Self-installation of gas equipment in a private house or apartment is prohibited, but the requirements are not applicable to the hood. Volatile devices can be mounted by hand using the manufacturer's instructions.
We will tell how to install the hood over the gas stove in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic and construction standards. We offer simple instructions to ensure the strength of attachment and excellent functionality with maximum efficiency. In the article submitted by us considered the most popular options.
The content of the article:
- The principle of operation of the electric hood
- Comparative review of models
- Installation requirements for home appliances
Features of the installation of kitchen hoods
- How to install a slant model?
- Installation procedure of the built-in module
- Installation of island hood
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The principle of operation of the electric hood
To begin, remember what the hood is needed for and how it works. Appointment of any model of the exhaust equipment intended for installation over a plate is a cleaning air from the products of combustion and smell, which is distributed throughout the apartment during cooking food.
As you know, during combustion, natural gas forms a lot of substances harmful to human health, including a large amount of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and various impurities.
The faster the unnecessary elements are brought out, the cleaner and safer the air will be. In a small room with a small percentage of oxygen in the air a person begins to tire quickly and feel unwell.

Electric hoods have long become an indispensable attribute of kitchen facilities. They are installed directly above a gas or electric stove, some models are equipped with an air duct to bring combustion products to the outside
Air purification occurs in two ways. Some models simply remove it from the room, others pass it through the cleaning filters. It should be understood that the hood can not produce a full ventilation of the kitchen.
In order for the air to become truly fresh and healthy, it is necessary to adjust the supply ventilation. The easiest way to access the air is regular ventilation by opening windows and air vents.
Comparative review of models
Modifications, which are presented in large quantities in the modern market, differ in the type of air purification, design and installation method. When choosing, do not dwell only on the design of the device. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances and consider the possibility of installing equipment in a particular case.
By and large, all modifications of the hoods can be divided into three large categories:
- flow;
- recycling;
- combined.
The first type is intended for transporting combustion products to the building ventilation duct by means of an air duct. Consequently, in addition to mounting the exhaust hood over the gas stove, you will need to install ducts to allow air to enter the vent.

So that plastic or corrugated channels do not spoil the interior design, they are hidden behind suspended structures, false walls or placed in upper kitchen cabinets - mezzanines
Recirculation models are not equipped with air ducts, so they take up less space and are installed much faster. They purify air masses by passing them through fat and carbon filters. In fact, they drive the air in a circle, freeing it from vapors, grease and harmful particles, but not refreshing.

Recycling models have some advantages: they are compact and easy to install. Using the manufacturer's instructions, even a novice with the lack of experience in such works can install and connect such a hood.
However, a huge segment of the market was occupied by universal models that can operate in both modes: flow and recirculation. Cleaning through the filters can be carried out temporarily while the removal lines are being repaired.
And if it is not possible to install air vent channels, then filtration is the only possible way to improve the microclimate in the kitchen.
By the way of installation the exhaust kitchen equipment is divided into autonomous and built-in. The first is mounted separately, on a wall or ceiling, and the second is built into kitchen cabinets or other suspended structures.

If you chose a built-in model, then when ordering a kitchen set, the performers must provide the dimensions of the technical device for the exact fitting of the furniture element
By design and, accordingly, the appearance of the hood is divided into several types, with different manufacturers, they may have different names. The most popular are the so-called built-in sliders, one part of which is movable, dome and inclined models.
Due to the popularity of the "island" kitchen interior, demanded and ceiling models for work areas installed in the center of the kitchen have become popular.
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Due to the special design and beautiful design of the inclined panel, the hoods work efficiently and are modern technical kitchen decor

Dome models have excellent technical characteristics, but they take up a lot of space during installation. For this reason, not suitable for small housing

The peculiarity of the models with a movable element is that they are switched on when the horizontal panel is extended to itself

Island indents often have an unusual design. They are fixed to the ceiling with special brackets, while the case can be mounted directly or on cables.

