6 popular complex fertilizers for vegetables and plants


Every gardener knows that in order to get a good harvest, plants need fertilizing. However, the soil also requires special attention. After all, in the process of growing plants, a large number of nutrients are taken from the soil. Over time, the soil is depleted and to maintain it, it is necessary to regularly make different complexes of minerals and trace elements. The composition of the soil varies from region to region and a reasonable approach to this measure is required. After all, each set needs its own set of trace elements. To facilitate this task, complex fertilizers have been developed.


Table of contents

  • Varieties of complex dressings
  • Complex fertilizer BioMaster
  • Reakom Mikom
  • Kindness
  • Integrated fertilizer AVA
  • Ammophos
  • Nitrofosca

Varieties of complex dressings

These fertilizers are presented in the form of a balanced complex of microelements and minerals. The composition of such a complex can include up to 15 different trace elements.

Complex top dressing is mixed, and mixed. The difference is that one granule of a mixed composition contains one trace element. In salted mixed there are two different chemicals mixed in different proportions.

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Complex mixed fertilizers are of two types:

  • two-component;
  • three-component.

Complex fertilizer BioMaster

The composition of this fertilizer includes a complex of various trace elements and humic acid salts, which contribute to improving the assimilation of nutrients found in the soil. Activates the activity of microorganisms in the soil and supplies useful microelements to plants.

In the composition of this top dressing the following trace elements:

  • N;
  • P;
Fertilizer BioMaster
This top dressing is also an excellent stimulator of plant growth. Make fertilizing in the spring. Carrying out foliar and root top dressing this fertilizer should be diluted. To enrich the composition of the soil is recommended to use in dry form.

Benefits of fertilizing

  • fertilizer of universal application;
  • optimally selected composition;
  • highly concentrated preparation;
  • consumption when using the minimum;
  • not a high price.

BioMaster is used for:

  • soaking seeds-10 ml of fertilizer per three liters of water;
  • fertilizing seedlings - dilute 10 ml in 15 liters of water;
  • top dressing of vegetable crops - 10 grams of water need 30 grams;
  • for the improvement of soil - 1 kilogram per 20 square meters. meters;
  • for fertilizing flowers - 25 grams per 500 ml of water;
  • for feeding lawns -22 grams per 1 square meter.

If properly stored, the product is suitable for use for five years.


Reakom Mikom

This fertilizer of the domestic producer is highly effective, environmentally friendly high-quality top dressing in biologically active form.

Its structure includes:

  • Co;
  • Fe;
  • Z;
  • Cu;
  • Mo;
  • N;
  • B;
  • S;
  • Mn.

It is used for fertilizing seedlings from planting to harvesting.

Fertilizer Reakom Mikom


  • activates germination;
  • normalizes the metabolic process;
  • improves the process of photosynthesis;
  • develops immunity to diseases;
  • accelerates the flowering process;
  • increases yield;
  • reduces the level of nitrates;
  • improves the quality of vegetables.


Liquid complex fertilizer, used for various types of plants, aimed at enhancing the growth and acceleration of the flowering process.

The composition of fertilizing includes:

  • B;
  • Fe;
  • Zn;
  • Mn;
  • Cu;
  • Mo;
  • Co;
  • N;
  • P;
  • K.


  • contains a balanced set of nutrients that promote plant growth;
  • increases the immunity of plants to various diseases.
Fertilizer Good power

Mode of application:

  • for foliar top dressing-5 ml of fertilizer dilute in 1 liter of water. This solution is irrigated with leaves. It is not recommended to hit the flower;
  • for root feeding - 5 ml diluted in 500 ml. water.
A ready-made solution can not be stored for more than three days!

Integrated fertilizer AVA

This fertilizer is a long-term feeding. Dissolving gradually, it takes a long time to feed the plants with all the necessary nutrients. The work of this fertilizer is not affected by a change in the temperature regime. It works year-round. Do not apply this fertilizer more than once a year.

The composition of this fertilizer includes:

  • Mo;
  • K;
  • Ca;
  • Mg;
  • Mn;
  • Co;
  • P;
  • B;
  • Fe;
  • Cu;
  • Si;
  • Se.

In this top dressing there is no nitrogen, however, the composition includes molecules that activate the multiplication of bacteria fixing nitrogen. Receiving nitrogen from the air, these molecules redirect it to the roots of the plant.

Fertilizer AVA


  • activates the process of germination of seeds;
  • not washed out by rain;
  • accelerates the growth of the root system;
  • promotes the multiplication of bacteria that absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere;
  • stimulates plant growth;
  • strengthens immunity to temperature changes and various diseases;
  • reduces the amount of nitrates;
  • improves the taste and quality of the fruit;
  • Dissolution occurs at a temperature of +9 degrees. At low temperatures, the fertilizing does not work.


This fertilizer is a nitrogen-phosphorus complex. It is the most effective among superphosphates, it readily dissolves in water.

It is used for any type of soil in any period of plant development.Thanks to the phosphorus, which is part of the ammophos, its introduction into the soil stimulates the development of a strong root system, the rapid development of plants and the growth of new shoots. Increases the immunity of plants to diseases and weather changes.

Fertilizer Ammofos


  • strengthens the root system;
  • increases immunity to diseases;
  • improves the taste of fruits;
  • raises productivity.


Refers to complex mixed three-component fertilizers.It includes:

  • N;
  • P;
  • K;
  • Mn;
  • B;
  • Cu;
  • Co;
  • Mo;
  • Mg;
  • Zn.

All substances that make up nitrofoski are salts. This fertilizer stimulates an increase in the yield of vegetable and fruit and berry crops.

It is necessary to strictly follow the recommended application rates to get an environmentally friendly harvest!
Fertilizer Nitrofoska


  • universal application;
  • economical in use;
  • quickly dissolved and assimilated by the root system;
  • affordable price.

The advantages of combined fertilizers is that the composition of such fertilizers includes a complex of microelements necessary for the plants.Whereas in monofertilizer there is one microelement and in order to saturate the soil with all necessary substances you will have to buy a lot of different preparations. It is not economical at a price and laborious when making.

Complex fertilizers contribute to the good development of plants, increased yield and immunity to diseases. This greatly facilitates the work of farmers.

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