Gas consumption rate for 1 person per month in a house without a meter: how to calculate gas costs

Surely you do not like to overpay, especially if you know that expenses could have been avoided. Gas prices can be cited as an illustrative example. If the basis of pricing is the rate of gas consumption per person per month, then in fact the client will pay for others or for the volume that he did not consume. Agree, you do not mind mastering this aspect in order to help yourself first, and then give advice to others.

There are no big difficulties and secrets in calculating the price of blue fuel. At the same time, legal nuances can greatly "mix the cards" for an ordinary consumer. He may be left without a discount or miscalculate the benefits. Find out what the gas tariff consists of, what consumption standards are currently in force and what to do to pay less.

The content of the article:

  • Gas cost calculation
  • Benefits of using a gas meter
  • Gas consumption rates without meter
    • Factors affecting gas consumption
    • Calculation of the tariff for the population
  • Ways to save fuel
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic
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Gas cost calculation

For economic feasibility, blue fuel is supplied with a centralized distribution of gas supply networks. The final tariff for energy resources is formed on the basis of the price approved for the region and the volume of gas consumed earlier.

The cost of fuel includes the cost of extracting and transporting the energy carrier. It will also include the cost of materials and construction of gas pipelines for fuel extraction and distribution. Consumers have to cover taxes and the amount spent on the safety of the industry.

Utility bills structure

As you can see in the picture, gas supply, as well as gas-dependent heating and hot water supply accounted for 60% of the structure of utility bills. As of 2019, the situation has not changed significantly

Regional power structures have the right to introduce their own coefficients for pricing, but only according to the generally accepted methodology for the whole country. From year to year, tariffs are indexed taking into account the inflation rate. The prices are brought in line with the economic situation and, at the same time, correlate them with the cost of living.

For poor and vulnerable citizens, as well as for large families, orphans, pensioners, rural doctors and teachers, labor veterans, military personnel and their families, Russian legislation provides benefits for installing meters and special rates. The decision to include certain groups of the population in the privileged category is taken by the regional authorities.

At the federal level, there are discounts for holders of the highest state awards, disabled people, families with disabled children, juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, families of dead servicemen.

Local energy and tariff departments will give a discount on gas if there is compliance with the following points:

  • the consumer has presented documents confirming belonging to a particular category;
  • there is no debt for public services;
  • the subscriber paid for gas no later than the 10th.

It is the retail prices that local governments set.

For each dwelling, there is a limit of 8.1 m³ of gas per month, which are subject to concessional consumption. With the missing gas heater, the rate will be 5.3 m³. For a room with a meter and a gas boiler, the limit was set at 12.7 m³. 10.6 preferential cubic meters of gas are allocated for cooking.

Federal and regional benefits

Delineation of social categories that receive federal and regional benefits: at a higher level, merits to the state are primarily important

V Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761 we are talking about subsidies for consumers of utilities, including gas. The legal act regulates the issue of regional standards of the regulatory area for calculating benefits, local norms for the cost of housing services. The document did not pass by the burden on the total income of families: the maximum share of expenses for living quarters and utilities was established.

Benefits of using a gas meter

In order not to depend on gas standards, the apartment / house will have to install counter. The device will benefit primarily those who consume insignificant amounts of fuel.

In the case of gas meters, the following requirements are met:

  1. Quality standards for metrological instruments.
  2. The requirement to purchase equipment in accordance with the parameters of the gas mixture.
  3. Terms of verification and standard service time.
  4. Standards for the creation of a personal project for gas facilities.
  5. The requirement to involve an organization with a license in the installation and only if it has permits.

After installing the gas metering device, it must be sealed by an employee of the controlling structure. The characteristics of the meter can be found in the data sheet for the product. You cannot put into operation gas meters that are not on the list of the State Register.

Gas meter thermocorrector

The photo shows a gas meter thermocorrector. The device is used in open space and in rooms where the temperature is outside the normal range.

The design features of the meter ideally allow you to adjust the indicators in connection with changes in temperature conditions. No one will force you to buy just such a device, but if it is not there, then a multiplying coefficient will be applied to the subscriber. The last parameter includes the climatic conditions of the region and the differentiation by months.

In Russia, there are, among other things, the following general coefficients:

  • 1.00 - June, July;
  • 1.01 - August, May;
  • 1.02 - September;
  • 1.04 - April;
  • 1.06 - October;
  • 1.07 - November, March, December;
  • 1.09 - January, February.

The price of blue fuel also depends on the amount of gas consumed. The subscriber will pay a much larger amount if he does not invest in the stipulated framework.

Gas meter readings

The subscriber is also obliged to report data from the gas meter no later than the 26th day of each month. In the absence of information during the 1st quarter, the consumer will receive a receipt in which the charges will be equal to the average monthly indicators for the last year

Within the limit, the cost approaches the minimum values. This approach will not be the most pleasant, but still - it is better than paying "blindly". Consumers are required to notify the gas supplier on a monthly basis about the readings on the meter.

Gas consumption rates without meter

The amount of gas consumed depends on the presence / absence of different types of equipment. The level of the owners' incomes influences to a lesser extent, as does the geographic location - in the northern region the level of consumption may be lower than in the southern one.

One way or another, the indicator differs depending on the area. According to the gas consumption standard in a house without a meter, 1 person uses about 10 cubic meters per month.

Smart gas meters

While Russians are increasingly buying smart meters, lawmakers have repeatedly sounded proposals for fines for the lack of any measuring device.

