Non-woven wallpaper gets dirty easily. It is difficult to remove dirt. Such material only tolerates dry cleaning well.

It is impossible to wash non-woven wallpaper with a brush and chemical solutions. From this, the canvas will quickly lose its performance properties and attractive appearance. If the stain cannot be removed with a dry cloth, then a slightly damp sponge can be used. Remove dirt carefully. Do not rub the surface.

Roller paint non-woven wallpaper in pink

Experts recommend using water-based paint to change the color and improve the performance parameters of non-woven wallpaper. Then the surface can be washed with soap.

You can increase the resistance of non-woven wallpaper to water and mechanical damage by applying a layer of paint. Different formulations are suitable.

The method of care after staining is selected taking into account what type of paint was used. But it must be borne in mind that after such a treatment, the surface of the wallpaper will become worse for air permeability. Therefore, the formation of fungus is possible and black mold.

The disadvantages of non-woven material include the rapid absorption of odor. Therefore, such wallpapers cannot be called practical. In addition, they are quite expensive. The high price is associated not so much with their naturalness and safety, but with a complex production process.

Non-woven wallpaper is covered with a layer of varnish

Sometimes, to improve performance, non-woven wallpaper is varnished. In terms of imparting moisture resistance to the product, this tool is much better than paint. As a result, the canvas becomes detergent

The choice of colors and textures of non-woven wallpaper is scarce. With their help, it will not be possible to create an imitation of wood, brick or stone.

For the implementation of complex design solutions, such canvases are hardly suitable. At the same time, non-woven wallpaper looks, even with a modest pattern, very modern and stylish.

Characteristics of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers are synthetic materials. They consist of two layers. The lower part is made of non-woven or paper. The top layer of the canvas, regardless of the type of base, is represented by a polyvinyl chloride film.

It is a plastic produced by a chemical reaction. It is a product of oil refining. But that doesn't mean vinyl wallpaper is toxic. Subject to the production technology and all standards, you can be sure of their safety. PVC film can be applied by foaming or hot stamping. This affects the performance of the product.

Advantages of finishing material

The main advantage of vinyl wallpaper, regardless of how it is made, is practicality. Such blades are durable, resistant to mechanical damage and wear.

Remove pencil marks on wallpaper

Many families with children are faced with the problem of painted wallpaper. Fortunately, vinyl is easy to clean. If soap and water does not remove pollution, then soda solution and other folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Vinyl wallpapers are characterized by increased water resistance. They can be cleaned using soapy water or detergents. They are insensitive to chemicals and organic solvents. They are allowed to be rubbed with a brush to remove dirt.

Non-woven vinyl wallpaper is distinguished by its ability to withstand deformation. This is especially true for new homes, which can naturally shrink in the first couple of years.

The facing material retains its presentable appearance for a long time. It does not fade in the sun. Service life exceeds 10 years.

An important advantage of vinyl wallpaper is its elasticity and flexibility. This simplifies the gluing process. The material, despite its high density, easily bends around irregularities and corners. In some places it can be stretched a little if necessary.

Brick imitation vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper perfectly imitates brick. Their use is much more profitable and easier than surface finishing with natural material. With their help, you can give the room originality.

Vinyl wallpapers are available in a wide range of colors, patterns and textures. There are options that imitate brick, stone, decorative plaster, etc. With the help of such a facing material, it is easy to implement any design solutions.

Disadvantages of vinyl canvas

The main disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper is its inability to allow air and steam to pass through. Polyvinyl chloride film tightly retains moisture under the surface, which forms during the temperature difference. Because of this, the walls are often covered with mold and mildew. But such a disadvantage can be fought.

Experts recommend treating walls before cladding with vinyl material deep penetration primer. This will prevent the formation and accumulation of condensation and eliminate the likelihood of mold and mildew. The main thing is that the primer is of high quality. You need to apply it in a thick layer.

Fungus and mildew under vinyl wallpaper

Mildew and mildew growing under vinyl wallpaper is a common problem. To remove them, you will have to remove the cladding and carry out processing with special compounds. It is better to worry about creating an optimal indoor climate in advance.

Stale air is common in apartments fully covered with vinyl wallpaper. This is due to the density of the PVC layer, which prevents the walls from breathing. To avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor, the room should be ventilated as often as possible.

Another disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper is its heavy weight. They put additional stress on the walls. For supporting structures, this disadvantage is irrelevant. But on thin plasterboard partitions it is not recommended to glue vinyl canvases.

An important disadvantage of this type of wallpaper is its non-environmental friendliness. However, they contain PVC. There is still controversy about their toxicity. Fear should be caused by poor quality products. On sale there is a facing material made of evaporated polyvinyl chloride. In the process of its production, all harmful components are removed from PVC.

Some people have difficulty gluing vinyl wallpaper. It is not customary to dock thick strips. Cloths on a paper basis shrink after drying. The result is noticeable gaps.