Elegant and stylish slant model

The traditional version - dome hood

Slider built into the kitchen cabinet

Powerful ceiling equipment for the "island"
Installation of the hood is made depending on the design and function of the model. To understand the features of installation, you can even ask the consultant for the installation before you buy.
Perhaps there are some nuances that prevent the installation of this particular product in your kitchen. Suppose the ceiling structure does not support the weight of the equipment, or there are no openings in the cabinets for the passage of the duct.
Installation requirements for home appliances
A few words about the rates of installation of equipment in rooms with gas stoves. By law, the gas-powered stove itself can be installed in rooms with a height of at least 2.2 m. This worth knowing those who are going to build bulk suspended structures for masking ducts or ventilation channels.

The rules apply to the installation of the hood over the gas stove. According to the norms, the minimum distance from the plate surface to the device panel is 75 cm. This is 10 cm more than the standard for the electric stove.
Documentation governing the installation or selection is in the public domain. General materials about the meaning of forced ventilation can be found in SNiP 2.04.05-91, more about the volume of exhaust air - in SNiP 2.08.01-89, and the performance and other nuances of technology - in GOST 26813-99.
Strict rules regarding mounting options ventilation ducts, no, so they can be placed outside or inside kitchen cabinets, behind partitions and above suspended structures.
Where exactly it is better to fix the purchased hood and what conditions are necessary for this, learn from recommended articlewhich material is completely devoted to this question.
Features of the installation of kitchen hoods
The sequence and nuances of installation depend on the design features of the equipment. For example, the mounting order recirculation model and autonomous dome type with air duct fundamentally different. Therefore, we consider how the professional installation of three different modifications.
How to install a slant model?
The average price segment is most popular. It refers to it inclined extractor "Quartz", which can be installed independently. It works in the perimeter suction mode, therefore it is placed in a clearly fixed position and has no moving elements.
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Measure out from the surface of the plate 75 cm, make a mark on the wall. Sometimes manufacturers specify a smaller distance (for example, 65-70 cm). It is better to adhere to generally accepted standards.

Using a level, we draw two lines on which it is necessary to orient when installing the hood: horizontal, indicating the lower boundary, and vertical to mark the axis

Many manufacturers complete their equipment with mounting templates that help to cut holes correctly or determine the fixing location of fasteners.

Drill drill four holes with a depth of 5 cm and a diameter of 1 cm. Drills must be selected, taking into account the wall material: ceramic tile, concrete, brick

Remove the template, insert the plastic dowels into the holes from the mounting kit, then twist the top two self-tapping screws. We leave a small gap under the caps (2-3 mm) for hanging the hood.

Pre-removing aluminum anti-grease filters, suspend the hood on the two upper screws. To do this, we find inside the case of special holes such as "keyhole"

Lower self-tapping screws immediately, if not provided for the installation of false pipe. If the hood will operate in line mode, first install ducts and ducts

When all additional elements are installed, and the fasteners are tightened, we insert an anti-grease filter into the grooves. At this installation is considered complete

Step 1 - measuring the distance from the plate to the hood

Step 2 - Marking the Axis Line Mounting

Step 3 - fixing the template with scotch tape on the wall

Step 4 - Drilling Holes for Fasteners

Step 5 - screwing the upper screws into the dowels

Step 6 - Mounting the hood frame on the wall

Step 7 - twisting a pair of lower screws

Step 8 - Reinstall the Aluminum Filter
After installation, you need to connect the device to the power supply and test its operation, checking the operation in various modes and at all possible speeds.
Sometimes due to improper installation of false pipes or ducts, there is a loud hum. In this case, you must find the cause of the noise and try to get rid of it.
Installation procedure of the built-in module
Embedded in wall cabinets models are very popular due to its compactness and reasonable price. If in advance to take care of the correct design and dimensions of the special base cabinet, then the process of mounting the case itself will take no more than 20 minutes. At installation of flowing devices some time is required to spend an air duct.
Do not forget that the main document is a guide to installation of built-in hoodcompiled by the manufacturer. Before starting work, open the instructions and check the availability of parts and fasteners in the list. If everything is in order, we check the integrity of the elements and proceed to installation.
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A new model must be removed from the box, then check the equipment, remove the filter panels, prepare stencils and fasteners