For Muscovites and residents of the region from July 1, 2019 the norm is 10 m³ / person. The same amount of gas is consumed by the average resident of the Novosibirsk region. A little more blue fuel is used in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region.

In the Krasnodar Territory and the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the rate was set at 11 m³ / person. per month. People living in the Samara, Leningrad and Omsk regions consume almost the same amount of gas per person - 13 cubic meters over the same period. The listed standards apply to the population: owners and residents of the living space.

Factors affecting gas consumption

The consumption rate is set for six months or a year. An indicator is formed based on only 5 criteria:

  • the subscriber lives in a residential building with central heating, centralized hot water supply (DHW), gas stove;
  • the consumer uses gas stoves, central heating, but he does not have centralized hot water supply;
  • there is no centralized hot water supply and a gas stove, but a gas water heater (boiler) is working;
  • the subscriber has a gas stove and a water heating device;
  • the norm for heating is 1 m² per month.

During the year, for each person registered in an apartment or house, an amount is charged for gas for cooking and heating water.

During the heating period, which usually falls in October - April, a calculation is also made for 1 m² of the heated area.

Centralized hot water supply and central heating

The picture shows a central heating and centralized hot water supply: thanks to a gas or electric water heater, these utilities can be dispensed with

There are the following directions for gas consumption:

  • the consumer prepares food and heats water on a gas stove;
  • the subscriber heats the water using water heater;
  • residents use the boiler at the same time as there is no centralized hot water supply, and they also heat water and cook food on a gas stove;
  • the consumer uses gas for heating and other purposes (except for those specified in the next paragraph);
  • the client heats and / or generates energy using all types of boilers and / or other equipment that is in the common share ownership of the owners of residential premises in apartment buildings.

The latter option includes 3 levels of fuel consumption: up to 10 thousand m³ / year, from 10 to 100 thousand m³ / year and over 100 thousand m³ / year.

Calculation of the tariff for the population

The minimum allowable cost limits were determined in annex to the Government Decision No. 373. They concern just the same subscriber's belonging to any territory.

When compiling these regional norms, local characteristics were taken into account. For one cubic meter of gas, residents of Russia pay from 5 to 9 rubles.

What the subscriber pays for

The population pays for costs at every stage of gas supply, from production and transportation to payment gas distribution organization, and the consumer also pays taxes on mining and development industries

The amount of payment is set taking into account the area of ​​the heated space for residential and non-residential purposes. The number of registered and temporary residents, the level of livability also matters.

The indicators will eventually indicate the rate for 1 person per month and the cost of fuel consumed during this period. Clients have the right to demand a recalculation of the total cost of gas if the number of residents actually differed from the applicable data.

The owners of agricultural buildings pay for the gas supplied to the farmed livestock. One horse consumes on average 5.2-5.3 m³ per month, a cow - 11.4-11.5 m³, a pig - almost twice as much, 21.8-21.9 m³ per month.

Ways to save fuel

The main opportunity to reduce costs is the installation of a meter. The formula with payment for the consumed volume will be beneficial primarily for the population: gas consumption rates in the case of 90% of apartments will exceed the real consumption. Ratio-based accruals will lead to increased financial burden.

Features of tariffs:

  1. Payment for consumed volume: minimum and increased tariffs apply.
  2. Payment according to standards: household gas use, the number of residents and the area of ​​housing matter.

One of the savings options is to maintain a sane condition gas equipment. Frequent checks of gas-using devices will allow timely identification of technical malfunctions that not only lead to increased gas consumption, but also pose a danger.

Checking gas appliances

If problems arise, and the equipment operates at very low power or fails, then you need to check the ventilation for the gas appliance, and even better - immediately call the gas man

A non-working boiler will consume at least 1 cubic meter of fuel per day. The heating efficiency of individual rooms is increased by means of preset sensors for automatic boiler systems.

Savings can be achieved simply by preventing the penetration of cold air masses, as well as by optimizing the microclimate in a house or apartment. Eliminate heat leakage reliable thermal insulation in combination with sealing window structures and door frames.

Control over temperature conditions will also give results. It is enough just to reduce the heating intensity during periods of absence and monitor the temperature regime, and the money will remain with the consumer.

Standard practice calls for regulating the flow of energy to the appliances of individual rooms. In cool rooms, surfaces are insulated with carpets and other heat-insulating coatings.

Worker insulates the facade

Insulation of the facade of a private house or apartment building will significantly increase the comfort for residents, save up to 25% of the total consumption of blue fuel

Literate consumers pay attention to ventilation system. It is known that ventilation of the supply type in the kitchen, when the pressure in the room decreases, will intensively supply cold air from the outside.

Even at the stage of buying household gas appliances, you should ask about their economy and efficiency in terms of energy efficiency. In the documentation for devices, such information is usually available.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Installation of smart devices for metering gas consumption, the so-called smart meters - opinion on the initiative of the authorities:

A legal way to save gas by insulating a gas pipe without incurring significant costs:

Summing up, we note that no matter how many cubic meters of gas per person, there will be fewer options for saving without a counter. Depending on the region, cooking and heating water requires 10 to 13 m³ of gas per person per month. The indicator is adjusted based on the gas equipment used, upwards.

The estimated consumption per square meter during the heating period is several times lower than the maximum standards per person and one and a half to two times less than the minimum. As for the price per cubic meter, it lies in the corridor between 5 and 9 rubles per 1 m³ of fuel.

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