Overlapping vinyl wallpaper

When decorating walls with vinyl wallpaper, to prevent the appearance of gaps, you need to glue the strips with an overlap. Then the joints are cut with a knife along the level and all unnecessary is removed

The disadvantages of such a material include low fire resistance. During combustion, PVC releases toxic substances. Therefore, it is not recommended to paste over the walls of the room, which is characterized by low fire safety, with vinyl wallpaper.

Features of the choice of wallpaper

When choosing the type of wallpaper, you need to take into account the purpose of the room, the presence of small children and pets in the family. For rooms in which a person sleeps and spends the most time, it is better not to choose vinyl cladding.

It is strongly recommended to cover children's rooms with non-woven wallpaper. They should also be used for decorating bedrooms. But, if the room is well ventilated, then you can create a unique design with the help of vinyl covering.

If the family has pets, then it is inappropriate to clad with non-woven wallpaper. Paw marks and scratches will appear on them very quickly. You need to use vinyl products and take care of organizing the optimal microclimate.

The bathroom is sometimes also covered with wallpaper. It is better to choose vinyl products for gluing. Finishing should be done after preliminary priming.

Bedroom covered with non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is the best solution for the bedroom. Although the choice of such a finishing material is not so wide, in comparison with vinyl canvases, you will probably be able to find something suitable

Any kind of wallpaper is suitable for the living room. In the kitchen, in the hallway and in the corridor, it is better to glue vinyl canvases, the top layer of which is created using hot stamping.

Correctly selected wallpaper can change the room beyond recognition. In order for the facing material to serve for many years, you need to know and take into account a number of criteria when choosing it.

It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • company manufacturer;
  • the presence of a smell;
  • quality of paint application;
  • presence of marking.

It is worth buying wallpapers from trusted and well-known manufacturers. Otherwise, you can purchase quite toxic and short-lived products. Wallpaper should not have an unpleasant synthetic odor. If it is present, then this indicates the presence of toxic substances in the composition.

It is important that permanent paint is used in the production of wallpaper. Otherwise, the canvases will quickly fade. You can check the quality of the paint using a simple test. You need to take a piece of white paper and hold it over the surface of the wallpaper. If a trace remains, then it is better to refuse to buy such a product. You also need to pay attention to the uniformity of paint application.

Bright wallpaper with flowers

It is especially important to check the quality of the paint if the wallpaper is bright. It is recommended to pay attention to the inner surface of the canvas. There should be no imprint of the external surface pattern on it.

The roll must be marked "Quality Standard" or "ISO". This marking indicates the high quality and safety of the product.

Before you go shopping for wallpaper, it is recommended to decide on their texture, style, color. It is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room, the height of the ceiling. It is important to decide who will deal with the cladding: a team of craftsmen or the tenants of the apartment personally.

It has been proven that each color affects the emotional and psychological state of a person. Blue has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is recommended to glue wallpaper in such shades in bedrooms, offices and classrooms. Red stimulates the central nervous system, can cause headaches and aggression. Therefore, you should not choose this color for rest rooms.

Green relaxes and focuses. It is ideal for bedrooms and offices. Yellow adjusts to a positive mood. It enhances physical activity and raises appetite. It is recommended to glue wallpaper in yellow shades in children's rooms and in the kitchen.

Brown has the ability to create a cozy atmosphere. But in large quantities it causes negative emotions. Black is perfect for accents. White shade visually expands the room, makes it more airy. Suitable for all kinds of rooms.

Vinyl wallpaper in an eco-style room

Those who prefer eco-style in the interior should pay attention to vinyl flooring. Textured irregularities will perfectly convey the structure of natural material

For small rooms, it is better to choose wallpaper with a horizontal pattern. This will visually expand the space. If the room is not sunny, then you should buy a lining material of a light shade.

For pasting the ceiling, it is better to give preference to white or beige wallpaper. The canvas can be plain or with a delicate pattern. When buying wallpaper with a pattern, you should take into account that they will have to be adjusted on the walls when gluing. This will increase consumption and complicate the cladding.

The shop assistant unrolled a roll of wallpaper

Before buying, you should ask the seller to unfold the roll. This will help you assess your choice sensibly. The appearance of the product in a roll and unfolded form can be very different.

If you decide to glue the wallpaper yourself, but do not know the technique well, then it is better to stay on non-woven varieties. They are easier to use.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Non-woven wallpaper versus vinyl. Safety experiments and comparison:

How to choose wallpaper for a children's room. Non-woven or vinyl: technical recommendations:

Tips for choosing a safe wallpaper:

There is no universal wallpaper that is suitable for any room. Each of the varieties has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to know about them and carry out the selection of facing material, taking into account the characteristics of the room. For bedrooms, children's rooms, it is advisable to take non-woven wallpaper, and for the kitchen, bathroom, corridor - vinyl.

If your apartment walls are lined with vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, then leave your opinion on the use of this finishing material. We will also be glad if you share your knowledge and experience about choosing wallpapers, checking their quality, etc. The comment form is located below.

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