Included are stencils or templates, thanks to which it is much easier to make holes in cabinets or walls. We put the stencil on the right place and glue with adhesive tape

Drill with a thin drill we drill holes to fix the guides for mounting the body. Need to make 2 holes on each side

Metal guides are included for assembly. We attach them to the installation sites and fasten with screws using a screwdriver

On the upper side of the hood body is protected by a thin panel, it must be removed. To do this, unscrew several locking screws

Take the body of the hood, find the installation elements and gently insert them into the guides. As a result, the device should be inside the wall cabinet.

To fasten the hood to the guides, we find screws with protective washers. Take a screwdriver and twist the screws into the mounting holes

Install the removed top panel in place, remove the protective film from the parts. When all work with the hood is finished, install the cabinet above the gas stove

Step 1 - preparation of the hood for installation

Step 2 - Placement of the stencil on the side wall of the cabinet

Step 3 - Drilling Holes for Fasteners

Step 4 - Install the side rails

Step 5 - Removing the upper skin from the hood

Step 6 - Mounting the hood in a wall cabinet

Step 7 - Attaching the Case to the Guides

Step 8 - mounting the wall cabinet on the wall
If you plan to install plastic duct, before mounting the hood in the cabinet, it is necessary to fix the adapter on its upper side. This is a plastic universal part, consisting of fragments of different diameters.
Using a jigsaw or hacksaw, you need to cut a part that fits in size. If the diameter of the duct completely coincides with the outlet, then the adapter is not needed.
Installation of island hood
For each island model there is an individual instruction. However, the general principles of fastening and connection can be understood by analyzing the following photo instructions.
It presents the installation of a rectangular ceiling hood, which consists of three main parts: the casing-duct, engine compartment and working panel.
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To firmly fix the hood above the stove, it is necessary to fix a square perforated bracket on the ceiling. The power supply cable is pre-wired to the installation point.

To perform the installation at the correct height, you first need to determine the length of the guides - metal perforated angle bars for hanging the hood

To the body of the hood, inside which the engine and the fan are located, we attach four guides with screws, one from each corner, fasten to the required height

On the assembled structure from above we put on a protective casing. At the same time, it performs a decorative function, covering technical details.

We lift the finished structure to the ceiling and attach it to the pre-installed bracket on the self-tapping screws. For installation will need an assistant. Connect the cable

To disguise the bracket and guides, the casing is raised to the ceiling itself and fasten it to the bracket through special holes

We take a rectangular working panel, which is the lower part of the hood, and fix it on the case with special mounts and screws.

First, we make the connection of electrical wires, tightly tighten the fasteners and as a last resort install aluminum mesh filters and a decorative panel in place.

Step 1 - Mounting on the ceiling of the mounting bracket

Step 2 - specification of the installation height of the hood

Step 3 - mounting the perforated guides

Step 4 - Installation of the decorative casing

Step 5 - mounting the guides on the bracket

Step 6 - Fixing the cover on the bracket

Step 7 - Fixing the Working Panel

Step 8 - Install Filters and Protective Elements
After the work done, carefully wipe all the hood panels and check how it works.
If a duct installation, the fastening and connection of the hood are made without errors, it will function in various modes without making any additional noise.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Video instructions from manufacturers and qualified installers will help to cope with the installation of exhaust equipment, even ordinary inexperienced man in the street.
Video # 1. How to make a do-it-yourself montage installation:
Video # 2. Instructions and useful tips on installing built-in hoods:
Video # 3. General recommendations on the selection and installation:
As you can see, the installation process presents a few simple steps. However, they will be completely useless if you choose the wrong model, dismiss it to the accuracy of the markup and do not worry in advance about the device cabinet or the possibility of installation ductwork.
But compliance with the norms, competent calculations and accuracy will allow you to use the hood for a long time and with pleasure.
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